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Show H IxICABlNETksJ Hf BE It Is a plcaiant thing to reflect upon JHg that every baby born Into tha world t la a nnr one than the last "Nlcholse uRlH Nlclcleby " H WHAT 8HALL wF HAVE TO EAT KfE When tlioro In n cupful or two left KK Turban of FUh. Scald HJ HHLf9B ono and onc'm,f cupfuis RHj JanaSjE ' '"" WltJ' Ol0 H"Ce f Hw KlH onion, n blade of mnco Kal tbfiesjV romovc tn0 "cusonlngs. Nh( B5stos?3 J'l" onc'furth o n cun HM liSJISy "unie nmotint of flour, wIk linlf ii trufipoonful of R(jB Hn" a 'ow dashes of cnyenne, then HlK add thn scalded milk gradually mid HB two wcll-bcutcn yolks. Put n Inycr of UK Ash "n n uuttoreu" ,,l8" sprlnklo with IB, alt nnd pepper anil add n few drops lBr of lemon Juice. Cover with sauco, IjK continuing with tha fish nnd snuce, efim "lupins In u pyramid form. Cover Wjmt , tth buttered crumbs nnd brown In n fjfti hot oven. jf ,.. Macaroni and Cheeto In the Flreless fjMu Cookor. Uoll ono cupful of macaroni 1 Jjl' llftecn minutes, adding one teaspoon- Ilk u' of ""It to n qunrt of boiling water. HP Itlnsc, drain and placo In n cnsserole. Ifill' Fl" tI0 '""" wlth ,n"k' 8tlr n on0 iff1 tnblespoonful of flour cooked In two M tnbleHpoonfuls of butter long enough Um, to blend It. Add ono cupful of grated OS r chcrso nnd sprinkle thickly with pop jffl rlkn. I'nck In a cooker between two ML raodorntcly hrntcd radiators, using J ft ' one radlntor as n cover to tho cas- m sorole. Ilnke ono and ono-hnlf houni. Do not heat the atones too hot or tho Ij ,. dish will bo baked hard nnd dry. t)8 4 Salmon Box. Lino n bread pnn ,, nllghtly buttered with warm, cooked Nmi rice well seasoned, cooking It In broth Ittk of milk If possible. Skim milk will do IMfe, nicely. Fill tho center with cold- MlL boiled Rnlmon tlaked and sensoncd lUft . with salt, pepper nnd n alight grating HfF of nutmeg. Cover with rice nnd Btcnin Hi ono hour. Turn nut on a hot platter H and surround with nn egg snucc. Tho Hb egg nance In n simple drawn butter H snuco to which tho beaten yolks of two H eggs nro added with a tenspuonful of B lemon Juice. Ht' Fried Egg Plant. 1'nro and cut In Hy thin fillers. Pile tho si Ices on n pint-Hi pint-Hi tcr, sprinkling each slice with salt, Hj cover with n pinto and weight. Let Hi stand ono hour, drain, Hiiro ench Wf ullco In cold water, dip In benteu egg, HI' then In seasoned crumbs and fry un-Mr un-Mr til brown. JHjh' August brings the snowy lilies. HI '' Clad In robes of snotloss white, Hfe Walking; like a queen among them : As aha (linns them left and right; kSO Miles pure and lovely crown her, g And her dross In every (old Me, Wears the semblance of a Illy BB In Its dream of while nnd gold, ft? SEASONABLE GOOD THINGS. I'" For tho beginning of a dinner n soup K'' of somo kind Is nlwuys In season; hot P HHaHBa BjBJJ or old, they ndd j nnim--,,3 Corn and i ,; so Kt-jk Cn,cle" Soup. -aW Tuko 8lx cupfuls , 'xaaaCN. f c,1,cIcn Urolll, a TiiTJ nl,', " c,,l,fu' S 5 Z Jy of corn pulp and 85' half a cupful of WV C11 chicken cut very fine. Season HPt" with unit, H'pper nnd celery wilt. Sim- llw' "'er ,mlf nn hour' 1,icn n(l11 " tnltlo- mP'r. epoonful of butter and half a cupful HE f milk. Ilrlng to the boiling point Wm,$ n"d serve. This soup muy bo thick. K$jTr 'ned with egg yolk, making it more Lw nourishing. Brnf1 Lamb In Aspic Muko u highly sen- Ik,' eoned soup stock of vegetables, broth Tm or boof extract, using n package of jw1!' gelntlno for ench quart of stock. Sonk H r, tho Kolutlne and ndd to tho hot stock; fy stir until dissolved. Tllnso n pluln k ' mold In cold wnter and pour In n lny mL er of tho aspic Jelly, keeping the re- Hmw" mnlnder wnrm. When tho Jelly In the HHnU mold Is congealed but not hard, cover BWW'j with thin slices of cold roast lamb i" nnd sprlnklo with mint sauce. Cover P'1 with more Jolly and repeat when the ' Jelly hardens. Contlnuo until tho dish In full, having Jolly on top. Set on Ice t harden, i Veal Croquettes. Chop cold cooked venl very fine. Season with salt, pi'p- per. grated onion, paprika and a little ' Wvtomnto catsup. Wnd with raw egg, kiv "i" Vffir a very little thick cream sauce. H?, ' Hhnpo Into croquettes, dip In egg nnd Kgp ' ' crumbs nnd fry In deep fnt. ifW-'' Ratpberry Charlotte. Tako two tBSff'.' cupfuls of fresh rnspberrles, or canned mKf ' will do, tho Juice of half a lemon, four Pf ludyflngers, rolled Into crumbs, and Hi tho whites of four eggs beaten stiff; IT ' nlx lightly nnd pour Into a buttered baking dish nnd bnko S3 minutes. Jcrvo with n thin custard sauce. Swiss Egai. Spread n stonowaro jgcagk platter with butter and lay on It very HHjM thin slices of cheese. Sprlnklo with IBS nutmeg and salt, then break over this RAHJ enough eggs to servo the family. Pour HHf iTcr a hair cupful of cream, sprlnklo HJHjHBflHKsBBj4l with salt and bake until tho rggi un Orm. Serve from tho plotter. A camrnonpls.ee Ufa, we any and we algh; Yet why do we algh as we enyt The commonplace sun In the commonplace com-monplace sky Makes up the comtrionplaoe day. The moon and the stars are common' place things, The flower that blooms and tin bird that sings i nut sad were the world and dark the lot, If the flowers failed and the sun shone not, And Ood, who sees each separate soul. Out of commonplace Urea makes his beautiful whole. 4usan Coolldge. FOOD FOR THE ILL. Indigestion, stomach trouble of various vari-ous kinds an welt un Intestinal troubles mmmmmmmm t"1'0 HO mnny IHIIHHHH forms HjHjHjflHHj Knfe to trust KvrfSaalaFl mvu Ideas In re- -.Jgj ... rl of food one (2hJ! 'W should cat. A "" physician n f t o r diagnosis will give n list of tho various foodH It In safe to ont; however It Is probublo thnt toast which Is lightly toasted on the out side, soft nnd full of moisture Inside; Is unwholesome for tho most healthy stomach. Tonst should bo made of bread ut least two days old, cut one-half one-half Inch thick nnd dried for a few moments In tho oven to remove nny molsturo, then while still hot from the oven slowly toasted a golden brown. Too ninny cooks servo tonst by the recipe given by the smnll hoy "toast bread until black, then scrape It nt tho kitchen sink." Kgg, milk and combinations of eggs nnd milk when carefully prepared In regard to the one who Is to eat the dish nro foods which will bo taken with comfort Custards of all klndn, cooked Just long enough to bo smooth and velvety nro not monotonous though served often. Fried foods of all kinds should be eliminated us they nro especially hard to digest. Fruit Juices, Jellies, gelatine dishes and sen moss nro desserts which may bo commonly served In ordinary cases. Apple Custard. Tnko five well-beaten well-beaten eggs, n(dd a quurt of milk nnd ono pint of ' Btrnlncd npplo snuce. Sweeten nnd flavor to tasto and bako carefully until firm. Set tho pnu of custard Into n pan of hot water to bake. Within each beating human heart Lie burled out of sight Tho thoughts that throb like thlnga apart And wait to find the light From depths unseen the heart's own sod Ecnils forth Its flowers like golden-rod. golden-rod. Ida Scott Taylor. SOME QOOD SUMMER SALADS. In no senson of tho year nro salads as much enjoyed as during tho wnrm raeBTaaeBaaa w o a t h o r when RaRWyl things nro most ZZgrgSffirtVyz? pool e d cucum-" cucum-" lierH nnd toma toes Into dice, snvlng the Jurio. Season Sea-son with grati'd onion, pepper and snlt. Dlxsolvo hnlf u package of gelu-tin gelu-tin to two cupfuls of liquid, ndd to the vegetable Juices, stir until well mixed, cool, cut In cubes and serve In tomato cups with mayonnaise. String Deans. Wash (he beans nnd put them to cook with a llttlo bncon fat stirring nnd cooking for fivu minutes, min-utes, then ndd n very llttlo water, set back wheru they cun simmer, adding n very smnll amount of wnter when needed. Senson nnd cook for two hours. Serve hot with curled bncon. 8teamed Radishes, Cook without peeling, the radishes", nud If smnll, lenvo whole. Servo In n white souce, using plenty of seasoning. If boiled, uso very llttlo wnter and reserro It for making tho white sauce, so that tho nutriment und flavor may bo saved. Corn and Oreen Peppers. Cook n medium-sired pepper In sweet fut, then ndd corn, seasoning nnd cook until slightly browned. Servo hot. Icebergs. Dissolve two cupfuls of sugar In three cupfuls of water (boiling) (boil-ing) ; cool, add three-fourths of a cupful cup-ful of lemon Juice, color lenf green nnd freeze. Servo In stemmed sherbet glusses. Put a teaspoonful of cream dc menthe In ench glass, sprinkle with finely chopped nuts, using almonds, filberts, pecans nnd walnuts In equnl proportions. These may bo used with tho meat courso, or between courses, or ns a finish to the meal. Sicilian Sorbets Press a can or an equal amount of fresh peaches through x sieve, add ono cupful of sugar, two cupfuls of orange Juice, two tnblo-spoonfuls tnblo-spoonfuls of lemon Juice, nnd when well mixed freeze. |