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Show New Mining: Company At Helen of ittcorpoiatioiiof the Undine Mining company Imvo been Hint with thu cuiuity clei k at I'tovo. The object of the corpointioii is to do n gsnernl mining hushices, and the principal plac of business is 1'iovu City. Tho capital stock of thu eorpoiittioti consists of the Wind ltld'ge, ,lu Daley and Cliilstuuis iiitnlng claims, situated in Tlullu mining district and Is placed at d&0,lWO, divided In shares of Jl ench. The ofllcers nnd directors named in tho articles of incoi. poratloti nre; J'rctiilcnt nnd director, 3. S. Joiiih; vicc-prcrddcnl and llteclor, S. II Allen ; secretary mid treasury, S, J Joins; iliiectoic, Jos. J, (ico;hcgau, W. II. Wllmit iiinlT. It Cutler. |