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Show UTAH MINING NOTES News from 'Antic and Mercur Mining lVopeitics. TheTlnllcMlucr. Wo are Informed that Mrs. Anna Marks proposes to put a force ot men to work on tho White Cloud claim near Diamond In a few days. A meeting of tlm Mammelh directors will bo luld tomorrow in Salt Lako to consider the report of Samuel Mctiityrc in regard to tho affairs of tho company. Work on tho Grand Central Group lias been temporarily suspended tills week owing to lack of timbers. They how over will bo ready to resume operations today or tomorrow. John II. McClirystal reports Hint Hie probabilities nro that an incorporation of tho Southern I'urekn will bu circcted in a very short time, probably before active operations will ho commenced. This is a first-clans plecoof properly nml with development ought to bo ono of Tintic's great producers. As will bo seen in tho reported shipments ship-ments from tho district tho output of the Gemini or nscommonly called tho''Kfy. stnnu"mino is boingsteadllynud largely increased and It is reported that tlib Increase In-crease will be continued. Tha oro body whoso discovery was reported several rceke ago, in said to bo a "whale" and prospects fui .i big run tills summer nro very flattering. It is reported from Salt Lako that thu plans far thuHloux mill nro now completed com-pleted and that bluo pilots will ho ecu1 to tho various manufacturers of machinery machin-ery in A few days witli llio request that they send bids for furnishing thuwurks. Thu mill is to lu a twenty stamp un the samo pi nasthe Mammoth mill. Witli diligent search wo aru iiunblu. to llm! anything now In regard to the matter nl this end and must consequently ruly on the Salt Lake reports. A meeting of tho stockholders of thu AJax Mining Company is called to meet at tho office of O. O. Wliltlmorc, Mo-Comtek's Mo-Comtek's Dank Iluilding in Salt Lako noxt Wednesday, April l'tli, for tho purioso of considering tho question of ratifying tho asiesment levied by t lie 'board of directors on March Oili, notice ot which levy appears Ulsewlicro In our columns. It is also proponed to amend the articles of incorioration so as to mako tho ratification of an amusement by die stockholder" unnecessary. Shlptnonts from tho district for the past wek are about as follows: From the llulliun-Ilcck 25 carloads, from tho Ccntcnnal-Kurcka 7 carloads, from tho Mammoth 10 carloads concentrate,, from the Gemini 0 carloads, from tho Swansea 1! carlotids, from tho South Swansea 1 carload. Shipments from the lion mine worn suspended owing to repairs being made on the road to the mine This" work however was completed com-pleted and shipments resumed yesterday. yester-day. They will noon be back to tho .egiilntlou 5 or 0 airloads per day. The road has been fixed in good substantial shape and will last. The tlercur Jltreuty, Tim Canron Shaft is down about a hundred feet, and is still in slialelhough jmall nlrUH of lime mo being encountered. en-countered. "" Reports come from Stockton to the IftCt that a hundred men nioto lieem-plo.ved lieem-plo.ved on the Ifouorine. All the men in camp are now at work, and prpjpects for good times aro bright With warmer weather tho Geyser water supply has increaeo I until tiio operators aro able to operato all thu tanks. Kverytlilng about tho mill in now running In first-cluts stylo and in thu mine the si owing ol ore in something some-thing immense. Judgu Sherman was in camp S.ituiday accompanied by J. W. Abbott, an old Ouray, Colo., friend. Thu Judge cor roborates the report heretofore published that thu Suushluo company line agreed with Col. Wall on water rates and expects ex-pects the latter to gi the water to them In (lie early epilog. Tho elto for a mill has been selected A. N. Until and J. W Kcill have secured a lease and bond on I he II. II. and Surprise claims of the Viking company, nud commenced this week sinking nu tho Surprise at n e.lgt sums distance north of thu old workings Tliey leel satlsflid that theru are largo Iwdk'J ol nro in tho properly and have thu nerve Id go afUr It In the under taking they havu (lie best winlies.f l)m entiiocamp Since It has become an assimd I act that thu wateisof Cipher cieeV wljl hi brought into thu district, the camp hut received a decided impetus. Tlm fsltli of the mine and. claim owners lias been - r quickened nml they nre wording vvii'i renewed energy. Added tb tljinnlari number of mining men and capital'" m who would mil attempt tbiperalo licr-with licr-with the water problem unsolved, uri' now investigating tlm rironrec of tin district, nnil tho result will be the development de-velopment ot many properties' now idle. This season promises git 'ncthlfynll along thu gold licit. jS . |