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Show Mitts c cry HOMY BIGHT 'i In tlirirlndi: puihlinu I , A SPECIFIC I La Grippe, for Golds, Coughs, H AND LUNG TROUBLES, H AVsTD'C CHERRY nTLnd PECTORAL PPJ "Two yrurs ko, I had tli grippe PAV and It left with a rniigli which gam PBV mo no rest nliiht oc da). My family physician pretcrlbi d fur mr, ili.ingliiK tlia ir.edkhie n often at ho found tlm tllugs I bad taken wire not helping BBS jHBSBBjCHCnr BV iue,1iut,ln spltitol his ntlrmlntucl got SV no better, l'lnnllv, my husband, read. SV In; ono day of a geiitleman who had PSV bad t ho grlppo and was cured h taking Ayer's Cherry V' torsi,- jirneured, for SV liis, u bottle of this inodietiie.aiidbefoin I hud taken hH d It, I was cured. I SW liavo uied tlio l' i roral for my ihildrt n AV and In my f -unity, wlinewr w hate SV needed It, and hate found it a specltio SV for rolds, toughs, and lung trouble." Ppf Kih.y Vr'oon K.ntliHt., Klkton, Md. H AyeKs Cherry Pectoral B Hlghost Honors at World's Fair. PPJ Cleuie the Sjtttm with Ajcr'i Sartipirllli. k ' win., i "r'J " " HfN0EMOTTLERfDcCH00LH0liSE(H0E'& TooKl-pKIZEAlWORLDiFAIR. POINTS In regard to the prices we are making for business this fall can best be obtained ob-tained by a visit to our store Special Prices for the next Few Days. Oije Price lo A)). mnaHanaBnannaamaenaa James Kirkham & Sons. rrz r. Awarded Highest Honors -World's Pnlr. CREAHf wmm MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crape Creim of Tartar Powder. I'rce fcwu AmnionU, Alum or any other ndullcuiit, 40 YBRS THE STAN1MKD, Water Taxes Will 1 uccived t the umirl house eneh Saturday, and at n.y residence each Moiidav until Nov. in, IS'Ki John Wooniioi si , Ci lhil.il 1 i hi lingitioi' Co. 1 t si.im JMM.. i .i.nii .) in. ! i i ii "'": "' " ' ' ' ' " .. .inn m -PEOPLES COOPERATIVE INSTITUTION. 1 , 4 ysviYSTfcM )fe k we are able to Have recieved Kj UfjMd4!i3 IX My Itfk J&L f fw vl nt vou whether the finest, cheapest .sgl ATI v fefl ft K I XJm , iAH I 4 fey vxfel ' A )i n ( snor or lng thin and best assort-) fa lk W 'kit II &W LA vP v-'Cv 19 !j. or fat, old or young ment of Clothing 1K-JXyM I Y fef tJ J Jylr "fep-w IaI T stout or slim. Come ever carried in ourJS Lik flSv Li syl I m WSnllnm ImmY rTTTni ffi anc" see our new Our Ladies Cajics and Coals have arnvvtl and tire now on exhibition; the choicest lot ever shown in the County. We want all the citizens of Lchi to buy their ijocds from us. We help to build the schools and grade the streets and want your trade. Main store on state St. W. E, RACKER, Superintendent. Branch Stors on Main St. Tde Favorite Home Hemedg. For all diseases caused by derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stoma Ji. vJ Keep it always In the house and you will save time and Doctor's Hills, nnd have at hand an .utlve, harmless and perfectly per-fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic. If you feel dull, debilitated, ha e frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poof appetite appe-tite and tongue coated, you are suffering from torpid liver or biliousness, and SUMMONS SUM-MONS LIVI.RHEGU1.ATOU will cure you. If you have c.tten anything hard to digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleepless sleep-less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LlVCR REGULATOR will relieve you nnd bring pleasant sleep. If at nny time you feci vur system needs cleansing and regulating without violent purging, tahe SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. J. II. .clllu & Co., Philadelphia. t V" 's r r I Las I The American Protective Tariff League is a national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and Industry " as explained by its constitution, constitu-tion, as follows : ' "Thobjctof tMi Lstut shall btto prottot American Ubor by t tariff on imports, vvhlch shall sdsquatsty ssouro Amsrtcan indjitrial produotl amat tht compaction of foraifn Ubor. Thcro aro no personal or privata profits in connection with the organization organiza-tion and it is sustained by memberships, contributions and the distribution of its publications. FinST- Corraipontfanea ta aohcitad regarding Marnbarahip"and '0ffioial Corraspondants." 8CC0N D' Wa naad and walcoma contribution!, fehsthar amallor larga, toourcauaa. THIRD. Wa publish a larga Ima of documanta Mvarirg all phaaas of tha Tariff quaation. Com Plata aal will ba mailad to any addrasa for CO eanta. FOURTH Sand postal card raquait for fraa ampla copy of tha ' Amarlcan Economist." Addrasa Wtlbur F Wakaman Qanara)8acraUry, 13S Wait 23d Otraat, Now York. ' Only First-Class Earfe Shop in Lshi. FirsL-Clu.su I'ricos- Firs Class M'ork. Shave i y:, Hair Cut ac. CIIAS. II. ItlioWN, l'ruit. M'liu Streol BLACKWELL'S , ".. I , BEIP f i SEE? DURHAM VV fak. TK -'i i 'You will Ami line coupon jf 4 1 jfMixr lutltlr mcli iwa oiuiCD bit Hi fr" ' LitS. fy J lJ :a nud luucoiipoiktlmltlecnch II 7 'VSU TjJTj(m'i fuur oimro l(j; ut Illnck 4- , ." ff jJi ' iilllrf I urlTa I)nrhin. liny u Iiku CJy ifSy A 1 1 jli I "" of tliU rrlrliratcil tubucro iVc" TjrXfyl - ami rtml Ihe coiiton--hlcIi ifc A fzz-i p- uU ami how to 6ct Uiem. ifi' ,B7!" f f "( ' t A ClIl'HN TllVT Olll I1NH IS UNI. MlM Ih. I havuheeli in the ilulr bulnem nil my lifo mid h.ivc many times churned uu hour heforo hutter would aiicr rn when I heard of rt eliurn Hint " illd cluir.i in ii iniuiite, I concluded to t . it. Kvery ihiy for ;t wctk 1 lined it, mid not only could 1 eliurn inn iniuiite, hut I cot moro a in I butter huttei than with n ooniiuuii chuiii. This Id very impoiliiul infornvttioii In butter uinkem. The eliurn works uaaily, nud will churn nn ordinary eliurnlut; lu lew limn (HI CCOlldi1. I IlitVI' fold tlV') driten of Ilit-lso elmriis In Iho pan monlli. Kvri) Initter eliutnur Hint linn tteeu mu eliurn in leiiatluiu ii in 1 mi t c h.ia bought one Vou en n obtain nil deviled iiifjiiiiutlon leitnrdiu tlio rliurii b) mtdreaniui;.!. I', t'niey it (lo , St. I.ouIh, nud they will che ,viii prompt mid i onrtfi.nn ulieu-lioii ulieu-lioii A D.ili v Man l'rfd lu Medicines, Thcro un fiutl lu nmlU'ine ua in evferj tlilnu ulwniul u "new tiling" fi e.iuutly all for it aliort time aimply Uouiiuae It Is now llut in lueillclim aa in uutlilni; eUe, tlio H'odo (lemiuul and will be atiafled mvly witli prxiiive, nhfulute merit. The f.nt that llnod' feiimiaill-hi feiimiaill-hi hat ato.Hl Ita ttround agniiit nil iiiiu-lietltiun.itntl iiiiu-lietltiun.itntl Uu aalca havo never VMiver-ed VMiver-ed but have remained atoudily at the top, demount! ate", hayoml hiij ilmibt, the irililnali vlltuea of iiudieilirH The new thiiiata have enmu nnd gong bi'( llouil'i Sarsnpaiillii h si" upon tliu tulnl j foundation of nlwolulo merit mid ita nowi-r to uiiri, ami its mil. roiitiuua to' U the lurgeat in the uorll. Or. I'rlco's Cream Ual.lns Powder Moat Pfcct Mode. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM T,MfABLE In effect Apiil 5, 1896. jn. rm? jr 132 m.m. m . Trnins K'nr Ninlli: 8:35 a. ni I'or Salt Lake, Tinlic, Merctir and intermediate points. 5:25 p. 111. For S.ilt Lake, P01 ll.tntl, Butte ami all points east. Trains yoing South. 8 :.j 3 a. in. For I'rovo, Manti, Neplii and all intermediate points. 7 :o3 p. in. For I'rovo, Neplii, Frisci and intermediate points Between Salt Lake and Ogden. Four trains eneh w-n.v dull), leaving Salt Lake at 'and 811 111. nnd A nnd 7 p. ii'. Two through irninti to nil polnlH t-nsr, haviiiv' Halt I.nkn nt 7 a. 111 '"id T p. 111 , and leiuliln Peuver. Kansas City, Omaha, St. I-ouia (.'I icAgo Hid M. I'.iul from three to twelve bonis mifeker than any other lift. I'tnlii fur Tui'le leaves Silt I, ike at V Ifi a in, I'or further Information ml I on C. .1. (.'vni'in i.i.,aucnt I.ebi I), r. lit i.i.kv , pi neritl nRent Salt l.nkc. 4 Rio Grande Western ESfcw TIME TABLE HouTEjp in Jificct 12:01 a m. June i, 1806. ' TRAINS WliS'l HOUND. No, 1. Ftotit the Fast Leaves I.ehi at 1 1 :,3 a.m. No. 3. Front the Fast leaves Lchi at io:.j.j p. m. No. 3. From Sanpete Valley points arrives at Lchi at 4 :2s p. m. No. ;. From Kurck.i, l'ayson, Sprinville, airivcs nt Lchi 9:07 a. m TRAINS EASTHOUND. No. r. For the Fast leaves Lchi at 8:.)i a. 111. No 4. I'or the Fast leaves Lchi at 8:24 p. m, No, 0 For Sanpete Valley points leaves Lchi at 2:4 p. 111. No 8 For Sprincvillc, l'ayson andFtircka Icavcs'Lchi at 5:50p. m Ti.tii No. 6 1 tins to Richlield arriving there at 8:.5p m. No. q leaves Richlield at 10 a. m. Trains No. 1 and 4 do not Mopalhehi, train No. 3 stops onlv on flat V. C. DOIKIL' .. If. IIviltOIK, Oc". Mj-t. Trnfllc Mur. Wm Vi:i.su, local aRt. F. A.Wi 11 ic li, Ccr. l'.-rcrpci-.-f; P -J Officer Assayer, Salt Lake City, LT Make 1.0 Mistake in caring foi thi lick. To fo 11 inedl-clliu inedl-clliu lliipioiieily (ompoiilided or composed com-posed o Impure diui;d id to do one of two tiling -.vlihli ililler only in their decree of badneiw and iiiIfclilevoiiiHi'. rim (Killelit aullera whelhur the mt'di-i'lne mt'di-i'lne lo wrnuj; or Ineireelive We .ilvvuvs prepare tlio exact i.iediiiue willed for by the prtceriptlon, make no iiiUlaW'n, and 11 so only pure diiiH The iiiLilical profewiou, tbeiefore, have only woidi of praUc for the Union. KemenilHi': We supply everytlilm: kept ina llmt-i'hi di u huiiaa ut moderate pilcce. T. .1. W.viiawoiiiii, Diui,'i,'ist. In Union Hotel Building, Lchi W m lu at ii.vfi:. Active iikciiU foi each county. Kicltmlvu ooiitrol and no liak, Willrloni 12 lo 25 hundred do'-Iti do'-Iti 1 -d a jiur Knelose Htninp for full Hirllcill.iiM 01 2Tw foi tl wimple. Ilitf HiiInMiiiiiuI Wain Oo lllP liopid Mieh CASTORIA I For Infants nutl Children, Kins Solomon's Notion Tlmt "Time is iiulliinj; new under th huh" dues not nlwiys ,-ouvey the truth r.spi'cinlly is Ibis true ns retards the iibvv composite ears nov uperntcd daily via The Chicago, Ilnloii l'aeltlo nnd Northwestern f.lne between Fait I.nk City ami Chicago, I'I-im hnndeoi.ie KiilTet Pinoklnirnnd Mbriuv Cari 111 0 entirely new throughout, through-out, of latent ilcKifn, contain all Hinder 11 improvements, and are well supplied Willi writing material, the leading dail) imperii, U'liRtiatcil periodicals, mau'-n.ines,etc. mau'-n.ines,etc. . The fact Ih it thecc cms run dally via "rheOvntlnnd I.imiled" and that tlio Union I'acihY was the line west o Chicago to Imiukiirntc thin eerliB sliinihl i-ominend itself tuall. feoo that jour tickets rend via "riiB Ovirhind lioulc " Cliambrlrtlu-a Kye nud Ckln Ointment Is iimvpiallcsl far Kur-.u, Teller, Salt-lllieuui, Salt-lllieuui, hcild Head, Sore Mimics, Chopped Manila. !lchhi? I'ilw, Hum', Frrt llilcs, tlirnuietvire l.vcarnd (ininuliiled Lje Miti, 1 nr Kile by ilmggU'a at 2.) rents per box, to nonaij owwrna. rr pi.llins n Innw in a fire henllhy con-ililion con-ililion tiv Dr. Cady's ( oiylilloii lWdcrs, I hey inno up tlio Kiteni, aid dij?ci.tion, euro lorn iirainxtite, relievo comtijutlrn, correct Iclilne v divinleni nnd destroy worms, clvlng. new life to ! 1 old or over-worked horte. 2a cents ir jmndipo. 1 'or rulo by druggiett You pay for what you order. oil lliiillngton Kouto din-iii1.' din-iii1.' cam The man with a $2 ap-liutllc ap-liutllc pa j a 2to8.itisfy Tho man who wants n ' cup of mirce, an omelet rftfc9KT31 "ml a iMUple of slices of liHuUhlOID loiistimjH for that nnd cSiTiWlS tlialonly. CtfilJlaucP ''''IU l"iy-foi vvhat-you- liV-HF'-rid 'order-way Is the only way to inn n diniiigi ir It it in operation ull jver tho Hurlliiuton Systtm Den- m r to Oiu.ilia, Deuvcr to t liicrni,I)eiivirtoKanmm 1'iiv, Denvei to St louis. W. K Mr-Mil 1 w.tien'I .Fill I, ke City II Walkir ii'o. k NERVOUS Tionlilca nro iluo to iiiiiovcrl8licil hlood. Hooil'aSaiv sapaillla la tho One Truo HIocsS 1 1'titilk'i' and NERVE TONIC, |