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Show That Tired Feeling Makes you seem "nil broken up," itb- j out II fo, ambition, energy or apitctltc It Is often the forerunner ot nerloui III- I nets, or the accompaniment ot nervous trouble. It U a pmltlvo proof of thin, I WfAk, Impure blood; fur, If the blood Is j I rich, red, Itallzed and vigorous, It lm- I I parts life and energy to every nerve, I ' organ and llsmio of tha lody, TJ10 1 necmslty of taking Hood's rlariparllla for that tired feeling In therefore apparent ' to e try one, and the good It will do you Is equally beyond ipjestlon, Iterccmber Hoods Sarsaparilla , U this best- In faet thr One True IHood Tiu lfl7. I t-I.l rlll eUfUvMllls.fljrlota, 1 nOOU S PUIS etuy w wrW. stents. i FREE I BUTTONS! I AN ELEGANT BUTTON FREE I with each package of -n Bfl .-r" !" yyv 1 "f fl m 'jJmJ'-y r m v "ilfe te'i sHBcBKi' ; I SWEET CAPORAL I CIGARETTES AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE I A COLLECTION OF BITTONS I WITHOUT COST. flBfi3BS?SSSHS"B''"BBB"BBBBBJBBBBjBB SBGO LILY LSfcfer . 'own mak c .warrantco. Ilfc District 76 ldBSchool Shoe, BJss23Br At People'Bdo-Op. SCWOQLSHOt WAWRAKTtP W u ,1 J - ' - " 1- Deafness Cnnnot bo Cured by local Applications, as Hiey cmnot reach tlio illecascd portions oi tlio car. There Is only on way to cure Ocalncea and Hint is by constitutional lcmctlics. Deafness Is caused by an inflamed condition con-dition of tbo mucous lining ol the Kits tncbinii tnlic. When this tube gets in-llnmid in-llnmid jon lnto n rJtnhlliiB found or im perfect bearing, und when itiHcntlrc-closed itiHcntlrc-closed Deafncas is the result, and iuiIcm the Inllantmation can b taken out nnd this tub restored to its normal condl tlon, bearing will be .destroyed forover, 1U110 cases out of ten nre caused by ia-tarrli ia-tarrli which is nothing but tbo Inflamed condition of the mucous sunare. We will give one hundred dollars for any case of Deafness (cnueed byentftrrb) that cannot be cured by Mull's Cntnrrli Cure. Send for circulars frco. V. J. CHKNKV & HO., Toledo, 0. XsF"Sold by all druggist", 76e. Attention, Sheep Men. Tlio Deiner AHioOrande K. It. on July 1st improved and cnhirgtd their sheep corrals at Ti'nnefeo 1'ubs, Colorado, here there ii tli llnest of mounliilii grass and clear running atcr, which l freo of cont to sbeep men. The compiny b.ne also pioided slieplng nicomuUHlatious which will bu kept especially fot tibeep men who toi there to gnue their sheep. We can handle your mutton for u'l e.islciu markets, lleforc oniering your ears, bo Aiue nnd lirllf forfitttlier iiifoiuiatioii to either II. V. NuvIiik, tianorul Agent, 'ieorge A. Jhittkcs, Trawling 1'ieiglit Vful, A.J (jri'tfity, Traveling t'reiglit Agent, 5S Went 2ml South St, S.ilt l.nke Cny (ff NEIV YEICL7 . KOGKy MOUNTAIN WCWS i vi:.t, coi.it. ' Tiik Ilnsr WF.F,Uy PfnuaiiBB tl 03 IV, .'car 1-, AOmicj. I LEADS the silver otcn f Anvrloi I LCAOS m 1: a nj aal ' J I n , n ; stuck F.'portJ. LCtot in ;.i'dti iepirira ii. IEOS in ''Klofini CoUrJilu waalerfcl resnurrej LEADS in .SeiviiRtjs, Dflc'i'mj1, Comrnv lifn-!veni LEAD ni mm ops In Ajenti. ill fir letnn ) The Great Silver Daily 1 he Newi pat lithe ' Oie fri-r it.ilve ptjiee (dally tid Mindiyt w,r of -1 I, j , cjituaa olih tveiy li.ut O.c t ,1 , 1 ,1 -l 0) fui 0 nontlvj 11 IKlvin r 1 or iimp't C"i.y ' lv in'ie. 1 Inn, m NfWS TBIMI 0 P ."f "l'ri OASToillA. You know coffee is used fresh - roasted. Tea ought to be for the same reason the taste. Ours are the only tea-firing tea-firing works in the United States; Sciiffing's Best is always fresh-fired when it leaves our hands. A bcblllios ft Compiajr hu iTtucUco 171 Applicant for Patent. Notice No. 2410. U.S. LandOnice) Salt Lake City, UtahX September 0,1800.) Notice U hereby given tbut Salt Lake City Onyx Company by H. D. Crltih-low Crltih-low its agent nnd attorney in tact hns made application for n United States Putin t for the Consolidated Onyx Star Moonstone nud Columbia Placer nilnln chlni situated In I.elli Mining District, Utah County, Utah, consisting of 10.210 acres ol surface ground, being U. S. Mineral Survey No 3100 and described hi tlio field notes nud plat of tlio 0ltkl.1l suiyeyonfllo in this ofllce, with magnetic variation at lOthgrees L'O iiiluuliacast, us fojlows: Commciciig nl corner No. 1 of the Onyx Star placer claim fioin wbicli U, S Mlnerat.Moiiimeiit,N". t beats south 2 di giees, 27 niliiiilujJWest, 1H0 -18 feet distant, ami running) tlienee north 18 degrees. 62 minutes Hast to coiner No. 4 of said Onyx Star claim, liicincsoutli 71 dtgrt'Ct, '8 iiiinntn Jasl, f-00 feet to lornei No, 3 of said Uuyx still claim ; tbenio Boulli 18 degreee, 82 mlnutm Wett, i:20 fui tuiortier.No 2ufaaid Onyx Star claim; thence Sout'i !il degrees, de-grees, 42 nilnulec;itt, 13-0 feet ti, comer No. 2 of the niliiinhla pliuur claim; thence hrmtly-'-M degrees, RD mlnulet Kant, 1320 feet towiner No. 3 of (lie .Mooiietonu placer claim; tlieiico Mirlh 71 degrees, 8 iiliimtes West, W0 feet to corner No 4. of the Moonstone placer claim; thciieeliarth 28 degrees, 3) minities V'ejt, I32JTIect to corner No, 1 of the Moonstone placer clnliu ; thencii North 31 degree, M uuutee West, 13V0 jfect foiorncr No. I Of tbo Columbia placer claim which ft Identical with lorner No I of tlio (fnyx Star placer I'lul'ii the plaue of begfiinlu;, oiitalning in nil an area ( PI. 'J Ulcere. Tlio said mining jfjolni being of rnnl in the olne im Ihe Uet order o I said iiiinlii dlAliIct m p'bl in Utah Cunt I tab. TlnCtitiarvt known I loi'ations being iimIimh?m I I dtrrut (bat lliix iioTicO I publUbid In tbe l.uln llauner,Cthe lientpniicr 1 piiblisliul nearest thui Kntil miiiiii;s!im, for tlie period of ten wtSkn. llvioTi'aroj.Uegliter, 9.10.08-U-12 Oil ' I i! J !DOCTlG:w;SH(JKESr p ATARRM jEbI iotii i-otiAr, flRtl'fl AM JNTKUNAL. im ) Tlw nlr rtriKly etnrntd t toluttlr ere crh nd tmpUftly irsdlcat. h. Mimic fiom tin Mood ri Sylltm. FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 25c. lltillns lUlm nJ rn full monih'i lorr'y ' Ciiirrh. UlooJ ml btomith Willi vnuhvtinrollK following lymplomi, Pr O. W Shwct' Copti Culirrti Cut will v. yuu la. il.nl rell ol cimrleuly inl nimnemly tur you. lilt)noiitotrJopf Ooiyour noi dlKhtrrir 1i ih not iof ind Itn4f iT 1 thtrpsln In frnnlnf hiJ? t)oyouhwkl.iclfitith'ol' ii your Ihfoildr In tin matnlni? Ho you ilt lin yoo' nom ep' Ii yourhMilreltlHni? rMyouf in d'cliirf O Htn wx arvinoui fT, ....... Do you titr t'tlif om Jir ih "';"; Dr. a W.l,t,'CnhCurtturM.ilc.j.ih. lFiVboUt.Vlc If you h "' nymrmtnl . II ti smelts en Mil nJ II iU u" uU- HtvtynucouM lX,youlikilJrnlfT, , Mivi you a ria !n Ini lJ nyouriifr"hri",e'l,'? . Do you couth la rH inoinliitir Do you toll vp im " """' , , Dr. O. Shorot' Toats and Blood PMilfUr cln. curti dyprl on1 " "' di;-11',1". II "ir Win. It niinnily cum Iks leliolot lynploni: It ilitio atuif DoyouHlchupcair An you conilipiitir liyourlonrncoiiwr DoyoutloiiupiliiiMln( , Do you ll you tit itowlm rftkt l tnifi coniltat Wli In IM mouihr Or a. W .'horM' Kldn.y sad Llr Cyrt tut, HI dittui ol IM lldniji, llvtt J !, prln, Jlprbiie. Duyou Ulll? lUvoyoucoU HUT Do you fl mlicriM'? Dojou ttt llrid ily Doyounvttiotllt'nr An your ipliln low t Hail? Ou you hi lumMmzIa Vowtli? O , your built n4 nil ill 1. 1W1 noilctl iB.u l nigtiw tltnitBilnnnlli Mil Hit pinplnllon t HJodol? it Ultra puffintia unJar ilia a ti? Uuyouhtva to tl up ofien at ait Ii ihart dipos.i la urlna II till atanllni Wl najlaci ttaiailtni and rlik Utlst.ra dlitai. kllllnVyou Df bl-orat-KldntyanJIvarcurt will cuit you II uiad at dlitcud on lh Iwiila Dr. O. W. Shocaa" VunUlr. ara Oil alia ih want rln In ona mlnuit. Iir baaJaiha, looihacha. nauMlila. crampl 01 Calk uia II aalaniaUr and ln-umally ln-umally Prav-rli and curat dipMJttla If uial la Hmi Kteo a tvltla hinly. Plca. e a fcotllt Dr. O. W. H'lifta' Papiln Vtrrollujt daitrora Inmtlnal worm! and ramoal Itia IHIla round nail whtra inay hatdi and traad. It ntvar laila. Prlet "ur.'o'.W (Shora!1 Vlntarren Join cuiai all Jluaita ol Iba tUln. Hanoi ,dtpnUnJ 'ack rlnrlai Irom Uia laca lltali old aotaa In 3 lo S dayi. Ur'll ?' Hh.raa' Anll-Conatlpalloa Pitt, cura chrunlc f onil'pillon. alcknaalltln ill bilious tllickl Prlca, He ooltla In all ciif 1. II Hie bowali ata cniHr'ad lak oaa ol Dr O W Shorei'Anll-GiniMrailonlMiialbadilrnt. llrirlr,inMtll tronlCfnJ Jeap-laaUd wilia Dr (1 W Sliral pimoiialiy l,.r li'l raw aymrloT lit and hivt your eaic- Jlajnl and lit Mi ail al-vlfa al-vlfa Irae . , . M . Thn lamnui ra-d f afa trprl nnly bv Doe-l-ri V Slmu. ' iMadl-allnatlui-. all Laka 1-iJ.Ulah I r iVa bv a'l Drugf a'l. of aani ti anv aijran on fa, .tnftnra ron saij: n T ,J- WasWorlh, Tltli UHUOOIST. XjEIII. - - "CTsaii SmlThV'dSofIstr-gcr This water is n sure cure for rheumatism, rheuma-tism, Miners' LcikIIhk, Indigestion, Catarrh, Ca-tarrh, Constipation, Chronic Dinrrliccn, Palpitation of tlie heart and nil kidney nnd nervous troubles. Towels and suits washed by III.1 Kiiiphc Laundry . American Fork City Roller Mills Our patont and straight grads FLOUR Boats everything for quality W. D. Robinson & Go. XLaoavriosin Fork, TJ-fcaH. .r ... .MT-Tln ! ..-Tni in im-i tfvnrmtmmimm Lehi Commeitial and Saving Stato - Street. Capita. Stock - - 50.000 Siz-olua $3,000. T.R.CUTLER, FRANCIS ARMSTRONG, OLE ELLINGSON Prosldont. Vloo-Presldont. Cashlet Five Per Cent. Interest Allowed 5n Savings Deposits. Compounded Seni-aoinalrf DIRBCTORS. T. K Cutler, Geo. Webb, J. U.Toranto, Ww. Clark. Francis Annstroni,', Abratn H Cannon, l W. Madsn, John R. Winder, Jr., Tliad Pewell. Santa Pk Rotj-tkl. IUO GTiAJfDE WJSSTJSHjY, COLORADO MlDLJiWM ATCHISON, TOPEKA ANT, SANTA FJiltAILWAYX. The only line which runs Pullman Palace Sleeping-Cars 'bctwara Ogden. Salt Lake and Chicago without ckanpr, ant! Pullman Palace Reclining Chair car bt tween Ogdcn, Salt Lake ity Denver and Chicago. THE SHORT LlMi. Are YoU Going East? w so, ni: suiie anu skouuk tickkti heau OVER TIIK "S.4ST.4 FKllOUTE." Urandest and Greatest Railroad on Earth. IWuit Ogdcn or salt I.ke on the trcnlne train la ordtr Ut tkc miM ksMtiM accitfytu America Trains Ictrea Rio Grande Wettern leaot, Salt Laka City, at 7. p. w, Ticket Oice, li W tti K U. C piillNETen) Ag'fcPaaaeogar PprVrti 409 nooly Building, Salt V flllr, Utah. People's Old Book Store South Temple Street, near cor West Temple st. Salt Lake Citv. Books Bought Sold and Exchanged. Mailordersao-liclted Mailordersao-liclted and promptly attended to. BOOKS BYBESTluTHJls 5c $ UPWARDS, TT-- III m 1 n , ihjuijjij.i Uintah Hoteliis 18 Commercial St., SaltLake. All modern conveniences. Fine rooms from 35c upwards vDo you want BICYCLES,-- Look at the prices? Way down for cash, too wheels 1895 rdefs. Syracuse. $70. Ariel. $65. Monarch, $65.. Monarch $SG list now 55.- A few Mcond hand wheels at bargain prices. ! WPJuP n M5!'"rehi. JS- 2 1894 model I .'. Mou.rclii ItQ 1 1894 Ludj's Oiey Maijara, tSO. 1 ls Udv'i Clli.lnti tvi 1 80 1 Gent's Cleveland !W. 3 1W4 G,nt'! Ksl . im a 1801 Gent's KeatinEs 3. U,nl ' rrt,"i 5- ,, ', you ant the best IMS nierelHmy a d;. 1-1 1 p 1 ry "viiii. set vwrci wh.eY." Pierce or Falcon V.: III Ct y ,,,,'rJ Send for e.Ulogue and 111 send you the (Trt Liiiii Monthly Iree. A eye he paper (rit hr nontnl E.ii.ii-i- iV ...ndrles and .parting goo.fi. ExpeTt rep.lrlng? ,.1. f.ntd C7'"' M.: R. EVA N SJBL 22 and 24 V. Second South Street, Salt Lake City. American Biscuit and Manufacturing Compaaj- Succcbsors to the Utah Uacker F'actoiy Manufacturers of 'ne Crackers & Oakii; Cream and Snowflake Sodas in 1,2 and S pound boxes ,.2 WcstSccon South Street, Salt Lake City. Henry Wallace, Mgr ' " 1 1 in an,,' JOB PRINTING. The UANNKRjob Office contains a complete outfit for doing first- class job pri.itint,' of all kinds at reasonable prices. If business is dull try an ad. in the BANNER. It will pay you. 1 |