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Show FRANCE WANTS TO PAYAMERICA TARDIEU COMPLAIN8 THAT UNITED UNIT-ED 8TATES 18 MORE EXACTING IN DEMAND3THAN ENGLAND Debt Will Be Paid In Full If Time Is Only Given; Common People, It Is Declared, Want Consideration In Time of Stress Paris. Franco wants to nnd will pay her debts to tho United States. W tisk only that wo bo given proper time. Under tlio Torsalllos treMJCnnfflVB Is Gormany's creditor to tho extent ot $17,000,000,000, which represents about half tho damages sho suffered. Franco tins oxpoctort Amorlca to glvo effective holp In collecting this sum, which la vastly more than tho 13,000,000,000 sho owes Amorlca. This help has failed us. I havo nov-or nov-or blamed Amorlon's policy, but unquestionably un-questionably Its result Imb boen to on-courago on-courago Germany not to pay. Since tho arms conference, wo havo paid out 90,000,000.000 francs ndvanco on reparations repar-ations and In pensions, During tho same period Germany has bcon forced to pay but 0,000,000,000 gold marks, of which Holglum got 2,WX),000,000, and Franco should havo received G2 por cont of tho romolndor. Rut tho occupation occu-pation oxponsos hod to bo roduccd. In such circumstances when dohts nro montloned wo do not say wo will uot pay that Is Louchour's phrnso but wo sny wo will pny, but nro In n dollcato situation, which warrants giving giv-ing us nomo consideration. Who will sny wo uro wrong? Lot mo rocall hero Hint It wns I who negotiated the dohts contracted by Franco In America from 1017 to 1010. When tho money was lent no dato for repayment was fixed, because It wis rocogntzed tho futuro could not bo known with coralnty. Howovor, ovorybody nt Hint tlmo said Hint, and bolpvod, Germany, when conquorod, would bo obliged to pay. Uut tho contrary Is the case. Gor-mony Gor-mony has paid hardly anything yot. and at such a moment tlio American congress votes n law fixing tho dntos und conditions for final payment, Hngland has been loss exacting. I would bo lacking in my customary frankness In thoso cables, If I did nut remark that for such n notification tho tlmo was ill-chosen. Such, at any rato, hns been tho common com-mon man's Impression In Franco. He hns said, "It wus not nccossary." She has never said "Wo will not pay." Ho has said "Wo havo not bcon helped In colloct what Is duo us, but thoy hasten to demand that which wo owo." That Is my country's truo sontlmont, nnd you Americans must understand it ai It Is, for thoro Is nothing which threi-tons threi-tons your Interests or your sentiments With our IWO.OOO.OOO francs' dobt, with 60,000,000,000 alrendy spent in Gcrmnny's plnco Ioavlng 00,000,000,-000 00,000,000,-000 remaining to bo spent In tho sums direction wo aro entitled to bo treated treat-ed with a certain consideration by our frlonds. This consideration Is nil Hint wo as' and all that wo will take. |