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Show I A WASTE OF EGOS. I MoUnrlinly Ailtmiluro Wlilcli ItrMt a I Couple tif Molflah 1'iaaaoiigotM. ' Hallway pigs do not always socuro happiness happi-ness for K:cniscjv6 by mnklnR their follow passengers comfortable, writes a HosUm correspondent. A friend of your cot respondent re-spondent chanced lowliness n mi'Intn hidy ndvcnluro which befell two of thn Inooil on a suburban train tho othur day. 1'lg No. I was unjustifiably occupying two neat wldlootlierpwplo wero compelled to stand for wnnt of silling room To keep tho second sec-ond plnoa at his sldo ho haddcpootH ttiero on a good-sized paper ling full of something Tho train drew up nt n station on Its v.n Into town and pig No !i entered tho car with a slatn l'ig No. 1 was a selfish pig, wherons pig No. 3 was an aggressive pig. iloth varieties aro only too familiar. Now ensued n tragedy lu ono act I'lg No 9 made Ids way nlong the nlsln until he rnino to tho bench occupied by pig No I for the accommodation accom-modation of himself nnd his piper Imp. Then ho paused nnd glared. Doubtless if bo had nsked pig No. 1 to lemnvc IhenfTcudinii parcel nnd tnako room for him, Ig Nn 1 would havo acqulosced and nil would lMvo been peaceful and lovely. IMgNn 2, Imwvv cr, did not chooso to make any such pnlitn request. Hotlmply kpread hlseoit tails nml sat down uiion tho paper bug wilh tho ponderous pon-derous emphasis of about 190 pounds nv-cfrdupolj nv-cfrdupolj Bquashfrigs New 1 nnd 3 leaped to their lcet simultaneously. On thn countcuanco of tho former wns nn expression ex-pression of pardonaljs.nnger, on lhat of the latter wero writton emotions of horror nnd alarm. At tho sniili tlmo tho passcngors near by observed thttl pig No 3 was liter ally covered ns to da rear with a fluid ol chroma yellow tint, which tilckled down tho legs of his trousers to the lloor. TI15 seat he had so suddenly vacated was u pud dlo of the tame. , "Birl" exclaimed pig No I, wralhfully, "bow dare you smash uiy eggst" ' "Jackass!" replied pig No 3, withcquii, heat, "what do you menn by sotting atrni with your Infornal hen fruit for decen, people to sit down upon I" "Two dozon and a half, fresh laid," said pig No. 1. "I'll thank you to pay me tot them " "A brand new pair of fourtocn dollar pantaloons," rejoined pig No. 3. "Heplaoo them or tight." It was tho brnkeman who Interfere! nnd put an untimely stop tn what promised tn bo an unusually intorostlng scrimmage And nt tho last view tho writer's friend had of tho t'nmbatnnts, as the train cat no In n full stop In tho Doston depot, pig No, 1 wus caving tho car breathing nwful threnlsnf ctlou for assault, whllo pig No' 3 was ho-g ho-g w Iped off with newspapers by thn bruku-I bruku-I nn nforesuld. Most of the passengers, I rango to say, npiearcd to he gi loved that I two hud lint been pcunittod to wipn I other out unmnleslcil. 'Ihi'in urn of railway pigs, to sparo in thoso B? ' |