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Show 1 INFLUENZA, Or La Grippe, though rtccnalnnnllrcpl- jlrtnlc. Ii always more or 1cm prcs-nleiit. The. best remedy lor this roinplnlnt Is Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. "Last Rprlnir, I svas taken down with ( li nrirpc. At limes I stras completely pros- Iratcd, ntiil so difficult was my brratlilnR tUt my breast seemed m II confined In nn Iron cage. 1 procured a bottlo of y.r'a Clicrry Pectoral, nnd no aooner had 1 becan taklnR It than relief follow ed. I could not be. IIcto that the effect would boso rapid and (ho euro so complete. It Is trtilj a wonderful med. . lclnc." W. II WlLMAitR. Crook Clly.S. D. AVER'S ( Cherry Pectoral! 1 Prompttonot,surotocuro &-SrANDAnOGUAG -5 ,. 4. . f &S a t - 3 "' li . - ti -"t . S 4. & ij h r 2. 2 " - is 2 M I ' CSI I I i J 3 I I S - 8 ! S ii a h s s ,. i ' . "l-:'j',l ran ..n. i .'i tST'r' '-'" JSTowJTinie Card B.i.t.ll.I3. Arr(v, . P- li , 8 CO Pill Lake "; 8!27 ni"' , .'7". tl 00 - Lid U friction 6:W firftl Ll,l !" -11 00 Amiricimlorlc 6.01 0:15 rit ut Grovo V ,10 Prove- 4: 11:10 Nopbl "i1 UM5 J iwb M,xorPco AijUf lSlBpiu Jimb S.i ' -" 1Q 00 ii in Friwo :JU ft '" Trl-weckly SALV b.kt Al' U WB8TKIIN lllATMCr. I JW'J". ARRIVE. 0 Ojli. r, Lef I Junction . ! llt2I5 (ronton 2:' UtiO ' llurebu 3-i-' VJ1D m. PilvfirOIly p.m. 1.1 ' J,. II. ll.ai.AmC, K. DICKINSON, Vieo-1'rosl. A Ji jr. Aestst. Gen, Mgr. K I,. LOMAX, D. K.lUIftLUY, u,. I'ai. AguiL Gen. Agent. iSliis Qas and Basolisa PflWEil ENGMJIIS 8 xS U a Kara jtm feiwr nrt. od " saJMXSOiXiiBai7 UivrrlortlfMlll.'lyloBMoi't tf oSc tlinn any oilier eat or i,.ll nilu vn InM. Juii II lt I ! burucr. luru lUa w bwl, awi t auuJaUOujf. JIAUr.rl HO SMKt.r. OR DJltT. !.' Uoiita or flw oilVkIoih, m rnxjiMat wllb tti j luirrlU14 ll, Vop nimpttclty It HoaU tits WotW. It OIU lUclf AutoiwatloUr. lf L'sllcrloaurXUcMtirla llporU HHKUwtiUaCliVKr Ormljof (JoKiliiij Uwj.u uUir hugltw, jTOapucnurrimciucr . .. PALMER & HEY, MAMUt-AfcTURKfB, n rruAtD, C:l. tin) PulluJ, C. 50 row cftr ir will fior eyffi r'l Anareeab!o Laif.Uva ond NnilVETOKIO. Bold lv I)rug!Uor Kfflt by mull, tOc.Wo., and 81.0U jar paoliaits. Ruuplob (no. tfA HA ThonivorltuTOWBMWIM tVi JElvfurllio'A-vtUftuaiJrvUi,Xo. ; . i I ( I I Mrs, Xrtiiav SiifJierancf KAlsmaioo, Mich., had swellings la the, neck, or Goitre T::Ts 40 Years creat suffei lug. When she caught cold could not sralk Is o blocks without falntluc- She took Hood's Sarsaparilla And is now free from It all. H'aa has urged many others to Uko Hood's Sarsaparilla and they bar also been cured. 1 1 will do ) on good. HOOD'S PlLLS Cure U LUtt till, Jondlc, sick besdacht, Mllonintu, enr ilomsch. wnns A little boy of Mrs. McDonnl's, living near here, fell nxninnt a red hot slovo nnd mis fearfully burned. Tlio pain ns terrible, nnd It wns thought the burn wassonctcro ns to scar tlio child for life. Isold Hie lady n bottlo of Chamberlain's 1'nln Halm, which, niter Krrntlng tho sore, sho applied. It soon rcmou'd nil flro nnd cased tho pain, nnd in ten days tho boy wns well, no trace ot tho Bear remaining. J, I). McLaren, Keysport, Clinton county, III. Tor sale by IVoplo'o Co-op. Caitain SwEt.sur, V. R. A. San Diego Cnl. says: "Slllloh's Catarrh Hemedy is the first medicine I liavo ever found that would do mo nny good." Prloo 60c. Sold by I). K. hlUliRBOii. Among the incidents of childhood Hint eland out In bold relief, as our memory invortl (A tttnitiva il,n,t A n'.rd VAtlniy none ore more prominent than severe sickness. Tho oung mother vividly remembers that it wns Chamberlain's Cough lietucdy cured her of croup, and, in turn administers It to her own offspring off-spring und always with tlio best results Kor pale by People's Co-op, Iluy your goods nl tho.rooplcs Co-op Inst nnd get tho best vnlue for your money. Keep tho money In circulation In your ou n city and it w III romo bac'x lo you again. wUMun Willi MUTAC-iiiS. A German rrofrsnor ThlnVs That tho U7 of Hie lleardrd Ilpiuty la Coming. A learned German, svho has dovoted himself to tho study ot physiology, anthropology an-thropology nnd nlllcd rclonccs, makes tho rather startling assertion that mustaches nro becoming commoner among tho ss-omen In tho present day than In tho past. Ho nays, as quoted by the London tilnnJard, tint In Constantinople, Con-stantinople, among tho unveiled women wom-en that arc to bo mot with, ono out of ten possesses nn unmlstakablocovering of down on tho upper lip. In tho capi-tal capi-tal of Spain, again, the proportion of ladles svlth this mnsoullne characterls-tio characterls-tio Is said to bo quite equal to that observable ob-servable on the 01 olden Horn. An American medical man states that in' Philadelphia ftlHyt1rrr;o pgr-gnX-oT" tho nilult fair x i,ro similarly adorned, and probubly the proportion would bo still largor but that many womon take tho trouble to eradicate tho urtwolcomo grosvth by tho application applica-tion of depilatory preparations. Is this Increase in the uumbcr ot women svlth hair on their faces to be regarded as a sign thnt the humun rnco Is Improving? Im-proving? Very fawmen, at all events, will be disposed to consider that a mustache adds to the obarma ot the opposite op-posite tux. Englishmen, ludood, only a generation ngo, had such a detestation of mustachos and beards that the prao-tlco prao-tlco of shaving all hair oft their face down to their mutton-chop whiskers was nil but universal. Prom oho ex-trcmo ex-trcmo our clean-shaven fathers plunged into tho qtl(cr, nnd beards and mustaches rapidly became the fashion. Tho fashion has of late years again boon modified. Ilcards aro loss common, but the mustache is cultivated in England ns widely as on the continent. Hut svhy should the fair sex be visited by this infliction? ' Somo svrlters on elbilnlogy hohl that tho higher races of mankind nro al-ivnys al-ivnys the hairier, nnd Mr. Mott thinks that In a fesv centuries men and worn-on worn-on will nil bo clothed svlth rmlr. AFTER. DINNER WIT, Heady HIIIes Mdo by I'amoln Men Over the Witlnula and Mine. ' After-dinner speeches liavo becomo tho repository of much of tho most en jojablo humor and graceful roparteo that has found utterance, says Kate Field's Washington A ss-ealth of wit haa been uncorked with the cham pngno, fo sparklo for tho moment and vanish llko the bead in tho crystal goblet. It svas In great part at the tabic. In club or inn, that Dr. John son gave out his readiest sallies, and humble. Indeed Is tho hour.o whose 'walls havo not echoed to after-dlnuei pleasantry. Embalmed iu tradition, tho rolinquary of tho unwritten, wo find many curious Instances of the ready svit of somo of our great men At n dinner In Hoston to William M. EvartB, then secretary of state, the toa&truastcr Introduced Mr. Evarts by calling attention to the fact that "svhon svo sut down wo contemplated ngooso stuffed with ssge; I beg to In troduco to you a sago stuffed svlth goose." At a banquet given by tho great act or, Edward Everett, ho svas Introduced by Judgo Story, who took occasion to perpctrata this excellent pun: "Ap plauso shall follow In tho footsteps of famo wherever It goes." Everett's complimentary rejoinder svas that "Aspirants for position In tho tein plo of furno would uovcr ascend lilghei than one story." Campbell, tho English poet, create 1 a consternation and subscquein mem ment nt n dinner of literary fromi i, proposing tho health of Napol.ni, lionnpnrtc A murmur of surpn svont round tho table, and one pa trlotto llrlton nsked how ho ilan. inako so bold ns to propose Napoleon i health to u company of Englishmen "Ho onco hanged a publisher4' replud Campbell, nnd tho glasses 'yerodralnr I cheerfully. . pia.-" .i iaj L Is ILSAiuH THK I KctOHBBhBHMUBH C0ct.aO(lHral I MTTl V 00 DottlcsW wfl I "J "M Ot. )6ntadoce.JJ L.?1is t,',IU!J'7 OonoiSmToSptS fchere all others fall. Coucha, Croup, Bsra Bhroat. Itoaratnaia, Wbeoplnc Couxh and m.thma. For ConsumpUon It tu no rfrali m cured thounnd.. and srlll cvna Too If kcnlntJme. Sola 07 1)nnrlta on tuti. lutoiB'kft'gDcg f 1? JWfiBfflEMEDY. 11 avo youOaiarrlTr Tbti rsmolr M ruaroB. eodtocuroyou. Wce,Mct. IrOecfcrrrea. he Little Things the Most Valuable. Comparatively few- people rrgardlhom :lvcs as Inventory bul almost every body I na been struck, at one tlmo or another, ' Ith Ideas Hint seemed calculated lo re-d re-d uco some of tho little frictions of life. I iilally such Ideas are iflenitiucd ss-ith- 0 lit further thought. I "Why don't the railroad company tako Us enr windows so that they can lie slid upande'ewn without breaking lie pntsangere' back?" exclaims the ifnvclor. "If I ss ere running the road I lould mako them In such a way." l"What was the man that made this !) ucepan thinking of?" grumbles the II ok. "He never hid to work over a "' we, or ho would have known how It 01 glit to have lreu fixed." "Hang such a collar button I" growls tl oman who li late for breakfast. "Ifl w roln the business I'd make buttons tl at wouldn't sllpout.'or break off, or gc ugo out the back of my neck." Afid then tho various auffereri forget al out their grievance and begin to tl Ink ol something elw. If tbev svould sit down at Ihs nr-Tt Mn,',i,l.nl nMA tu illy, putlhelrldesiaboutfarwindow o tcc'pans, and collar"bulton into prc-tl prc-tl it chape, and then apply for patent, tli sy might find themwlve ss Indopen-do Indopen-do itly wealthy a theman ssholnventcd th Iron umbrella ring, or the one ssbo P" entcd the fifteen putile. a TEMrriKO orrr.R. 'o Induce people to keep trackof their bright idc and see what there is In tlitm, the Press Claim Company haa rcijplycd to offer a prize. ' 'o tho person who submits to It the In ipleet and moat promising Invention, fro h a commercial point of view, the cor ipany 111 give twenty-five hundred dol ar in caMi, in addition to refunding tltf feca for securing the patent. It will alMndvortlee the Invention free ol charge 'this offer to subject to tho following condition ; ijtery competitor muat obtain a pafcnt for his invention through the coil pany. He must firat apply for a pn iminary search, the coat of which wil be the dollar. Should tliia search she v his inscntion to bo unpatentable, ho an ss ithdraw without further expense 4 Icrsviee he will be expected to com-jiJlUiifl com-jiJlUiifl application nnd take out a pal'ntlnthe regular way. Tho total oxpVnae, including Gosermnent and Bureau fees, will bo eovcnly dollars. For thiii, whether he secures the priioor not, the inventor will have a patent that ought to bo a valuable proportr lo lilm. The prlio will be awarded by a Jury consisting of three reputable patent attorneys of Waehington, Intending compotltore should fill out the following blank, and forward it with their application; appli-cation; " , 1802. 'I aubmlt the within described luven-tioli luven-tioli in competition for the Tissnty-five hmdred Dollar I'rlie offered by the Pr sa Claim Company, 11 A Good Thing to Ketp at Hand. From the Troy (Kafta$) Ohitf. (some year ago we svere much etibjeot to severe spells of cholera morbus; aud now s hi-n we fee) any of the symptoms thatusually preceed, that aliment, nch a eieknesa at the stomach, dUrrbrra, etc.. wo become amrv.- Wall use found Chomboilaln'a Colic, Cholera and Piarrhcra Hemedy tho -ery Ihlng lo straighten one out In ueh case, and always keep It about, We are not writing this for a pay testimonial, but to let our reader know srbat i a good thing to keep handy In the house, .For eale by Tcople Co-op, Persons troubled si Ith chronic diarrhoea should try Chamberlain' Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Itomedy. Many cases have been cured by It after all else had failed and skilled physicians were powerleea. For Bale by People's Co-op. " r 1 s ' For a lame back or for a pain in the side or cheat, try saturating a pieco ol fleuiicl with Chamberlain' Pain Balm nnd binding It onto the affected parts l'lils treatment will euro any ordinary case in ono or twodaya. Pain Balm also cures rheumaaism. 60 cent bottle for eale by 1'eoplca Co-op. Mr. Thomas Batte, editor of tho Grap hie, Texarkana, Arkaneae haa found what ho believes to bo the beet remedy in existence for tho flux. Hiaexporience is well worth remembering. Ho say: "LhBt rummer I had a scry severe attack at-tack of flux. I tried almost every known Tt'iufdy, nono glslng relief. Chamberlain's Chamber-lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea item-cdy item-cdy waa recommended to mo. I purchased pur-chased n bottlo and received almost Iru-nicdinto Iru-nicdinto lelicl, 1 ccntinued to ute tho medicine nnd wns entirely cured, 1 ta'ie plcnturo In recomonding thie reme-b reme-b t any person suffering with such 11 iiui iw, a in my opinion it lit tho beit 11 idielne in existence." 1!S nnd BO cent Imitlvi for ealo by Pcoplo'a Coop. I can make you as nice a set of teeth as ou cjii dud on tire faco ol tho globe Dr. Merrlhow. 1 "(- , ,m '- .' f ' ' ' Utah at;the World' Fair. It I expected that Chlcnjo will bo crowded during the existence of the lilr. MeirnolH'rts. Doild & I'achmnn, Prt,-prletoisof Prt,-prletoisof the Hluh Worlds Vulr Excursion Excur-sion & Hotel Co., Pros o Utah, luise nrrnnged suitable sleeping npnrlmeiitc, reslatiraiita etc. at a suburban point called KlvcMlda wlllilnfi minutes ssnlk of two railway atntions nnd wliliin 10 minutes ride of tlio I'nlr (Jrotimlp. Hatha barbershops and evcrjllilng bo longlngton first clans hotel mid resort have been provided exclusively for V tub people. Hater nt this resort w ill bo ono half lisstlinii llo expense o( holcl etc. in Chicago. The Illn Ornudo Wcslcrn hns been selected for the purioeo ol Iranaporilng pasaengora to nnd from Chicago nt rates guaranteed to lie nslow as any other road on that lino only can passenger reach tho Hlvorsido resort. For photographs, rnt contractu mid nil patllcsitars apply to Huberts, Dodd A Baeliman, Proprietors Utah World's Fair Excursion A HotelCo. Provo, or to any ot their authorized agents iu your vicinity. 5a Novela for 50 Cent. We havo made arrangements ns ith one of tlie largest book publlshlngcompnniea in this country whereby o can mako thlillberal offer. Send lie our tegular years subscription of f3.00 for tho Homl-Weekly Homl-Weekly Herald, nnd 60 centa extra, and we will tend lo your address, under aeparate rote, each week, ono of a serlea of f2 Novela a year. Old subscribers subscrib-ers can avail themselves of this raro opportunity by romlltt g full 12 months In advance and 60 cents extra, These novels aro standard works by tho best authors nnd w ero selected with great caro and attention. They nro Just tho thing for your home, Avail your- seu 01 mis opportunity at onco aa we make thia offer torn limited tlmo only. Send Express, Monjy Order, Post Office order ojalamps. Tho Herald Pub. Co. Halt Lake City. For tho World' Fair. Dy arrangements, the Klo Ginmlo Western Hallway will run through enrs from Salt Lake and other Utah points, direct to tho World' Fair, passing through scenery uuriwilcd on nny railway rail-way in the world. Elegant new Day Care and tho most modern Palace Sleeper svlll be nsugned to this Special Service. No effort will bo spared to mako your trip to the world's Fair iv nover-to-bo-forgottcn journoy of Luxurious Luxur-ious Easo and Pleasure. Itntes via tho H. (1. W. will bo na low-as low-as tho lowest. Call at tho ticket office for copy of World's Fair houvenir illustrated. 1 .i 1 m ' A Sprained Ankle. This I a common occurrence nnd ono thnt will lay people up ordinarily 0 to 8, week, yet wo will guarantee Hnllnrd'a. Snow LlDtmc.nl to euro nny caso of sprained ankle in 1 to .Idayg ii applied at onco, and to immediately relievo all pain. Snow Liniment will euro any old soro on man or beast, It will heal all Wound and cures Sprains, Hums, Scalds Bruises, Soro Throat, Sore Clirnt, Lame Back, Corns, Bunions. For Itheuinat-ism, Itheuinat-ism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Contracted Muscles it haa no equal. Do not allow-any allow-any other white Liniment to bu put off on you for Snow Liniment. Thoro in no other like It. Ask for Ballard's Snow Linimiul. Tali It putty good. Mr. John C Goodwin, a carpenter, ol Danville, HI., writea. "About twoweeke ago a heavy saw log fell upon my foot very badl) crushing It ao t lint I waa unable un-able tp walk at all. lecnt for n bottlo of Hallald' Snow Liniment and kept my foot well saturated with it. It is now tsso weeks since this hnppcncd, nnd my foot I nearly svcll and I nm at work. Had I not used Snow Liniment I should have betn laid un at least 2 months. For healing wounds, sprains, sores, and bruises It hi no equal. No Inflammation Inflamma-tion can vxlit where Snow Liniment la used. "You can usu this letter." Bo-ware Bo-ware ol all white Liniments substituted for Bnow Liniment. Thre is 110 oilier Liniment like Ballard's Snow Liniment Bold hy O L Beabright World's Fair Building No. 3. Trie woyAv'aiiuiLDiKa, Just south ot tho 60th St. entrance Dimension 200 by 400 feet. Cost 140-000.. 140-000.. Every lady should visit it. Don't forgot that the Chicago, Union Pacific and Northwestern Line offers t,l.o beat service and rates as cheap as n'ny lino to Chicago, No change For additional Information call oil the Union Pacific ngont Mr English. Sntiou'i Vitalizer la what yon need for Dyspepsia. Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or Kidney Trouble. It is guaranteed guaran-teed to give you satisfaction. Price 76c. SoIdbyD.E.EUingson. Karl's Cloven Root, tho now Blood Purifier, glvea freshness and clearness to the Complexion and cures Conatipatiun. 23c, 60c, and Tl0O Sold hy Steel & Co Mr. II. J. Majera, of Oakland Mil., say 1 "I have sold thirteen bottles of Chamberlain' Caugh Hemedy to-day and am literally sold out. This is the largest ealo on record of auy ono pre-pattion pre-pattion in a day over our counters- It gives tho beat satisfaction o! any cough medicine we handle, nnd aa a seller it otspu all other preparations on tills market " For ealo by Peoples Co-op. Ask Your Friend, Who have takou Hood's Sarsaparilla what they thing of it, and tho replies will Iks positive in its luvor. Ono has been cured of Indigestion and djspepsm, another flnda It indlspensablo for sick hcadake, other report remarkublo cures of fcrofula, salt rheum others blood dif eases, still other ss ill toll you Unit it outcome "that tired felling," and to on. Truly, the bist udvertlslng which Hood' &araparilln reii ea is tlio himrty endorsement ot the ainiy ot (rirnda it ha won by It poslthe medicinal merit. HiiiiiiiiiiH , m gooSI eep 1 clear! Q lonqI H '.fl'il l$m rvi b .sH memtalI 'ri B Ism ono 1 lH ,Sarsaparilla1 H .M,'.!.'.'1r"mctl " np' known business man iliaiaiaH of .lllllsboro, ., sends this testimony to IH ths merits of Ayrr'Hsrsap,irllla ".Several aaaaH enrs nan, I hull inytrR.llio Injury Icavlnir H asorenblchlcdlnrr)sliielAs. My suirerlngs B were extreme, mr ten, from tlio knee lo the iisisisiH nnk e, beluir n solid sore, which began to ex. KM tend 10 other pans of Hie body. AflcrlrjhiK BaaaTal various irmedlcs, I hegiin laklnir A sir'- KlaV Ssrsaivirllla.niid, before I had fliiklird tha iaiaKasalal first boitle, I experienced ureal relied tho iIH second bottlo cllccteil n complete cure." H Ayor's Sarsapafilia H l'rrrtrtdbyDr.J.O.Aycr&CoLoiTclMMt. Curosothorn,will euro you World's Fair Travlers Will Have iH Tho public dcinnnd through svrvico H when trnvcling. It is old-fnslilolied to H "Chnngo Care." On tho through, solid vcfitibuled trains of tho Chicago. Union H Pnelflc .V, Nnrtli-Wcslcnt I.l:o from or H to Chicago, Omaha nnd intcrmcdtnlo H points thcro is no ehnngo. This Is tho H finest ncd fastest acrvico bctreen tho H points H The traveling public aro now fully iH nlho to tho fartthat tho C1I1 ngo Union H Pacific A North-Western Line offers tbo H very best nccommodntfoiia to tlio public from nnd to Chicago, Omnhn nnd Inter- mediate polntn, not only during tho World's Fair, but all tho year round. "It la north tbo price to every persos sthoeren rtsili a neneparer." Darlington fH JonjuaL H Blue Pencil Rules. lH aslaBlaH .a.. C3-. xrmvTxq-B. H A Pocket I'rlmer for tbo tse ot Itrporterr, (H Correiponilenta and Copy Chopper. iB Khort, simple snd practical roles (or fH maklmr ami txlltlnir newipatier ropy, fB nnd nt equal value tn alt who wish to BfilSfilSfiVI wrlto correct r.nclUh. J Rent on receipt of price. Price, 10 .cents ,,,,, per copr. ALLAN VoltMAl', PublUher, Bafafafal 117 Nassau Htreet, New York. It to if advantage to let the public know ffH what you have to sell. I (you ffH wish to make H you can do so by judiciously ad-sy1 - B vcrtisinrr your business, and now is the time to make yo- business brisk by at once placing H YOU .H advertisement in The Lclii Banner H which is largely circulated in tha H north end ol Utah Co. Your H lIfe 11 will then be a busy one. H A SclontlRo American H NlJimSrTRADS MAIIKS, H fflSW DKSION PATENTS, H s- 00PVRIQIIT8, etcJ ,H For bifermatlon and free Ilaadbook write to 1 ML'NN It iu. u.1 IiHiiauirAr. .New Yoric. fH OldMl burenu for recurlns Menu in Ameilod. iiiiH 1'rerr Patent taken ouL 1 t troushltiernru fH tsepubiiobyanuilceaiTeu trcaorctiarsfllntbe liiH 'ricnfit'ii: Jmcviau H Laraest clreulat mi of anr iricotlse paperln tbA H wodil. Spletiiliillr illusiraleil. No lntelllEens iiiH man .houl.t be wliiiout It Wrekl, K I. no a IiiH ycart ll.ai.U month!. AddreM JlllN.N A IX), H l'uuuautR, .'iiil l)ioianj, hew Vork otr. B Wc Hereby Promise H To rcfuud all money paid us for H Haller's Remedies H It sou are not BENEFITED by their H USU, Tlico preparations consist of M SURE CUES COUGH SYRUP, AUmAMSALYS, BLOOD FURiriER. PAIH PARALYZES, r " SARSAPARILLA d BURDOCK (Csnpciil) COKPITIOM POWDERS. .ARBWIREillllHEE CORNCm L1IUE GERMAN PILLS, and aro ABSOLUTELY (IUARANTKG0 Hy B us. NO GUIU1, NO PAY. You take no H clmncea, H Sold by all druggists. ' iH |