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Show New High School Plans Received Provide For Large Extension On Tabernaclo To East And North. Two 8tory Structure Planned. Preliminary plans- for Lehi's now high school building aro now in tho olllco of School Dourd President S. I. Goodwin. Tho plans Include tho Tabornaclo building and tho now structuro connected to tho oast sldo. Tho now soctlon will lncludo eleven glass rooms, two laboratories, ono lecture lec-ture room, preparation rooms, gymnasium, gym-nasium, study room, lockers, tollots, corridors and othor minor rooms. Tho structuro is on a two Btory plan aud would cover tho Tabornaclo grounds, tho Droadbont lot in tho middle of tho block and part of tho Christina Harrison and tho Cutler proporty on tho north of tho block. As outlined tho Tabornaclo and now portion of tho building would join at tho northeast Tabernaclo entrance A corridor runs from this point east connection with another corridor running run-ning north and south. This Is tho samo on both floors. Tho main on-tranco on-tranco comes half way botwoon tho Tabornaclo soctlon and tho oast building, build-ing, opening Into tho oast-wost corridor. On tho south, off both corridors, on tho first and socond floors, class rooms, 24 x 28 and 24 x 30, cloven in numbor, will open. To tho east of tho Tabornaclo and on tho north sldo is located a CO x 90 foot gymnasium nearly tho full two stories high with ajaccnt lockers, showers, otc. A library and study, room tho latter 29 x 4G feet, completes com-pletes tho first story. Tho second story includes flvo class roomB, two laboratories, a lecturo room and pro- Juration rooms. Tho boys toilets aro u this floor whilo tho girls toilets aro directly beneath on tho first floor. Thoso proposed rooms with tho general gen-eral assembly room of tho Tabornaclo and shop, agrlculturo roomB, domestic sclouco and art rooms in tho Tabernaclo Taber-naclo basement aud to tho roar of tho big assembly room will mako ono of tho most comploto high school buildings build-ings In tho stato, local school and building exports say. Tho now building will not bo started start-ed this yoar but tho remodeling of tho Tabornaclo basomont will bo completed com-pleted In tlmo for school this fall, it Is anticipated. Doard President S. I. Goodwin, SupL Walkor, Principal Junius Bnnks and Miss Hamilton visited tho Granlto school Tuosday to obtain ideas of how to best arrange tho Tabornaclo rooms for work this yoar and for futuro timo when tho addition is erected. It has boon determined that tho basomont will bo romodelod and repartltlonod for all shop and agrlculturo work and domestic science Tho rooms to tho roar of tho auditorium will bo ro-modoled ro-modoled and oqulpped for domostlc art work only, it Is said. O Sugar |