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Show THE 8ANBURN DEER "I am the Sanbum Deer from Asia, and my keeper has said that children and grownups J RflfKJ I would like to &r hear about mo. My keeper Is very SjBfc. fond of me. I'm ujiB his pet and ho BjgjR Hkcs to tell peo- Tt5; pie about me. sdJzf- "Sly nnme Is JBf Pearl. I have jmjM bristles, but I JKjHF haven't any linlr. JjJBW Somo f0,ks thl"k dBrBBjy that I havo hair, wtrnm K but If they would BUbL. LJot feel mo thoy 25r"-Ml woul( tlicn know pET " SBj that I hnd brls- "Flne Tricks." "They needn't bo nfrnld of touching me. I am very, very gentle and wooldn't hurt nnyono for tho world. "I hnvo big eyes nnd n soft black nose. I am grny In color. My bristles bris-tles all stand up when I am chilly. "I am never cross, my keeper says, nnd I would rather bo loved than any thing else. I urn eight yenrs old and I hnvo been In tbo circus almost all of that time. I didn't tell you before thnt I belonged to a circus, did I? "Well, I do. And I love It. Oh, 1 hnvo tho nicest keeper. Wo'ro the grentest friends In tbo world, "How he loves my soft eyes and my pointed ears. I haven't any horns. "He Just loves everything about ma If anyone wants to hear about me, they should ask my keeper. Such a fine account as ho gives of me. "A lot of peoplo come to see us after af-ter tho end of the evening performance. perform-ance. Many of the animals aro asleep then, nnd somo of them think It Is strnngo that tho people don't come when wo nro all awake. Hut my keeper keep-er tells mo that everyone can't como tc tho circus In tho daytime. They are busy, ho says. "Still the animals think It Is strange. And they say ihey enn't keep nwnke for company when thoy feel sleepy. They say thnt Is qulto Imposslblo to do. "Many of tho animals do tricks as you probably know. There aro white horses and whlto dogs nnd ladles dressed In white. "They all get Into tho most wonderful won-derful positions nnd tho lights are all dimmed nnd the music plays and they all stay quite, quite still. "They nro supposed to be statues and statues are supposed to bo still, you sec. ' "They really do most wonderful work to keep so stilt nnd to do so exactly ex-actly as they arq told. Uecauso some-times some-times whllo n creaturo might want to do as he 01 she was told, It might bo very hnrd. "The sca-Ilons do fine tricks, and their masters pet them. I've beard some of tho animals say that they thought It was rather silly tho way the masters make bows and tho peoplo clop when tho animals have been doing the work. "There nro llttlo dogs who roll In rugs and do tricks like thnt. nnd somo of theso dogs like to do their tricks so much thnt they try to roll In tho nigs when they nren't supposed to at nil. "There aro the elephants who dress up with red cross cops and who look like doctors and nurses, und they pretend pre-tend to fun each other and look after each other as though they were III. Of course, doctors nnd nurses mny not think the elephants look llko them, but they're supposed to, at any rnte! "Then tho elephunts know how to step over their keepers without hurting hurt-ing t h c m, und they stand up, shoulder to shoulder, shoul-der, and ilunra . nnd play a bund &Jk of their own. ,fffc "They kick W el their hind, feet 7 tf nml wnvo their BJ f ? . trunks anil even & J ( f stand on their vJ-5X li e 11 d s. Their 'nW'PJ keepers sit upon 4 "Zx&tW their shoulders at Li rKgS) times. They're n 3iLjci2ul: line, clever lot. W MfiMB nro the elephnnts. PwJgb 1S$! "Hut my keep- i i r s a y s he SKygJjjjII wouldn't ex- . , ... change any of Looknf,,,l Each them or nil of 0lher- them for me. Ho says he loves Ids 1. leer best of all. you hour him cull mo v ! :s airl,' and 'airllo,' you rat. Mint there Isn't n happier cron ,e circus or In the world than n 'bunt' Deer." |