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Show BKET SUGR "iTIiMS." Interesting New frm Various Sources, Tho factory has nolvvoiLcd as ninny beets this neck nsthcy-havc hecn stored ,forsonn time nnd hd began lowilt. i These kind of beetsjowcr tho working capicity of the facjnry nt least 15 per cent. Up to ycsjcrilajw thoy had received re-ceived 12,020 tons and had worked 1 1 ,000 tons nnd made If, WO sacks ot sugar irost of width line ieen shipped The funnels Imvo not bebudigging this week but will begin to dlltcr ngaln today. The liccts In nearly aUllhe districts me ready mid alwul' 4W farmers will now be digging. All except nine patches aic ready in" Ihl. Il'hoy au slow in upciiiug nt lliugtinurJunction, I'aykou and 1'iovo. The slyils Iiuto been nuide ready for the rush vildch will liegln today to-day A switch engine will he there tomorrow to-morrow to handle tho cars. It la estimated esti-mated that nlo'it one- fourth of the crop is now in. Part .if tile roaf lias been tak?n ofl'ono slltd so it will hold more heels. Two fluinesjinvo been put in to the east of the sheiW nnd beets will bo piled theie. ehigarhnstleclined. T of a cent slnco tlio factory started. h'upt Oranger lias received mi invitation invi-tation to lectuie before,, (ho Nebraska Ueet Sugar coifcntioi'i l Orund Island, Neb,, on Nov. 17 nini'lB . ,f This week tho onnpauyhas paid out :!7,151 for btcts lo . farmers in Ihe vnrioiis districts nsiMKis' Lehi !.' .v.., .. t,ri)il Pleasant tUove.... (kJ 2,75.1 Lako Vicvv.."...5M..,u 1,021 Prov o. ; . . . ..'. . . . . Sk-K 4 Ml I(i0 Sprlilgvllle.(4;'1HRiart :l,5U0 Mapletou ..... f. fL 2,100 lleuJimiiifJ,....lC. r0 Pa v son..,. jWfO 785 1,'ivendahljk p fiP 230 West Jojii 4mi,i,wi U, llD ItlvoijTMJ n i.ociJ oi2 to the factory eiiiJ7ioJ?jL |