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Show MW 1 Si mwilwSM 1 11 1I1111 w . Awarded I Hlghtatf otM Worid'aPatr. POWDfR MOST PERFECT MADE. . A pure Grji Cieom ot Tartsr Powder. Free 60m Ammonli, Alum or any other adulterant. 4Q YEARS TMB STANOARP. ..:yiML..at,.lll.im.,. , .,,.,, ,..,.M, IH,MM. Jas. Kirkham & Sons. Wlen we offer yoti goods iDotiglit directly di-rectly from manufactory at smallest possible profit: Men's shirts for 20c, Good dark cheviot shirts at 35 and 60c, fancy summer shirks from 50c to $1.25, Wc sell American Indigo Mine Prints at 5c, A lot of ChnlKcs nnd lawns tit 5c A lot of Apron Giulianis at 5 and 7ic. Our line o Summer Dress Goods is complete l-'or low prices, courteous trcat meat and honest dealing call at J 1 " dairies Iirkhaiji & Sbi)s5 LeKi Ciii). - -- - - -j- -- - u " i Dusincss Uriels. J 1 AV,JyJ'KD Lndieg to aid Ine in my business. Uood ealory Addrcm with ntaiHp,)JIr. A. Norinnu. Malinger Isa-Volln Isa-Volln Toilet Co., !f 7th, St. 8nlt Uk OltyTjfnb. All kinds of conl ut Peoples Co-op. TiiliO your grain, Incorn need, itul HrlcdTriilts to Peopltw Co-op. I've n scorot in my heart, Svvcct Marie, A tlile I wouH linptrt, Sii'cet Murle. - If you'd oTdi fairer be You iiitistalwavino PaiUa'Ten . Tbe iii.piOtOliie.llt'pU vvlll tec, Sweet Mnrlo. iv" I). $nt:.(J.''wWTunad lenvca Jthi nts8:r ,h -l;irjt 10S0 12:80 ltaat lloiiiul.1i'.M sfj.-tf) s8:08. ' W) lS ""ISU VVhon l(f m-m jink, vrr am b Ctwinrta. VMirn S )fas UilM, Jiy rtod f.ir Cantiiria. Wwn rJi;iltvAintOlIii, M elenif u Onittorti, Wticn uio linJ Clillilrvu, mio gnrstlium Qwiurti. liMpii.V 60 to 100 dollars fur a KewliijjKInclllllit wl'CU Peoples Coop lint, will Mil you iui tine n Machine ns is (node from 26 to 30 dullari. These machl)i liavo all the lulist nnd beat nttiiilimiinls. Com nnd see them. tin tpjltcck-a Hot Sprlmrs nnd InkV a gool bath mid then to Dr Meirlheiva ollleo nffil linro your tcctli eleantd, mid you wll0 11 new person. VE. Dr. Merrihew. (7-'upers will be forwaidul iintili x-plicil x-plicil orllers is reoioved by the publisher publish-er for tlillr discontinuance, and until jinymenj of all (iiKiiicjra is made, as ren,ulrcil bylaw. m Lost loergy, ! $$ Fitklt- appetite, tired fcvling, stomach j jJl f J.-ft' uknevs nnd wcakncbs un be V(Ze- LM ' promptly remcdlcil hy u&lng ' " SRf Dr. J. H. McLean's SRluv' Strengihening Cordial nA&jL& Blo Purifier It atrcnRtliens and builds up the iifcebled system, . rc.tKs a good appetite nnd promotes digestion, &&ar6 tlw .oiii.Kmuii and , restores the body to perfect health. ' j Sold by nil Drujists ot lli.co pef nwldc I THE Dn. J. H. MCLEAN MEDiCINt to., ST. LOUIS, MO. j Sold by 1 J. WADSWUKTII, at Union Drutf btoie f 1 n Hotlce for PubUcat'cn r ip .., . m.. No. 510. Land oirucatflnlt IikuCitv, Ctui.) - linreb in, tK05.f Nolku is hereby given that the follovv-liiK follovv-liiK named settler hns (lied notice of his iiiUntion to uinko ilnul proof in supppit of his claim, and that said proof will bo mndo bifore the Itegliter mid lteceiver of tho U. H. Uud Oillce ut Bnlt Uko City, Utah, on April 27, 18W5, vU: JiiH'pli M. Boulter, II J! No. 8(118 for the lots 3 and 4, nnd S , S W l4, Pec. -I, W'lSSlE. He names tho (allowing wiinosceH to pr.vu bis eoutiniioitt residenn upon 'ml oiilitvatiou of, snid lBitl, viz:' James H Oreagrove, Petr N. Gurir, I'ftlHe If. SiHllor, amj Jnper Conrnd nU at prtpftrranU Ukf Od,, Utnli. Hvrbw Cho, Uegistcr (l'lrat pnbllcatlon MaicU 21, 185. . 'gharles uhbaoh B A R BE ft. C?ivc him a on 11. Wosl of Clly Kfal). 1-13.1-11, UTAl-l K C MKUUlllhW, j. Office 1 i' y41HBS'rjBbv bLxk cast of 5b BrRrSPTfii?' " ''l'ru ' " '"" be rjiuul almost n hour in the day icdoistu'kiiiJt of Xoiitcvl "VCoi'Sr. in lb; bst and luteal ftile. All work Kuarantted. A fit m no pay. x L.C Mkiiiiiiikvv. , KTTY,- 'MY DARLING," Vfur dear little hands hall .r go fj.to thv tiiSlr.vatcr," Stud the ardent lovr of ttn &us o. Hut they ijid. To-ilr To-ilr he coulil truthfully s. it as V, l MIIJ.IS is county aSnt for the only K.'ita til Nl.i.t,licr v.lu Ji washes and ilfes all tableware for a Jaic f ui'ly in lnc minutes. I'rospecLivc husbaols calL.inJ tcrurt one. She Will! siurebj sai SSYE,SJ5 Ur. A. Af. Thorpo, Physician and SurgeonT "ffiBK at umom oaua or"ite. luii anr uamlioi-laJn'd Eye and Skis QtiitaBottk U uniipiaUiil fi.r Koani , T(lc Will Wi-ll '1 uiu, K il I Hind, "iro ,Niii.i. , camnH II" I , b li ll' I .In, Ilu 1 ', I uwf Mp, ' "-Hi ll nlllllillll.il II it'VOlJds, I V In U 1 .iii. .it J 1 1. ' 1 el-tiox. T'j I'L'jtTowH-jirj. ''i 1 11 I .. i iivalttiy eon- 1 tn iry Dr. Cadi h Condition IWifcri I In 1 M 1 1111 .ho b( .tern, a i I ill(,i-ii in, ,iro ! . p.mH", uiu 11 11 n lip din, iimkiI ' ' K.i nu ml.n 1 !i',,ir' - .rn , (iivnu I i.-v l.l, 1 , 11 1 I ,, , ,1 I 1 , :. 1 ii.it.lr ..k si. 1 r-i, Iji'iii-Ii' I 1 IMMKMHnMaNRMarMiaWffMWIMIWMnHnHIBinMMnMHMHtMMHMHHMl People's Co-operative Institution CAUKIS8 THE Largest, Best and Cheapest . Assortment of Hats Oulside of Salt Lnke City. x 1 . WBWsWAiir'iwwitfflwit'! a " .:Trwmsivm?:tfK ''' 1 Wc linvoa complete stock of fi i j ... 2 clotlilnjj t'lat will lie sol I at Wityl ' I b down prices. 1 1 ( . .; i-iraawtiiiKiawrr i? s'itprTso-'TuwR'swji'iail j ;0ur -Shirts arc A i. Neckwear the finest and J Cheapest in the Country. J a i.LalK's' I lats-tlip fiiust in the land ami fast Sellers, 1 i I , - --- i " v-- ' ' , ' J 'fh ii( B rT anil slippers has I II II I HfllFO K Kfofl&Q urtivcil l ll, last m pall b m mmb & zx ' i. , ...-. for ihe money. "W"e have made arrangements with , the manufacturers of the Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines and sell them 8 P cent less than traveling agents. ' Sec our Ladies' Waists they are Fine. Our Dress Goods are Hummers. Wc -shall receive our second shipment of n'llc and woal mixture nlto those fine dress patterns in prints. i You must see our lino of parasols to r appreciate them, thuy are fine. 1 Ladies' "Spring and Summer wraps will arrive 1 in a few days. I r- L i i - i iii jfl Q-roceries cheaper than over. Come I and price our goods whether you wish I to buy or not. We carry the only I 1 line of Hardware in town. I Uuildini' Material of all kin Is a; cheap as the cheapest. -s 1 Main store, State Street. I Branch store, Main Street. W. E, RACKER, Superintendent. 1 . . r,-., .. u m iiimiel reterson. Jr., Tres. Waller C. T.innn, Vicc-frest M. 11. Whitney, Sec and Trias. Utah Implement Co Dealers in " ' Farm Machinery, Carriages a and Mitchell wagons 9 Wos. 23J ai,d 23S SisaU si. Snlt Lalto City. Whitcly- Mowcts, Moline Plows and Hay Rakes, Champion and (, Whitcly Repairs, Imperial plows and Harrows, Milwaukee Hinders, Columbus Hiirrjcs and OrainRe?, Mitch- L ell Spring Wagons. Haines, Whips and - I Robes, Hay Tools, and all kinds ,1 ol Implement H Write for our Prices. 1 JIllIIfinMOilEI : T THK 7 Lyceum tek Company, In thrcc'of the'Strongest Atti.nctions ever produced. Two nights April 12 and 13 and Saturday Matinee ilinmim aaii "" nii.l..satilM HIWIW ill i "" T-- f'ni Jack 0' Diamonds Saturday Night Frohman's I A W R ? Greatest Comedy Success r!il.L-' ' Grand Saturday Matinee up i)TQ o nu Little Jessie Conratl as Chrystal, I Popular - ; - Prices 1 " aBaaal |