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Show POLES REPULSE REO ATTACK ON WARSAW """ 80VIET TROOPS FAIL IN AT-TEMPT AT-TEMPT TO BREAK LINE6 OF DEFENDERS. Bolshevlkl Lines Are Broken by Poles and Heavy Losses Inflicted Upon Invaders In Spite of Superl- orlty of Russian Forces. Wnrsaw. Holshevlkl launched their first nttuck against Warsaw's defenses de-fenses on Sunduy, but were repulsed. Karly Sunday, after light artillery preparation, they attempted to break through the Polish lines near Itudxy-mln. Itudxy-mln. The Poles not only killed many who ncured tiro barbed-wire cntunglements, but took prisoners. Kust of Sholm, forty mill's from Lublin, the Poles broke through the enemy line nt Ignatow and pursued the Holshevlkl to the right bank of the Hug, sujs an official statement Sunday night. The Poles occupied Dorouhusk und Swle.e-HubIes7.ew. Polish cavalry, strengthened by Infantry, In-fantry, is fighting .near ItudzUchow and Chatojow, west of the Styr, with tho Ilolshevlk cavulry, which outnumbers outnum-bers the Poles, the statement says. The Polish command, to shorten tho line, has ordered u retreat to the Hug und In so doing Poles have again cvac-uuted cvac-uuted Urody. On the southern wing, the statement declares, nttucks along the Strlpa were repulsed. |