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Show Pleasant Grove Points. Tho young men hnve volunteered to gut fuel for the poor. Ten cords ot wood has been turned over to tlio Bishop nnd doubtless many more loads will be delivered de-livered beforo whiter sets in. A laudable laud-able work. William Wadley and sous havo disco, dis-co, cred a cae In tlio mountain near th'dr onyx mine. They w ill blast a hole into tho chamber sons to muko it easy of access for v isltors. The brick from tho harness shop of F. Peers that was burned last Spring Is being rnzed to the ground. The material mater-ial will bo Uttd tu repair Clark llrotheis Op:rn Houso that has been standing since It w as burned two year ago, L'x-IIIshop John Drown who has been spending tho summer in tlio Southern part of the Territory has been ordained a Pitriach, lie win likely remain in Dixie this whiter, A meeting ol the Republicans met at the City Hall last ucuing and elected thhtccu delegates to attend iho County Coiaontlon at SpauUliFork unthoUOth, J.unus L. llrouu has gone rubt o U tend school bis family accompanied him they expect to bo absent three ycaiu. The granger is busy harvesting Lb cola nop which is fuirly gcotl. Mr;. i;ila Rice from Colomdo li visiting visit-ing her cousin Mrs. R. K. Di.in, Social evoiita are very srurce ; pcoplo too busy for amuacmcuU 1 he last of our Saloon lias closed down j busted for u. in .uuagd. Our new sclivH 1 liouw will bo dedicated dedi-cated ou the 2nd proj. Wo now t'poit a bniUr hop. Tin calling is tluno tor the kt-asuii. Wood htmlinj awina tu m the mge. The health of the KQpl is good. Mr. L.WInboig left fur Aslilry Ian week with u h-d "i good. The Dist riot .'-tiiooin will be oH.iid ou Muoduy new .t-- in all tho Sehuul j Hoiuah, the Primary grades will begin j first and tho other grudos w ill follow as f.istus the pupils come in. j |