OCR Text |
Show Saved Her Life. Mrs. 0. J. Wootnntnait, of Worthara, Texas, ant oil tlin lifo ol her ctillil by the uso of Ajor's Cherry 1'octTraI. t "One of my children hsd ( oup. The oase mi a Loaded by our physician, and nu supposed to ho well uiulcr control. One night 1 li startled by the. child s lisrd. hreathlng, And on going to It found It strangling. stran-gling. lt had neatly ceased to breathe, ltcnllilng Unt the child's alarming condition bad become possible In splto of themedlelnea flven, I reasoned that such remedies would e of no avail Having part of a bottle of Ayer'e Chewy Pectoral In tho house, I gs.ro the chllil tinea doses, nt short Intervals, and anxiously waited results. From the moment the 1'cctoral was given, tho child's breathing grew easier, and, In a short time, she was sleeping oulotly and breathing naturally. The child 1 altte and well to-day, and I do not hesitate to say that A) or's Cliorry l'ec-total l'ec-total save lerllfe." AVER'S Chewy Pectoral Prepared of Dr. J. 0. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Ms. Prorr.pflto act, suro to euro westerh eer-STA NDARO GUAGE.-&3 r TRBNTT StfcTUifct:. 4. . a- a. ei3 i "' k K Si's !- . .??.?.? rr c. Si e E - g fc 8 8 8 8 l : '.. n d i . 2 . T 3. - 2, m ft. . fg S -&- n- V, o e o cd eo a Iff ' r ? it S 8 B H W -M I I O'S.J IK . a I B K - .? ? f? " B JHI ' F i Si 58 s PP""'"'"1" ""'" J !' Hi nncll.Oenl'ass, Agent ; : New Time Card , . SP'-.,8M' A.ve. 7 n. m. 1'. . ft 8:27 Bandy 6:13 I tl IK) Lctl Jrnrtlon :10 f ,, i) :0a Jjl.i 6;C; 3 HOD American Fork n:i'l !Lf " Oils rUvtiant Grove ' I) 40 Provo : "10 12 t'.iyson liSS llllO Nophl 3:00 1J;45 Jullb 2:28 w.Kt to rnsco ! tllel "'" k 12.10 p. it Junb Ifl'i" I ' .10 00 ii lii Frisco 4 :J0 n m jA Trl-vveekly m v J sj-v i,.r -tr o western Kisiwcr. W " . tV. AltniVE ft 0 05!i. n. 1-Wl Junction p.m. fi IIS J ll:JS ronton -:-J0 w 31i6l llnrekit 2:20 ." 12 10 i.. tn. Sllcr City p.m. l.V fr. II. ll.ai.A15K, K. DICKINSON, Wuo-l'ri'di. k jiijr. AMlnt.flfii.Mgr. T.. I.. UiMX, D. K.UUHLEV, ('in. I'" AWU (Jon. Agent. t Sis Oas and Gasoiisin PWFIS EIIGmKS U vti' fl rt fcEa TTave fsnrr parUi. ms "? Ttas2ZXXj&rtaHr thorwfure Wa i Unwly u at out of eriarthan oor Mher msorcMollne eugip ii;w bn'JU Jmi lUvilho burucr. turn lti wlinU ato ' ruua all dujr, IHAIIKK WO SJIKLI, Oil DIKT. I.'ofioubloorwwespliwlons.sn rreqtwut mil tM j ILUflUutl4tu:lht ortn1plIrrl,1,u,", w"r,J It OIU lUclf Autumntlonlly, I.'n rultorlcaorJilootrJo tlvarn. It rwawltua Tlmrr OrndeorOMollao u.a aiiy blUtr LubIuo. raa rsurvkjimvu cibcour.'i iirnt to PALMER i nCV, MAtiurACTunBH, Su f" nisc3, Cal. ui fdlirJ, C;. IfiftB&'S III mVbTJo tcim't'irwiu hot cuhk, Anainwatla Tutatlvo and HEUVIITONia TDTV Tar"!! TUa rftTOritO SCOTS WTSI3 S aLP for tlio ls di (tod UrcU, S5J. Awzr aower Ins no V. second chance. If NSsSSW ' you would at nrnlmic N? yraWccd,be aurennd atnrt with Wv m FERRY'S m SEEDS, i rrrT' "'l Animal for IK)I I co "tnlna the amn nml aubsUnca vof.tl10 l.'""1 rarmlnif kriml- II II V)cdgo. Kvery planter lblli VS bao lu Bent freo. I C.M.rerry&Co., MM f Mr. Harvey Herd Laceyvlllo, O. Catarrh, Hoart Falluro, Paralysis Pa-ralysis of tho Throat "X Thanlt OoA nml Jfooit'a Savta-liartllnfet- l'crfecl Health." " Oentlomenl 1'or the benefit of suffcrlns humanity hu-manity I with to state a ftw f.vtsi Kur scmal J ears 1 have suffered from catarrh ami heart allure, getting so bad I coull not wotk und Could Scarcely Walk I had a very bad spell of piral) l of the tluoat some time ago. My throat seemed ehned and I coulil not awnllow. Tho dortnrs sal I It was caused by heart lallure. nnd piiemeill me whlah 1 took acooidlng to direction. I Mil did not seem to do ire any pood. My v, lt nr.-cd mo to try Hood's H.inauiU, (slang m-j ol Mr Joseph 0. bmlth, who lad been At Death'a Door bat was entirely cured by Hood's flnrsaparMA. Aftir talking Willi Mr, Bmlth. I con. Inded to try Hoods Harsspsrlll.l. .Wliun 1 hid Uiien two bottles I felt very roach lienor I Inn continued taking It, anil am now feeling ouel-lent. ouel-lent. IthsnlcUod, and Hood's SarGaparilla and my wife for my restorstion to prrfril lirallh." JUnvr.Y IlrED, Jjweyrllle. 11001) 3 1'II.LH a l not imtse. t iitt or (tip, but set promptly, esJlty snd eatcltntljr 33c. GEftfiy'iDtE, The specific, and universal opinions, condensed, areas follows: , ... .... "You deserve great praise, and tho gratitude of Misreading world-tfiat portion of It, at least, that Is fortunate enough to read THE OKfcAT DIVIDE. Haflng n field entirely lu own, It Is Intensely American In cart and character ' It is useless for us to say, the llliiftrstlre features and typography aro superb-eonal In quality and unusualni ss to the fascinating and eirango contents that nil our columns TES CENTS n copy; ONE DOLL&U a year. Your newsdealer has It, If not, send to THE GREAT DIVIDE, Donvor.Col Dr. -J. B. Hoshaw JDay and night calls Promptly attended to. 0!i:co 11-2 Blocks cast of Post Office. LaU City. Utah. JOHNlTGfBB Will tnko pupils in Theory nnd Practice of Music and VOCAL CULTURE Arrangements ran be made by calling at his placo ol buaineea op. City Ilnll, LEUI CITY, UTAH Rheumatism Is n symptom ol disease ol the kidnej s It will certainly bo reliovcd by l'ltrka Suro Cu-o. That liendnclin, bnckn'che nnd tired feeling come from tho tame ciiuec. Ask lor Parks' Sure Cure for the liver and kidneys, prlco 41.00 Sold bj D. E. Ellington. Dr. P. A. Skinner, ot Texurknnn, Arkansas, is nnthueiaet in the pritlsu of Chnniborlnlu's Pain Rnlui. lie used it for rheumatism, and ens s . "1 found It to bo n most excellent local remedy," For sale, by Peoplo'e Co-op A Card tothe Ladies Deau Lady: If you aro troubled with painful nnd IrrcftuhtrperlcH.H take Dr. he Joza's World- renowned prescription Wo give wrltton gunronteo topcrmitnen-tly topcrmitnen-tly cure to two ticatmenls or refund the money. Prlcoforone trial treatment 12.00. Wnto or call on Ltdv Manager, SALT LAKE MBDKClNIi CO, o0 WrsrSKCO.NDBoi'ni Sr., HnHLtike City, Utah. Patlonts unsuccessfully treated or imposed, im-posed, upon by othora especially invited to rail. Parks' Cough Syrup. Has ben so highly recommended to us that we have taken the ngrncy for it and now nsk our friends ho aro suffering suffer-ing with a cold to glvt, it a tiial and ii It does not give satisfaction your money will be refunded. Every bottlo Is sold on n positive guarantee, Prico SO cents nnd $1-00. Sold by D. E. Elllngson. Tuts llnux Ooniitt'cima promptlynTiM where nil others fall. Coughs, Croup, gore ' Throat, Hoarseness, Whooploj Cough and 1 Asthma. lor Coneumitlon It baa no rival) i has cured thousands, sod Will corns TOU If takenlntlmo. Hold by DrugglsU on a guarantee guar-antee l'or n tarno 'lack or Chest- uso I aillLOH'8 DBLLAUt.NHA. ILA3TBKJSc. I SHlLQHIpATAnRH I SsFREMEDY. Havo you uawrrhr 'J lla remedy Is guaranteed guaran-teed to euro you. l'rlc Wet, lnjectortree. , The Little Things he Mott Valuable, i Oompnintiu'ly few people tegardlhcin pel-es as linenloi, I it nlmost everybody i hns lieen struik, nt r no lime or another, with idons thntsccir d rnleuhited to re I diico prune ol tho litt e frictions of life Usually such Ideas n o disinissod without with-out further thought. "Why don't the railroad company innkc Its enr windows so tlutt they ran bo slid up and don n without bruaklng tho pabannors' b.iis.7" exclaims the traveler. "If I were running tho road 1 would make them In such n way." "What was tho nu n that made thin saucepan thinking o ?" grumbles the cook. "Ho never hiil to work over n stove, or ho would Ii it e known how It ought tn have I -cell I xed." "llnng such n coll r button 1" grovv1i tho man who is Into tor breakfast. "If 1 were in tho bimincss I'd mnko buttons thnt wouldn't sllpot t, or breok off, or goii;;etmt the back of my neck." And then the various gulferers forget about their grievances nnd begin to think of something rise. If they would Hit down nt the next convenient .opportunity, .oppor-tunity, piitlhclrlilcognboutrnrwlndowa saucepans, nnd collar buttons Into prne-tlcnl prne-tlcnl shape, nnd then apply for pntente, they might find themselves ns Independently Indepen-dently wealthy as thotnnn who Invented the Iron umbrella ring, or the ono who patented tho fifteen puzzle. Nctico for Publication. No. 1037. Lund Oilko nt Snlt Lake Cityl January 24, 1SUI) Notico is hereby given that the following follow-ing named settler has Olid notice of his intention to mnko Uual proof lu auppirt otliUclalm, and that said proof will be mndo beforo tho County Clerk of Utah County ut Provo City, Utnh, on March I0,189i.lz: Willinin Sharp IIENo. 7012 for the E M S E ii and S .W H S E ii Section 28 and N E ii N E t Section U3 Tp I S It J K S L Mer. He names the following witnesses to prove hla continuous residence n jvou nnd cultivntioti of, enid land, vit: Robert Jones, Edwin Winn, George C. Munni, Parley Austin, nil ot Ilighlnud Prucinl, Utnh County, Utnh. llyron (Jroo, Register. Booth & Wilson, Atty. (first publication Feb. 1, 1801.) Legal Notice. In the rrobntc Court of Utah County, Territory of Utah. In the matter of the estate of Usury (joudey dtouatod. Notice of timonnd place for hoarlugot petition for admission to Probnte of Will. Pursuant to nn order of said Couit in sal I mutter, notico is hereby given thnt SatuidHV the 2 -tlh day of February A, D. IMM. at 10 o'clock n. m., nt the C'oi nty ruurt House, Provo City, Utnli Cnunty, Ti rrltory of Utah, in tho court Room of ' Mild Court, hns boon appointed the time iml pltu'o (or the hearing of a petition ol , 1 1. omo ebb prnyinR for the. ndtnission 1 1 p obate of a certain document there- .ill. presented, purporting to be the last ni'i id t-stainent of Henry Goodey dm. d, wl en und where nil par tons .Intiut ! tuav appear and contest thu iiubtito f said will, or the ginutingot lette'is testamentary to G oor go Webb m prated far in gold petition, Duttsl at Provo City, February 0 1WL V. L. llnllliliiy Probate Clork, Utah Couuly, U.T. ' Dr. Prlco'a Cream Raking Powder World' Talr Highest Award. HO HOOF NO HORSE TAty your I ones lo James Newton's To bo shod. First Class Shooing Dono Plain Shoeing $3.00 Pr. Span with calks S3.C0 liTTBTTcV: " ' E. C.MERRIIIEW , ' DENTIST. ' , . , Ofnce Ha blocks 'J . l i- i ..'- enstotl'oat Ofllce fiVfl-'Lt '' wliero ho can b. . t '( V nk seen nlmot ntn hour of ths day ho does nit kinds o ' DENTAL WOl.K, In tho best nnd Intesi I stvle s. All wi rk eunranteed, A lit oi I no pay. K C. MERKIIIEW. j 'M& w.Iii fS' Room 70, 77, -Sfe&j9; 78, COMMERCIAL fmJ TltTa'iI-F FINE DENTISTRY In nil Its Urnnchcs Special Rule nnd Induoemcnts to Persons Per-sons from adlol-tingtoiviw. Re suro you give him n visit when in the city. SALT LAKE CITY UTAH. ' Oaitaim Swggo:r, U. S. A. Stn Diego Cnl. says: "Shlloh's Cntnrrh Remedy Is tlic first medtclno I hnvo ever found thnt would do mo any good." Price 60c Sold by D. E. Eilingson. 53 Novels for 50 Cents. Wo hnvo made arrangements with one of the largest bookpubllshlngcompanlcs in this country whereby we can make this liberal off;r. Send ns our regular yenrs subscription of (3.00 for the Semi-Weekly Semi-Weekly Herald, nnd 60 cents extra, and we will send to your address, under separate cover, each week, ono of n series of 62 Novels n year. Old subscribers subscrib-ers can avail themselves of this rare opportunity by remitting full 12 months In advance and CO cents extra. These novels are standard works by the best authors nnd were selected with great cars and attention. They nre just tli thing for your home, Avnll your-solf your-solf of this opportunity nt once ns we make this offer for a limited time only. Send Express, Money Order, PoitOfllcc order or stamps. Tho Herald Pub. Co. Salt Lake City. A Sprained Ankle. This Is a common occurrence and ons that will lay people up ordinarily (I to 8 weeks, yet we will guarantee llallnrd's Snow Liniment to cure any enm of sprained nnklo in 1 to 3 days il applied at once, and to immediately relievo all pitin. Snow Liniment will euro any old I sore on mhn or benst. It will heal nil' Wounds and cures Sprains, Rurns, Scalds Bruises, Sore Throat, Sore Chest, Lame Hack, Carni, llunlons. For Rheumatism, Rheumat-ism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Contracted Muscles it has no equal. Do not allow-any allow-any other white Liniment to be put oil' on you for Snow Liniment. There is no other Ilk it. Ask for Rallard'a Snow Linlmint. Tals Is pretty goes. Mr. John O Goodwin, a csrpontor, of Danville, III., writes: "About two weeks ago a heavy saw log fell upon my foot very badlv crushing it so that I was un able to wnlk nt all. I sent for n bottlo of llallnrd's Snow Liniment nnd kept my foot well saturated with it. It Is now two weeks since this happened, nnd my foot is nearly will nnd I nm nt wotk. Had I not used Snow Liniment 1 should hat been laid tip nt least 2 months. For healing woucilr, sprains, sores, and bruises it has no equal. No Inflammn-tion Inflammn-tion can exist where Snow Liniment Is used. "You can use this letter." lie-wnr lie-wnr of all whitu Liniments substituted for Snow Liniment. Thero is no other Liniment like Rnllard's Snow Liniment Sold by O L Seabrlght fl, 5223 Siuloii's Vitamzzr is what you need for Dyspepsia. Torpid Lhor, Yellow Skin or Kidney Trouble. It Is guaranteed guaran-teed to give you satisfaction. Price 76c. Sold by D. E Elllngson. Karl's Ctovgn Root, the new Illood Purifier, gives froshneit and clearness to the Complexion and cures Constipation. 25c, 60s., nnd 1100. Sold by Steel & Co Mr. H.J, Majers, of Oakland IMd., says: "I hnvo sold thirteen bottles of Chamberlain's Caugh Remedy to-dny and amlltetally sold out. This U the largest sale ou record of any one j proportion pro-portion in a day over our counters- It jives the best satisfaction n any cough msdicine we handle, and as ti sellur it )Hu nil others preparation! on this uurket " For sale by Peoplss Co-op, Ask Your Friend. Who havo tnkon Hood's SarsKnarllln what thoy thing of It, and tbo Teplles n ill be positive in Its favor. One has been cured ot Indigestion and djspepsln, another finds It indispensable for sick hcadake, other report remarkable cures of scrofula, salt rheum others blood diseases, still others will tell you that It overcomes "that tired felling," and so on. Truly, the best advertising which Hood's oarsapnrilla rerlevcs is tho hearty endorsement ot tho army of frlrnds It has won by its positive inedicinsl.incrit. SUBSCRIBE TOR THE DESCRET SEWS It Is tiie organ ot the Church, the paper in the Rocky Mountain Region und can nlwa.vs bo relied upon to ndvo cate or defend tho right tide ot every question. ScsicntPTioN rales Dally ... $10,00 perysar. , 8etnlWekly ;i,00 ' ' , Wseily . . .',60" " I Addrssi The Deseret News Co. 1 Snlt Lake City. I can make you ns nico a set ot teeth as you can find on the faco ot tho globo. Dr MKribow. - 1 1-1 in,,, .nm jjMMMi,M H A Gentleman , H Who formerly resided in Connecticut, but who now resides In Honolulu, Wrltesi "for M years past, my wife H N audi have used A jet's H Js&v I'"1' Vigor, and we VMf ""'H'lite to It the dstk H Tmk! hnlr which she and I H XWt "w have, wtillo hua- l)i'?l lri'''' "' our acquaint- ij A nnces, ten or a doisa H 7$y ynrsyoungerthaiiwt, H if "f.v4a?W. nree,"lcrR"iT-liea(1sd, H Sfc&Zftn'A w1""'' or '"",l; wtl,n gwagwH m$ V h n a'owotirlislrhas H VirAl V.'fis' rc'mtied Its color and H W e-. fullness, we reply, 'fly i'5' t,lcu98u'Ayer'ellalr .H Br"-?-tfS-'( Vigor-nothing else.'" H B!-i (e'( "InltCS.myanianeed H mTJrr'"'&'i'' VM nfl"'y lM- tA BBgwH Kei! ,,f3?2 ""' lialr gfaH tKT" i.' A ?2?ikept fall- H WmmSSrZ'ivSSS 9 r ' LsssH " liertouse Ayer'a Hnlr Vigor, "Kit ery soon, It net only checked nny furtlin loss of hair, but H proiluccd an entirely now gronlh, which lias remained luxuriant and glo'sy to this day, H I can rcconiincnd this prom,, itlnn luallln H need of a genulnn lialr ri-d ter. It Is all that It Is claimed to be " Antonio Alarrun, H Tex H AYER'S HAIR VIGOR World's FniriTrnvlers Will Haye It. M I The public demand through service H 1 when traveling. It is old-fashioned to "Chnngo Cnrs." On tho through, solH H I vcstlbuled trains of tho Chlongo. Union' Pacific A North-Westem l.l'e rem or H to Chicago, Omaha and Intermediate points thero is no change. This is the finest nrd fastest wervlco between the points named. 1 -, I L u lm I' SSBPJJ Out of Sight. H Tho traveling public aro now fully alive to tho fact that the Ciii ngo Union H I'nclllc & Notlh-W cstem Line olfcm the very best accommodations to tuo pnblle from nml to Chicago, Omnlm nnd inter- mediate points, not - nty during tho H World's Fair, but nil the j ear round. H W NIGHtI H 1 MAKES THE COMPLEXION H I PURE AND BRIGHT. H It to H advantage to let the public know H what you have to sell. ,l,f you H wish lo make - M. -sH you can do so by judiciously ad- fl vertising your business, nnd now M is the time to make yo- H OR H business brisl: by at once placing H advertisement in Tlic Lchi Banner H which is largely circulated in the H north end ot Utnh Co Your H lIfh H will tlicn be a bus n M CAN I OUTA1N A I'ATr.NIT For rromrt antwer net! n bonct oplnt. n, wtlt to H MUNN t: CO., wbobTru. lltilTllnyM, rpvlencalDthe rfttent tomnyt. Commtintitvp gl lions itrtctlrconnitoittlrtt. A llitutlhi oUof lo format Ion conrornloir l'nt ond itomo cb- M tAlatbeiaient frefl. M iloLueuXtnecliaa ggH leal tuidswientlnobonkj i H I'Atsnts taken tli uit tin U Ca rcoolr ggH PciJuotlclnili-if- 1, 1 tHlii Amcilcnu.anJ H ibtia aro brouaht , ' beforaths-publtcwlib- LH out orwc to lUtt lm. nor, a hla nlenuld MNr, H lunodwelLlr,rIcri utirlllnitratM bulrfariba H largrit circulattoa or anr KintittL work in to H world. J.l a year. atn?l mnies ent Tr& gH lluilditiy lJUion.monthlr. liJt a ytr Hind H coplea.'J.'tceiita. KTcry iiumUr comnina bu- H tlful platea, in colon, anil photograph of iw H houic. witb plana, cnabilus uulld?ra to aliow tbo M latent oMljrni aud ccuro contraota. Addraa ggH MU.NN A CO,, Mir Vouk, aui XluoiOiWAl. M Nz Herhdy Promise H To refund all mono paid uh for H Haller's Remedies If ou nro not BENEFITED by tho'i M USl). Theso prcp.unuona consist ot H 15URB CURS COUGH 5VRTO, mmM SK BLOOD PURIFIES, coNraiimDm, BARB WmB LIH1HSKT, COC'JuS, liniS GERMAN FILLS, and aro ABSOLUTELY AUARAHTUED by H us. NO 001111, NO FAY. You taUo no H chiiuced. H Sold by all druggists. H I |