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Show A OhiiiIIiI llut-liir. 11 iseai.y to bellevo tho dtory which 11 writer in tho Brooklyn Timet- telK on 11 liroinlneut doctor of tho city of chiiivh "s. breiuioe many physiciumi uic Just like hhn. Till in tho atory: A doctor called tho other day upon 1111 np-bm-ii (iimlly, vvholho fools pictty vvull ae-qualnted, ae-qualnted, to iittuud tho child of thu houM) in fcor.ie ti tiling lllneaa. After 1liuKiUH.i1j.jf tho ciibd mid giving aouie ill-tcctioiiH ill-tcctioiiH (or tho euie of tho child, he snid as ho wns- going- avviiy: "Oh, do , ou want mu to glvo him any medicine?" medi-cine?" "Not If ho doesn't need it, if com ae." aald tlio ohild'n mother. Well, be dui'Mi'l need any medicine the least hi the wot Id All he vviinta U enrc and to avoid talilnjf cold. Hut aome folhb never seoiu to think I have earned my fee unlcbb 1 write a preseripllon; and .0 in such 1 mm I nlvvaya do prosei'llm inio haimleK doM or othei' " |