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Show 1 EA5Y COME, EASY GO J H la 1012, when Mr. Toft was i Betlcst, and whoa tho gross ox- vUturci of the government were lBt one-quarter of what they nro ' ' " be01 exercised and con-' con-' H 4lK,n' tDo a'gglcdy-plggledy, un- Battle, disorderly, grab-bag mothods ' "tb your money was expended i mf public purposes. lie said then i flat ta lually true now, that the 1 H?" ' tha "at'onnl government i julaott as varlod as those of the l business world. Tho operations 1 wfOTerniuent affect the interest 1 H"? Person living within tho "Miction of the United States. Its PwtIon embraces stations and Wr! ' work located In evory city tfUBiiny local subdivisions of the tr. pis vast organization has never " studied in detail as ono piece telnlstratlve mechanism. Novcr " the foundations been laid for a th consideration of Uio rolntlons J9 Its parts. No comprohcnslvo cf- been made to list Its mulll-Wy, mulll-Wy, activities or to group them Ca way as to present a clear r'0' what tho government Is Hrf haa n complete descrlp-Hm descrlp-Hm ? gWen of the agencies through " heso activities nro performed. bo time has tho attempt been mw to study nil of theso activities Km ' Wl,h V,0W t0 th0 nS J of each activity to the Hi? bMt fi'ted for its performance, I1 avoidance of duplication of T" and work, to the Integration of 4 "mlnlstratlve agencies of the S,nt' 80 '" " ""y be th, ' ,nt0 n Mnlfled organisation !n..!Lmoj cffectlve und economical rf of Public busluoss." hT,A "'""ordinary and Indofenslble ia .Whlch exls,s today as fully ieompletely tt8 t m w,eu Mr ssiiik ye'1 U 80ven ynrs nB' iC,Vnt 0ulte nnturully nnd simply our tolornnco and slackness. drt fRr n"d yenre tho government !ttiM Rrew nru' extended Its ac-"on ac-"on Santa Clnus money. Its In- fcttfr i,"8 onsl,y ns inmy '" titionai' i r y,,,rs nnt1 't'"rfl tll Tesset. ,"",e wns Krentor than the rsru0, l'Very year there wns n NuonUVOn"1Pnt wnR Precisely In tho r.roJ r "io Itockofullers nnd the Ustien, nn'1 tho Rothschilds. Its boujl, "as n"t how to get money Iti iL' ,lv'' "n. but how to spend ; of it ll nutr'ily Bot In the H n n10 l,01"e ot It to the " "ved Uko 0 remittance man. You may remembor thnt back In tho llmo of the first Cleveland administration administra-tion ono of the problems of public discussion was: "What shall be dono with tho surplus?" Then there was a change of administration and Corporal Tanner was raado commissioner of pensions. The whole country was amused and hnd a hearty luugh when be announced his policy: "God help tho surplus 1" Them was tho halcyon days I Mr. Gilbert, the present undersecretary undersecre-tary of tho treasury, In nn address said: ,..,. "Tho estimates for tho year 1020 show that over a billion dollars of expenditures ex-penditures wcro authorized by the last session of congress In addition to tho amount shown In tho usual compiled statements of appropriations. In fact, tho practice has reached such proportions propor-tions ns to be almost a nntlonnl scandal, and It wns vigorously denounced de-nounced In the President's lust annual mossage. , , , "It has become the first principle of strategy on tho port of pcoplo In-terostcd In-terostcd In appropriations for vnrlrtus special purposes to framo the matter o as to authorize the use of the public funds Indirectly, or In Indeflnlto terms, or by nuthorlzntlon for ex-nendlture ex-nendlture of unexpended balances, per-K per-K "..preprinted originally for other purposes, or by nlor'ru,'ons,J divert government receipts M' ever reach tho treasury. "" made to find general words which do not speak In terms of uppropr tatloni and cannot bo readily calculated. "Tim last session of the present congress, for example, authorized ad-Sltlonal ad-Sltlonal expenditures out of balances of prior appropriations nnd from i celpts to the -yS 000, Including over tW'Wf ,"" takes cS for refusing npnroprhv tho shipping board, u ( SSangCoVtbtat. J merits of ni'r'I-f"n"!, I you seo how It g-es , |