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Show Utah is a Remarkable State The calamity howler will lind his pc-cupalloii pc-cupalloii gone when ho tackles the condition con-dition of Utah agriculture. Oomp'ele reports from 25 of tho 27 countiea lu this thrifty ttata slioiv that 80 per cent of the farms In Utah aro owned free ol mortgage and only K per cent nirf mortgaged. No other stale can make m good a showing Only about 1!(H)0 fauna In iht whole state ere under mortgage, whllo 18,000 are onnvd fre of ileht most of these being cultivated by their owners. The peicentnge of rented farm, is less in Utah thou in any other state. The average amount of existing farm mortgages is only nbout !H0 each CunaiiUrhig the security that la back of them, the thrift of Utah fnrn era and tho well established condition of hor ngrlcullure, the rate of interest of such loans ought to be much less than the 8 to 15 per tent now paid. In fact, we believe the nverngx rale of interest o i farm loans in Utah lould bo icductd one-half, through suih a plan as that, say, of the Saxon laud-uicdltassoclHtlon, described In abullotlu published forfice distribution by the depaitmentof state atW'nshlngton, D O. The assured condition of farming lu Utah is further evidenced by the fact thai nearly IK) per cent of nil the ngiiciib titrnl lands' in tlio Male have a coiHnnt and never-falling supply of watei ir in igstion purposes. We are not uu-prisel, uu-prisel, tluicfoie, to learn that in the five j ears ended with Ih'.lS, Utah's population increased lift pi-r cent, being about i!5!),0i)(l at the beginning of Ihe prikcnt .vear Taken nltogetber, (Mali is one of tlio most remarkable (lutes in the Union, ami, as wo happen to Know fiom n somewhat extensive pcisoual tircjiintnt mice nnd investigation, tlio natural 10-sourei'S 10-sourei'S of Utah have handy begun to be developed. Agiiciilluilat. |