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Show I DON'T I DESPAIR ft Xf you ore troubled with pains or aches; feci tired; havo headachy indigestion, insomnia; painful pasa- age of urine, you will find reUsf ir I GOLD MEDAL : n world'! standard remedy for kidney, m Hver, bladder and uric acid troubles and ' Katlonat Remedy of Holland slnca IMS. Three sizes, all druggists. Guarantee. 9M Leelc for lU nun Cell MUI on arery box H8 ana accaot no imitation J NOTICE! 1 For the Benefit of the Public: S3 I have not gone out of business on ac- jft (iount of tho new cement road, still at the K old stand. Bring your autos in to be repair- H ed now. The road is open from the east H and south street. M W. H. CULTER CUTLER GARAGE MAIN STREET, LEHI r iW - ' " 1 V " Notice of Intention Kotlco Is horeby given by tho City Council of Lohl City, Utah, of tho Intention In-tention of said City Council to crento Paving District Nuinbor Threo of Lohl City, Utah, nnd to mnko tho following follow-ing doscrlbod improvements, to wit; To grade, curb and guttor with concrete, con-crete, construct dralungo system to carry wator across and along streets nnd lutorsocClons, construct prlvnto drlvoways, Install wnter servlcos and pavu with concrete Main Htroot of Lohl City, Utah, botwoon Center Streot nnd Socond YYost Streot, snld pavomont to bo nlno (9) foot wido, Including curb nnd guttor, on onch stdo of tho contor 18 foot strip nnd to dofrny tho wholo of tho cost thereof, ostlmnted at Eight Thousand Dollars (8,000), by levy of a spoclal tax to bo assosscd upon tho lots or plocos of ground within the following doscrllicd district, being tho district to bo nf-f nf-f oct od or bonollted by such Improvement, Improve-ment, to wit: CommoncliiK at it point 9 foot north from tho contor of Main Street on thu wost side of ('outer Slroot, thonce north nlno (9) foot, thence wost approximately twenty-two and ono-half (22) tods, thonco north for Intersection with First West; thonco west npproxlmntoly throo (3) rods; thonco south onto tho original lino; thonco wost approximately twonty-two and out -half (22Vfe) rods to Second Wost, thoi.ca south nlno (9) foot, thonco oust approximately forty-six forty-six (46) rods to point of beginning. And: Commencing nt n point nine ill) feet south from the contor nf Main Streot on tho wost sldo of Contor Street, thonce south nlno (9) foot, thenco west approximately twenty-two and one-half (2214) rods; thonco south for Intersection with First Wost, thonco west approximately threo (3) rods, thence north onto the orlglnnl lino, thence west npproxlmatoly twonty-two and one-half (22 ft) rods, thonco north nine (9) foot; thonco east approximately approxi-mately forty-six (IC) rods to point of beginning. All protests or objections to such Improvement or to tho creation of said district or to tho carrying out of such Intention, must bo In writing, signed by tho owners of abutting property, describing snmp, togothor with the numbor of nbiittlng front feet and bo llled with tho City Rocor.ter on or boforo tho 19th day of August, A. I). 1920, being tho time sot by tho t'lty Council of Lohl City, Utah, when It wilt consider the proposed lovy and will hear and consldor such protests and objections ns may bo mado thereto. there-to. Uy order of tho City Council of Lohl City, Utnh. Dated July 20, 1920. A. L. YATES, City Rocordor. Paving District Number Throe. First Publication July 29, 1920. Last Publication August 19, 1920. in in i i in, .iiiini,. mun J F. Fngan, Fourth East and Socond North Sta Lohl, snya: "I suffered with my back for n long tlmo. My kidneys woro dlsordovcd nnd tho socrotlons passed too frocly. Doan's Kltlnoy Pills gavo mo complete com-plete relief. Whonovor I notlco any signs of tho complaint, I got Doan's Kldnoy Pills at tho Lalil Drug St oro jH and thoy always cure mo of tho ' 1 trouble" '' Prlco GOc, at all dealers. Don't .-jHf simply ask for a kldnoy romody got 'JsHi Doan's Kldnoy Pills the samo that KiH Mr. Fngan had. Fostor-Mllburn Co., 'iliH Mfrs., .Buffalo, N. Y. adv. w. m m t. 1 'm $ " UV i eupie 5 DanK h or Lehi v ; STATE STREET, LIHI fl I THE BANK WHERE YOU FML I AT HOME I M i . H 1 ' i H m ----fj-frfifj-f ffir L I FOR GOVERNOR I I Ba",y?nWfliBBBBH bbI BK",v ie9RcmhivmHbb1 bH taBaaaaHnaaF BaaaacHBaaaaaaaaBBaaaTBaaaaji 'aBfl HtoP"TlMBBBBBBr -fl 1 BBBHf HlXtBUPBJ. iM BBPM7)V'.-elrVLra2JBBBBH liM bbbmx5j anaDK4aBHBBH -TaH BBRP1 jBvaW!t;''n yBBH ,vfl PK2;!Jr5ikz bHBbHsBb1 HbI BBMVTf-- VihVaHHBKSBBBBl bbI Jfcgj,jJPWBWBwWlPlBIBi ; W. H. WATTIS I Weber County's Tribute to its Utah has the opportunity to select for ' Candidate for Governor the position of Governor a man whose life ;H wTk 1S!!u?,lc"1..C8iltrtt committoe ot has been spent in the upbuilding of this Weber county with 76 election districts r i- a represented unnnlmoualy passed the fol- State. lowing resolution on Saturday, July 31. M lfSSS;?ffiW,M The friends of W.H.Wltii urge hit cou"nty andJBtantecrto VhoaaVhat"'!! selection as Republican candidette for Gov H la confronted with fliianclnl. Industrial j . . .. . . . ... nna political problem, of the Rravost ernor, and his election to that position. chnructer. We reel that for the office of . f.lJnerifor durJn'r. th8 comlna; four yeara DCCaUSe: will be required a man of tho highest ulvau,c' iyp.80i eltonshlp. or provon InteKrlty . WT. . ' n1.'?. pJl?i III' "' on,Po"eii.lnr bual- He KHOWS Utah. neaa experience and admlnlstrathro ca- sS paclty of the beat order. Jf l,now- TTtnh'a Ttnntl "We assert that Webor county haa such "e Know Uian 8 neCUS. H a man In the person of William II. bH Wattla. We commend him to the favor- He 18 SUCCeSSful DUllder. able consideration of the Itopubllcan BBSl SiV: ocfontvh?.nt,c0onun,tydtourcBh8ootH,e0 dfe, He wUl put the States business on ovfhevewry,hoTorr1flbiBntp,o!?t?c eTpedfeVtS a sound basis of pracUcal economy I brliiK about his nomination." . . . fair to every taxpayer. UTAH NEEDS A BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION |