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Show 8EHMON3 WEAH OUT. I.vo.i (land iticn Hud tii'tfr l liurned Allor i:d K I'rturliril a i Time. ' it lnaer long time ilnco I prenchpil n written mnuon in tlio rtttlplt." cays the bialiop of London, according to tho Tiroes of tbut city, "but whin 1 did preueb written Bcrtnon, which I did for aooii.li'ei.ililo nunitierof years, I alwnyn u;el to find that If I liad preached the i.uuie Rertmic Indifferent utaees, b'i In'1 timv, 1 Uud hud enough of It Whether utlifr people, hftd lil enongh of it or not. I livcaoiB tJior oiiffl.ly tlrcl of the wboto thUlg, ami won "bilged to turn icyrntad totoutC;' thin. nit ' ether different; and I Ww alwavn :vt i d proaihera, oftcr 1iAW's pis.1.1 u I u'.ifotm. nierUln uumbor ,.f ti n' ..i.li.ml h.j'nig down how loujf thev i.d t!it 1 .vebcen in doing lt,tobnru .in 'i '.ci trior, i. I ntn convln cd myself thul tins bet ny olwaya is to write. your mil threo time, over nnd then to It.u n it uihI prea h what you remember. remem-ber. if it. II .it even that will notdc n hen y n ,"i . e up writing hennons, nnd when "y.-ii i oii.e to nprnlring, not wltli-out wltli-out j-i'evloiu preparation, but without auj i'ie-,1 iu' . "itluK'of It. It will not do limniv t" t T'i whul note; you have wn'tu.i, I.-. ,n. fien the words stay in your ir.lnd . ml if you liovo to speak out. they ci me whether you want them or not. ' '1 hi y arc ready and tho ooc.v lilon M.cni'1 to pri'cnt Itself, nnd tho words 3' i in iih If thoy had a sort of Independent In-dependent u lion of tliolr own, and they say: 'Hero's ray place,' nnd out thoy oomo." |