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Show BBV Mi I Vn3k Meets cvirj B SffiKOMMy MIGHT HBV "---3Sili3Ri fi i in ll eirlodgu B TtltS, THAT AND THE OTHER BBB Nuburn Hull 1b building an ikMi ion BBB to liia resilient u BBB Mla Annie Morrill came down (ruin HBV Salt Lake Monday. Tbcy linve recently had aovenil fatal BV cnaea of typhoid fever in TnirdcM. HBb Dlptherin mi J typhoid (over are aald HBh to be quite prevalent In Suit Lake. HBh location notice lot aab at this ollko I HBa All you mint lit U5 iciits pel doen. BBS Quite a number of Lchi people ent BBS to i'roro on Sunday to attend Qitaitcily Conference. If castor oil Ituipplicd to n wurtuiiit' a tin) for a month tlie wnrl will cutiicly disippeni. I'l many t.isea It will not repihu no long u time. Go and mc tlio.se beautiful Wraps at the Co-op Monday and BB Tuesday. They arc hummers. HHl Tbu city lo.u I aupcivisoi will grade HHb eecond eolith street this week. Tluto In HBf considerable tiavel on tills sheet to the HBf facioiy and the grading of it will bun HHk decided Improvement. HBb Last neck's Metciir Miner aaya that B next Sunday Klder Widbart oi Lchi vv ill BBBs. apeak nt tbu I,. 1). S. Sunday School nt BBV 10:1!0 n. iii. and at t lie I.. 1. f. meeting BB nt 7:30 p. BBY Hon, A. I.. Thomas mid S. W Hos BB lieM u Republican meeting at I'lciiaiint BBf (!ioe List night. The l.ittei willtiUo BBl speak nt Alpine to-night. BB Special Sale of Wraps, Cape BB and Jackets at the- Co-op ueM BM iMnnd.iv and Tuesday. $20110 - BB woilli to select from. ' BBI BJ "Dill Mekinle " in tbe name oi a !U'0- iiiiH nound fci-tnrtle that leeentlv uri'xi'd BBI in tlie eitv, diieet by oxpresi) from lib1 I x.iline bomu oil I lie in.mt of Tcxiis. BB- ', "Hill" it Hip Kiient of 11 lii'.MlojMer BBt houBe. lie wi'l be kept fur muraldiija BM and will be nei Hired to tbe vxoil BBf r.plcnriiH. He U u i-uroilty in tbat buia BBT tbefra tbat uerwaa aeeu in Halt I nke. BBf He i;et8 liia name from tbe f.iet lb.it be BJ will be bi tlie fonp liuili'c rooti - IBB Tribune. . UNTOLD MISERY Bl FROM RHEUMATISkVI BJ C. . King, Water Valley, Mill , cured by H Ayer's Sarsaparilla BHJ "I'or (lie )oni I milTcreit initnlit miiiry HH (rum muscular ilii'imiiUini I trlnl every HH known icmeily, tuiiulteil the I'eit ili ml- 1 Un, vhllecl IliilSpilncc rk ,tlirrtlinM, HH KriidlnR fiooo their t'cthlri iloctnrv IiIIMj lint could oliluln unlj lniiMiiary lollet. My llesli whs w.ulccl unu 911 Mill I wrlclinl only lilnct) three miiiiiIi, mylelt arm Hmt leg weie drawn out o( tliapc, the uiuclei B lielnj twIMel up In knots I was unable to BBT tires ni)ii1f, co. pi w 11 '.tnce, and SS I'oulil only tinlibh aliniuM iiiiik a r,mc I HH ha.1 n onnlll", nml v,n m ireil, b the HHj tloctors, that I rould not ine llipalii,n Hi times, were n iinln' lh.it I rnuM piocure fl MlMuM) 1,) inraus of hyp' ttrimtc Injec HH Uonsof nuui'liinr I liailiiiyllmbilitinUifMl H In tla. In siitinir In jm micos but tlirse HH gir only ti'hioi.i" r It. f After tr)lnc BBS i'TrjlliIni.', nnJ "ll inn th most hwIuI BBf toiturn.I beKsntotaho ei shmsapailllA Bw Inslite if two iiiniiihs. t was able to walk BBf stllhoutacanc In tliieo montlis my limbs BBb bjan to slrtnuilieu ainl in the rourse of BB year, I wascuicil, Mywflght has lnwe.isei BBY to tu poiimls, ami I inn now nhle lo ilu in) BBS full day't woiW as a iallrim.1 blaeksmltli " i AYER'S B Tin Only World's Fair Sanaparllla. BB J.mit'8 I'lLLS curt JleaJafki. BBM 11 1 f . 1 fm iiiniian mi miiiimiinl.rriiriiiaiiti HwdejwonS ittleRed SO(OOCH)ISE Pe& TooVlfRTZErVoRLtfsFAIR. POINTS -B Iii regard to the prices we are making for business this fall can best be ob-i tained by a visit to our store Special Prices for the next Few Days. Oi)e Price lo A)). BBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBVXBBBBnBnKBBaBnBBBH James Kirkham & Sons.! Awarded rtlfilicst Honors -World'a Pair. DR CREAM BAKING POHDm MOST PLRPECT MADE. A pure (ir.ipe Cream of Tail.ir Powder. I ree V(mimiiioiilj,Aliini or any oilier adulterant. iO YBUS THE STAtJIMKD. Jua I.. Punbley and Mini line; of American l'oik wcio married Inst week 1'iinie Kiinaismt,n lecliirenn tlieneir ballot Ian at tbe houtb rtbool ImiiPC on Tlinn-il.iy nlylit. After Nov. IJVtb delinileut InxcH will bear Interest tit tbe rate of one per tent per inoiilb. I'rrd Merrill nml licortjo McKill iirnn bnc diiMiled partnctfi Ipnnd aru now working tcpitiately nt tbe pl.ifterln busliicH. You will notlic Tied baa an ud. in anotlier cobiiun. Don't fail to see the bijj assortment assort-ment of Cloaks and Wraps, Capes and Jackets at People's Co-op next .Monday and Tuesday at theii special sale. The uortbeast aebool linut,e was tilled 011 I'rldny iiilit with people anxious to iie.ir about tbu bnllo' law. S. W. ltoas KB(; 11 cry clear and lucid diaerlption ot It and tbe way to ote ilie new ballot. He 1 Kiln large fac unlle to ilbiHtrnl" bis Ulk. It will be icpcntul on I'rldny nlubt (itoi'e Itcyiivldi and .1. W. Summer, bin, uiembern of tlie Deiviet S, S. Union board, vialttd tlie Sunday ulioul on Siit.duj and jjaie hoiiiu gootl liiflriU't-Ulna liiflriU't-Ulna to t lie sebool. Tliey explaiuetl koii.c tbeolo;icnl iueationa tliut bue been di'ciKaed in tbe lilber depart ineiilti Tliey alau ntteuded and fpoke at tlie afternoon uiectiiitf. 1M. Sontbwlck uielwilli an accident while It-,i Inn tbe factory on .Monday Infill. He bad Jimt left tliu building and imik iio;iue tbu ralltoHil track vtbiu Muniv one dioxe i.ipldly past witli .1 cart, drhinn on near liiiu Hint tbe cud oflbe abaft atliiek liini ill tlieiiba, until kiu' It I in down bully, bruiidui; Ida bit arm. It waa hoiiiu uiiuutcb lie cue lie could t:et bis bieatb, Aa boon n be letovsied fitmi tbo abui.k be continued mi Inline and wna able to take liia part 111 tbe conceit lb.it nijit UioiikIi feuliut: I 1 ittly eoie. I lYioons who bavc catairb or who o.u-il iiitcli "ciila,i-b cold" llud lin- iiiedliili' and peimaueut lelief bv annll- 1 little lukowarm watei into tlie noatrilr ; fei morning niter riiui:, Inat uleimiug , t'leru tlioroiighly liy blow lug tbe nose. Tlie aater tuny lie laid in tbu palm of the band Jiul tbiia applied to tbo 110a- Inla. lnuliiR an attack of cold In tbe I liead thlB ticatii.eut will bo found vert 'i-IIcctlve. A little Halt added to Hie I water is cr p.K)d,iuuliulioi of carbolic laeil ihiiIho iceommentlcd, but niiiat be iiHid 1 lUiUiiilbly, Die mri'tuiK bouse nnti not full on Monday ntiiltt at tiie cbolr conceit thoii-h tbo prku win low etiou);li. On tifouutof ciekntaa i'rof. I.uiid Mas iiii- 1 able 'o attend but Mr ('alder nunc down from Vnlt Lake wbb bl i;inpba. 1 ptiuiic .1111! i;aeaeieral Htletlioua wbb.li ' nru nppiioliilcil. The aptecbeswere hIh rt ami ple and the other Humbert on tlie Proliant were will rendered but tbo) bad too iiiuib of itnndbad to knu aoiueoiitor tlie entei'tainiuent would hue fastest '.txi loPk'. Tliey cleared f:'H 76 which tbe committed turned oier J to .Mrs. fcjnljner. Tom Kted of .Maine will aind up tlie tanipaigu in California. Tor tbo beat and clieapi at underwear ' in town pi to I'copie'a Co-op Inat, Old l.idiea' c.mifort alioea only 1.M at Ord llri. j Tlie American I'ok Voildf.ivora Mra. ' rjlen Jakimau fortounty licnsiinr. Judge W. II. Kiiitf and 0. V. i'owera h (ton Moinlry niilit for ft cnnipniitu lour in Ohio and Illinois. Z-l Callntid feu our bcay winter rbiita for Imijh, onl) lid centa eneb, wortb 75 ccnta Ord llros. On Tuesday tbo Itullion-lieck ilia tilbuted 30,000 11a tbe dividend fir October. Hfio tliey 1110 tlio cry lateot IhliiRfl in IiiiIh. Old Iboa, Tbe roblier wbo held up n train near 0,ileit la ft week haa not been found yet. Sec our bo) a si linol Blioes only J 1,70 pair. Tliey cannot wear tbcin out. Ord itroa. Tlie lJtonloii cava Hon. A. J. Kvana nml 0. J, Tlitiriiian were l'rovo slslton on Tueaday Mht lone Thurimin Btill cnntluura niiilo ill witb 111.1ljrl.il fever. Her aister lias cbnrk'e of her acbool. Cbarlee Cai'.er of Salt I.ako took nil over dope of chloral on Tueadiiy night I nml ia l)lti ill tleiitli'M tloor. A. J. i:nna ia -xvcteil to ntitlruH uieetiua at Manning, i'airllelil, Cedar Tort, Mnplcton and Salem tbla week, , The aeen-i.ir-old boy of Widow Wilaou of i'aik Cit was run ocr and iujuied Monday by a runaway team mid is likely to die from liia Injuries. . OuTueiiilay uioriiini: tlie Orejtan Coal 1 and Xn Ration Co. 'a atciiiiiHhip, Ariitfo, Captain lteed, was wrtiKcd 011 Cooa bay bar, l'our paxNeiiKeia and nine' mcuibera of tlie crew were drowned, , Clt) taxea now due and will bvde-lluiucut bvde-lluiucut after tbe :ilt of Oclobei Olliieof toilet tor Main St. ' I Mta llAliwooli,Cil Colli rlor. On M- uday a man live licenac wiih urHiited to (Ituie V. Mutiloek, nj.-eiU'", j( belli, and M)itle llateli, need 11), of SpiiiiKWIIf. A leceptiou waa beld all Springy ille on Monday night. Maii)lieaof utcfullncaa b.ie bien cut abort by neglect tnlneak up an ordinary told I'iiciiiiioiiIh, broutliitia and n i.ii(0U8uiii pi ion liavo been averted by (lit prompt use of tine Minute Cough One. I'etei HerU, a miner, shot himself on the WikmUIiIo mine propity nt lark Cil) late Moiida) .ifteinoou, wliero bit lio,iy waa difco tiled h) aome men wbo were couiinit down to town from tlie mine. About U o'clock UrenU bad slop-(it'll slop-(it'll to talk with aomo Inpmen at tint Wootlaidcnnd liadrxpljiued tbatbeluid beon looking aflri come cheep 11 ji on tbo luoitnlniu. When fniind Ida gnu waa lying witli tlie nuixle pointed toward Ida bead with the block between bia feet. Nt 111 lv twotliirdaof bia bend was ahot tifT. No one known whether the alioutiui; waa nceideulal or auicld.il, but tbe iinprefaioii pieinila Hint it wvanu incident Haul ti.iica doe not nit uincli of a llnure witli minstiol abona it t,cina fur a crowded bonce waa present lo bear Schllllnu'e Miuaticl on Saturday nlht Their baud waa out in tho ufternoou and worked up a lillle entbiiHiaain. Tlie ntidiviKO seemed pleased with Hie pel -foriiuincn Tliey liaxtt toine cleer porfnrmera in the com pan 1 anil tome 'ixid uiiiaiciaua Some tif tbe lit);iiu waa er goo.1 Tli Jokoa were nlwitt aa uaiial. Tbo company went from here to Salt l.aku Water Taxea Will be retciitxl at the court house each Saturday, ami at my rvaidctice each .Monday until Nov. lfi, WO. John Wooimiouhk, C Hector U'hl Irrigation Co. S " ' BBBBBIIJ-BBI A H poples cooperative institution. Have recieved (S3 &dahoY bdL V- h Jcsk "s- stwA -R? fi yu whether the finest, cheapest jr-Ji h ifl n W ( Xs&P '. - - ( 1 A i3 VwJ f X In f short or long, thin and best assort- ) fa rKfV-Wl & 5 LA Vvb vFZCl LV w or fat, old or y bung ment of Clothing hJM I B 61 iW J " 7Airk -l "J ' Jf stout or slim. Gome ever carried in our Jjt f i b ) U syl . ' . ,. 3 Wtfffm finwf aTTTTl Manc-1 see our new JB5 sJCcMGEany iaa"r JS1 TftrjStoiij iraaai .103 4 ' bR05StvVM.lWLlAr1flAC;9.1raAKe ,'A Our Ladies Capes and Coats have arrived and are now on exhibition; the choicest lot ever shown in the County. Wc want all the citizens of Lelii to buy their floods from us. We help lo build the schools and grade the streets and want your trade. Main store on state St. w. E, MCKER, Superintendent. Branch Stors on Mam St. J ii 1 it ,' r-i - I i -'1)11 . gSJLj A. P. T.' L. BsaH The American Protective Tariff Leagua BSHBB a organization advocating BBjJJ3BJqbBJ "Protection to American Labor and Bffsfpi Q U LATOSifll Industry" at explained by its constitu- BBsSbhmBBB as BBBHBVMBvBiBBBBB The ebjtel t-(vi Amsnean Ubor by Uriffon imperil, xhloh (hall He Favorite Home Heiefl. &wziwiti' For all diseases caused by derangement Thera aro no personal or private) of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach. profits in connection with theorganiza- ! Keep It always In the house and you tionand it is sustained by memberships, l will save time and Doctor' mils, and contr;bution8 and the distribution of its . have at hand an active, harmless and per -..ui;..,;,,-, fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic. PUDMCIlon- I Ifvoufeeldull.debllitated.havefrequent ..KfcWJw headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe- Btc0N 0. w, ,, ,n(1 wtic6m, oonir;bUi,oni, tlte and tongue .cpaW, you are suffering waii muwi. ir.. to our un. t from torpid II jg blUousness, and SIM- JSJJfY. MOSS LlVERVtiJI.ATOR Will Cure you. uUlirtwaib.ms,ltloinyar.nforOOc.nH. If nn hi.JU'i.-n "invtMnir hard tn fOUHTM. 8nd boW eard raquMt for fr I 11 you na'j urn anming naro. 10 ,tme, ,,- ,f ,. aro,rie,n twnomni" digest, or feerTIp5-after meals or sleep- ili:LXi?lZl?Z't',ie,",tr'' ' less at nlght.i t of SIMMONS LlVCR "8 w"1 a" .'V ; REGULATOR i J relieve you and bring .,.,., - . ., , , , , rieasant sieep.iv Only First-Ghts BMBr Shop in Lou. If at any tlnU you feel your system ; needs cleansing and regulating without virvt-flnvs 7-yVrv--Vrv violent purglng-iabe SIMMONS LIVER lU -UrtSA I I lC0i- I. II ,s REGULATOR. ,lL r, CVO-V JI Ork i. 11. zeiii JHo-. rwudeiphin. Shave 15:, 1 lair Cut 25c. ' B '' CHAM. H. JIltOWN, I'rop. Main Htre.it "blelus , want " I 1: )l, VlA-" d NO OTHER. j Yon srlirnnd on coupon f f Ik yvfV I Intlilo caelnlsro onnco b, "iJBasiACfJl 7f',, ' ud two coapvaalraaM each jS llwiWIll i' I I bar nun' bsi or BIhIi. I ' Sf iMff- 7 I r STfll'o Dnrliam. Bnjr bag fJ JBL'W jZi tF1 of Ihlo celabratrd lobaceo BMLc(2P-rnW7-SB and road lh coupon Trhloh BjBBtHSAufllMRlPF I (It a ll.t of talnahlo pr- JBMllflafaainnTJt f i!'"1 1 I anU and how lo (tt Ihcut. l"'jfJ' ' HV" "T f ' ' j a. 1 Haieyou aeeif our fli.e nil wool mill j for only 7 00? Ord Uroa. l'coplo'd Coop of 11 ry fiooda tbii fa is the liiieat 111 tlie lund. Tliey have anything jou want this fall. Did jou any Wrd Hroa. were Jews? Well tliejr irice. are Jowrddown to bed-inck bed-inck but their gowla nro nil right. riiiat Siot! Have jou teen Hint underwear tit Onljllios. Only OOcente a pair; its all light. 'My blood was In ft b.i 1 condition ami I thought 1 would trynboltleof Hood'a Saraaparilfa. I.bad eruption 011 my akin, and before 1 bad taken 0110 half n lajlllu I Sound tboy wcrodla-nppearinit." wcrodla-nppearinit." Mrs Robert 8tcens, M 1, St , Salt baku City, Ulali. Hoo.1'8 fill cure nil liver Ilia, Crunk I'oiiatlpiitlou is a painful, disagreeable disa-greeable mid llfo-1'hsilcning dllllculty. It duraua Hit) ymit( in, cauaea alck headaebe, bad breath and paiaona Hie blood. It can b? readily overcome by HeWllt'H Ll tlo liarly Itlscrs. Tlifrft iltlo pilla nro grenrregulntora. Many lolillcal ajianbcrtj ileiguien elugoia and olbora who tue the 01re excusjlcly, rely & One Minute Cougli Curutnprvieutliii&lnci-Haiidlnryngltlf Ita 'nluu aa n prrjelilve ia only equaled by Its powea to nllotd Instant.ineoua reiki re-iki x- Tecli r, ccxeiuH gnd all i liniliar fkin ttnnli'.i nro cured Ijjr.Hiteiii'O of !oWiU,r llmcl Salve. It aootbs at mice, i.nd re-atorea re-atorea the lUtues IrJ their iritirilcon diiion, and neur Mia lo cure pile. NERVOUS Troubles ate due lo luipoverishetl blood, Ilood'iSarv saivirilla U the (One True Hloii l'tirlfler and NERVE TONIC. a) 4 1 Til IT WoNDKIIH'l, Cut IIS I want tondd my tealiinuuvlo tlie liat of those who hae used tlie Lightening Churn. Mtdoca nil that le clcimtsl foi it, jou ca.i cburii enilly In one uilnule, and get n largu peicentagri inoin butter ban witb tho common chimin, i never took the agency lor anything befoiH but so many of my neighbor- wauled churns that I ordered SO and tbcy am nil gone, I think in a year j cry farmer will lime a Lightening Churn in fact they can't atlord ti be without 0110 na tliey make an much morn butler, nn.l .1 good little bit of money can bo made in eeij town ahlpaolllng Ibeae iliurua, Ilywnllng toJ.F. Crwoy A Co., st. lonls, Mo,, yon can gel ciicu'ara and full particular! about the churn. A lti.nin. Or. Prlce'a Cream Baking Powder Moat nTfect fliade. Fada In Medicines There are faitaln medicine as in every tiling cliCMUid n "new tblng" frequently Bulla fur a short timo aiuipiy hecaiiao it la new, J!ut in medicln aa In notliiug elee, tbo people demand and will be satisfied only with positive, ubrolute merit. The fuel, that Hood's Snranparil. a ina stood Its ground niinet nil com-n;titloii, com-n;titloii, and Ita anlea luue never viivcr-ed viivcr-ed but have icuiaiued clrjilily nt the tup, tlemonatratea, beyond nny tloubt f the intriuaic virtues of uinllciua Tlie new thing have come and gouo but ' Hood'a 8araamrllln rests upon tho solid foundation of absolute merit nml Ita' I lower to cure, and iti sale continue to ! is the largest In the wort I. OAiTOhiA. vW8ffi& UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM T'tBLe In effect April 5, 1896. Trains Koing North: 8:35 !, "' lTorS.ill Lake, Tinlic, Mercur and intermediate points, 5 125 p. m. For Salt f.ake, Portland, llutte and a.l points east. Trains going South. 8:.)3 a. in. For l'rovo, Manti, Nephi and all intermediate points. 7:03 p. m. For l'rovo, Nephi, Friscc and intermediate points Between Salt Lake and Ogden. l'our trnlna eneli way dally, leaving Salt Lake nt 7 nnd 8 it in. nml 4 and 7 p. ii. Two through Irama to nil points cnat, leaving Suit Lake nt 7 a. in. and 7 p. 111 , nnd reaching Denver. Knusaa City, Omaha, St. Louis Cli'cngo ind St. l'.tui from three to twelvo horns qufeker than nny other line. frnin for Tooelo loaves Salt liko nt "Hon.m. For furlher iuformiitioii call on C. J. C.VMrnt 1.1., agent Lelii i. U Hi kli v, gt nernl ngent Salt Lake. few Rio Grande "Western jEfes. TIME TABLE &pP"5dffl In liflcct i3:oi a. in. June i, iSy. TRAINS WliSTHOUND. No, I. 'From tic Hast Leaves Lelii at 1 1 :,13 a in. No. 3. From the Hast leaves I.ehi at io:..i p. 111. No. 5. From Sanpete Valley points arrives at Lelii at :25 p. m. No. 7. From Hurclca, 1'ayson, Springvilfc, .arrives at Lchi 9:07 a. m TRAINS HASTHOUND. " !& No. 2. For the Hast leaves Lchi at S:.'i a. m. No ..t l'or the F3ast leaves Lchi at 8:24 p. m, No, G For Sanpete Valley points leaves Lchi at 2:24 p. m. No. 8. For Sprinfjvillc, 1'ayson andHttrcka Icaves'I.chi at 5:50p. m. s Train No. 6 inns to Richfield iirriving theical 8:45 p nt., No. 5 1 leav.es Richfield at 10 a. in. 1 Trains No. 1 and 4 tlo not stop at Lchi, train No. 3 stops only on flaf 1 ' 1. C. Uonnii S. II. lWmoiK, Cell. Mar. Trnlllc Mgr. "WM WKLhll, local apt. F. A.W f 11 itH, Gtr. l'nfcrr-cr ig P Officer Assayer, Salt Lake City, TJ Make 1,0 Mistake in caring foi tin flck. Togivo it uicdi-cine uicdi-cine Improperly compounded or composed com-posed of iiupuro drugs ia .to do one of two thing which diller only in their degree of li.nlneHa mid nilseliievouaneap. Tho patient aullera whether the medicine. medi-cine. I'o wrong or inellcvlive We nltvnvK prepare the exact i;ieiliclue culled for b the prieciiptlon, make no mitlukea, and tiau only puru drugs The medical profession, therefore, have only words of praise for tbu Union. Iteiuciiiber: Wo supply everything kept ilia llral-tlnia drug hotuu at moderate pikca. T. .f. Winawomil, Diuggitt. In Union Hotol Building, Lohi Wt.NTKII VTONl'l!. Actlvi) llgPlltB for each county, llxcluslviicoutinl nnd un rlak, Wiirdeiir Vi to 23 liutidred dollars dol-lars year Kneloto fctnuii for full particulars ni a.li for (I twupk Ilig U.iplils Mliuial Wnter Oi., Hlg Knpid Mlt 1 1 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Winilllr.. 7 " 1' - . .. King Solomons Notion That "Theie ia nothing tnw uiiilcr Hi un" does not 11 1 w aj b convey tlie truth ICapecially ia tliia hue na regnrda the in w rompoHitc 1 ara now operntrd dnily via, Tbo Chicago, Union I'acltlo nnd .Northwestern Line between Salt I.nlr City and Chicago, Tl'ew luindaomo I'.ull'et Smoking nils' l.lbiaiy Cur iiro entirely new tbrougli out, of Intist design, ronlnln nil inntleri iniiruvcmeiitH. ami are well aupplie with writing ninterlal, tholeadingdail papera, ll'ualiattd porlodicala, mag ityiuea, etc. Tlie fact tlut tbeee tararun daily via "TboOvurland Limited" and Hint tho Union I'acllit! vvna tlio lino west o Chicago to liiaiifiiirnte this scrvke aboulil commend Itself to all. See Hint jour tickcta rend vln Tlie Oveiland lioutf " Cha.nlj-rlaln'c Eyo and ELIn Olntmont fa luiequnlled for Ecrcina, Tetter, Salt. Illieum, Se.ild Head. Sora Mppleo, Cliapiicd Hand, itching 1'ilcs, liuin. Frot llitcs, Clironiofiore I yd end Or.imilaltd Uyc I.ids. Knr enlo liy ilriHyjli's at iH itnts cr iwx. j to iroRaHiwHEns. I'cr piitlinc a iionie in n lire healthy condition con-dition try I)r. Cady'a (nndilion i'ovrdem. Tliey lone nn tlio eyttem, nid tllgcstion, euro loan of niijvtU", relievo ronstipatlcn, correct kitlneriliHoulera und tkrtroy vrornui, giving new life to nn old or over-wnrbed jiorec. 5!5 ecnta per pn "tiij.-e. I'or r-alo by tlrugglsls. You dine in a dining car. rccliuo in n reclluiug-chnir car, anmko in 11 smoking car mid elccpimv alec ping enr on tlio Ituillugtou'a Vcstibiilcd njcr." Iligg.'at, fnatirt, most romplelo tiain out of Denver No clirugo of IfflWvJiWl cara '" '"alui, Chicago, IuSuMLQiI KanmsCity or st I,inla, aBiWnB onu'i Denvei (I 50 p. ui, Bill II i Ariivcs Omaha 1 IH) p, in, SHSSHSHJ rrlvcaCliic.igoK'20.i. 111. Anivea Kansas City 8. 00 P 111. 1 Arrives St. Louis 7:10 a . 111 Tickets nnd time tnlilea en application to nny li ket ngent ! by ud l'ealig f W. I'. McMn.tAK,Gen'I .Hall L-ke City 11 WHlker block, I a |