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Show Chango In tho Bullion-Beck. An Important chauga .'- made Tuesday In tho directorato of tho Hul-llon-Ueck Mining Company, nnd by It John Beck Is virtually restored to the managment of tho m'ne. Tuesday tlio dlrectois were called together to-gether In special dcimIoi), and in the absonco of President Thatcher, John Beck, as vico president, presided. Tho point was raised that as 11 do had no stock in his own right, lie having heretofore here-tofore represented Beck, ho was not qualified to act as n director n ,r uligi-bio uligi-bio for tho office of manngcr ot the mine, which had beon worth $100 lnonta lor several yoars past. On motion, duly mado nnd seconded, Ilydo's seat was declared vueent, and P. T. Furnsworth wm elected In his stead. Later In thu day tin now board mot, deposed Hyde as manager of tho miuo and elected Farnsworth tothu position. It is understood under-stood that Mr. Furnsworth will act 03 manager until March fltb, when John Beck will rellsve him. |