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Show THE COLLEGE " GRIND." II Worki, ISconomliee and Xlecomaa a llecluae. Tho "Harvard grind" Is n term used ns ofton In tho college circles ns any Bin-name, says tho Boston Herald. Tho name originated from tho old custom men had of getting down and working hard a few days beforu examination. Finally, when a fellow was known to keep up this grinding process throughout through-out tho term, he soon went under tho caption of "grind." Tho namo has now become an established term In Harvard life, and tho visitor Is now shown tho grind's headquarters, tho grind's table in our dining hall, and tho grind's haunts. To sco him In his true light, tho grind must be hunted out nt dlfferont times of the ycur. I trnccd up ono of these fellows a year ago In tho dead of winter. Ho lived In nn upstnlrs room, eight by eight fcot; no stovo in the room, no heating apparatus of any kind, for, In fact, thcro was not room for any; a small slnglo bod across ono side, a bureau across tho other, and a little tablo under tho ono window. In tho narrow alslo In tho center there was room but for ono chrtlr. A light carpet on tho floor, a looking-glass sot In the bureau top, and ono or two wall decorations decora-tions completed tho furnishings ot tho room. It was totally wanting in all thoso little artistic designs so characteristic char-acteristic of tho Harvard room. No flno nrt lectures practiced as prescribed pre-scribed thcro by Prof. Norton; no traco ot bric-a-brac and crimson decoration. deco-ration. In short, it wns a sort ot den In which a man could "cat and sleep and havo his being." To bo Euro, this was not an attractive attract-ive lodging, but, as the occupant Informed In-formed me, ho could study thcro and the room cost him only two dollars per week. When I ventured tho suggestion sug-gestion that it must bo very risky living liv-ing there without a fire In tho dead of winter, ho said ho usually worked In ono of the university private libraries during tho dny and until ten o'clock at nljht. Upon seeing a small oil cook- stovo In ono corner I mado a groat vctitu.ro upon its uso and found that this student was doing his own cooking. cook-ing. I also learned that his laundry bills wero n minimum. In short, that ho was living on ono dollar and fifteen cents per week, according to his own figures. Hero is a rare case, but ono not noar-ly noar-ly as raro as might bo expected at first thought. Bccauso men arc studonts In a university docs not make all of them nsplra to anything socially. Hero Is nn actual caso whero a man turned himself Into a rocluso, did his own cook. ing and wachlng, nnd sptnt ovcry minute grinding over books. |