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Show Built to Withstand Arctic Rigor. In n Now Englnnd shipyard work hns been begun on tho Bowdoln,. nn nuxlllary schooner which In 1021 Is to carry a small expedition to tho frozen North, snys Popular Mechanics Mngn-zlno. Mngn-zlno. Tho party, numbering only six, will bo led by Donnld B. McMillan, ro-mcmliored ro-mcmliored ns Peary's lieutenant on the expodltlon that reached tho North pole, nnd will havo as Its object tho chnrtlng of tho 1,000 mllos of unexplored unex-plored const lino along tho western shore of Bnllln land. Tho llttlq Itowdoln Is to bo n modification ot tho Gloucester fishing typo, and will bo only 87 foot long. Obviously It will bo small for stlch pert: wis work. It Is being built nnd equipped, Iwovop. with unusual en re. Tho r ik planking will bo shonthed with Ironwood to resist re-sist tho nbrnslon of tho ice, nnd will bo lined wltli thick insulntlng material. |