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Show There is one question ai old as our government that apparently will never be finally eettled nnd disposed of. It is that of State's.riihts under the Constitution Consti-tution of the United States. Tho discus-idh discus-idh in tlib House of the bill for the repeal of the hiwa for the Federal euper-vision euper-vision of rrisidcutl.il and Congressional elections has brought tho subjfct to tho front onco more, tho democrats championing cham-pioning State's rights and maintaining that tho laws which the bill proposes to repeal Infringe upon those rights, while the republicans maintain tho constitutional constitu-tional right of Congress to enact law a for (ltd supervision of all national elections. Tiio democrats being in a majority will decide in favor of State's rights and against Federal election laws, but by the lime the question is again brought up in Congress tlio whirl.igig of time may havo ruvcrscd the majority and the National idea w ill be endorsed. Thus it has alnaya been and probably always will be, on thli question |