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Show - . Ine Ll'.Ua Thlnsra the Mott Valuable, Colnparnllvcty few iicoplOfjarJ nem lvcanNlnventorH.liiilalmnfleYfrylKyly 'inn Ih'oii Ftrtick, nt ono time or another, with Mens Hint pccmcil calculated to rc-.liiiicoineof rc-.liiiicoineof Hto llttlo frlrUona 0 llfcj. Urn illy pticlt Ideas nre iliauiiwed with. 'Hit further tliotif-lit. "Why don't tlio railroad company nmkp Ii cat tliiduwa no Hint tltoy ran ' lil npanddowrii without bnaklng the p.iex.iiiKcrH' UtckT" oxelaimt the Hauler. "If 1 were running tha road I would make them in micli n way." "Whnl wun Ihp man that inadt title nmiiipnu llilukliig i)f7" grmnUf. thr imU "lie nctcr hnd to work oyer a te, or ho xtould ImvO known how It unlit to lime U'cti fixed." "ll'inH mii-Ii n collar hultoa I" growli ho until whnialnU Inr Wsakkai. "If I ivcrt lu tin hvHiuem I'd naW MM I lint umilJii'tHllpoul.ar Weak tM, r :iiie out tho Intck rj my (k.M And then the varloui wiffrert larBt tlmtit their grievance! and twgtta ! think of something elfM. If liter wouU "it don 11 al tlio next ooiirttUonl oppor- uiilt.v, putthtlriilcaalx)u4narwlmlovi. inttct pinn, nnd collar U1M0111 into fr"' lle:tlMh:ipe, nml then apply lor patonta, I I icy mlht find tlieniilroa aa Independently Indepen-dently wenlthy as tlienmn wbolavenled t'io iron tiinhrelln rliif , or tbe oat vbo putenttd tho II f teen pusale. |