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Show 'CARMEN'S STRIKE AT DENVER ENDED ACTION TERMINATES EIQHT-DAY WALKOUT, ACCOMPANIED BY SERIOUS RIOTING. Seven Have Been Killed, Fifty Wounded, Many Arrests Made and Property Damage of $250,000 Since Strike Began. Denver. The strike of Dcmcr fitreet ear employee, begun eight days previous unit aceoiupanled by serious rioting, came to a close Monday nlgbl, when a eoimulttee of the tramway workers called upon the Keucrnl iiiiin-user iiiiin-user of the truniwiiv and Informed lilm that the men would return to y oik. The toll of death ns a ivttlt of the riots was rained to seven .Monday fol- : lowing the death of Leonard Teiu- i iner. J8, In a hospltnl. 11,. was shoi and wounded In tho rlot at the cast side car barns Thursday night. Tem-mer Tem-mer aviis a L'nlnii I'nciric i-niir,iiui Kliopuinii. When the sown officers of the union who called the strike appeared before be-fore .ludge Greel . Whltford In the district court for sentence for eon-tempt, eon-tempt, the Judge announced he would ilefer action. The Judicc found them guilty l'rldny of last week of culling the strike In violation of an Injunction. Asking for the continuance, .ttrtr-noy .ttrtr-noy Wa.Mie t Williams, representing the strikers, outlined the steps taken by the union linnlcrx to comply with the court's order directing them to de-flare de-flare the strike off. I'lfty persons have been uouiuliil and more than KM) arrest have been made since rioting began. Propel ty damage has been estimated at more, than SL'.'tU.uuo. Tim executive committee of the strikers, which was authorized by a mass meeting of strikers to negotiate further with the company, met Monday Mon-day morning and quickly made lis decision de-cision to end the strike. |