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Show KUMANCE AND BLANKETS. Dear Mr. II. Mmltt it I'loHaaiit ltcmnik nml Ho Menut It. liven n dry-goods storo may bo selected by fato as n plico for a romance, as tho following fol-lowing story from tho llrooklyn Kaglo proves! In ono of tho bigup-towndry-goods stores a spinster saleslady of twenty flvo yeurs was sighing hor lonely lifoawayin tho ladles' and children's department ou tho third floor, whllo a wldowor sales-gen tleman, aged forty, was bccomlug grny and bald with tho enro of throo children among tho blankets down In f-.o basement. Was It Iho subtle but strong power of nfHnlty, or was It only family uocessltlos that drew thoso lonely henrts together) Who can tell I Neither will ovor forget that day, that hour, thrco weeks ago, when they first gaiod Into oacti other's eyes. IIo had como upstairs to her counter. "What can I show youf "Children's stockings, please." "What numbers I" "Four, flvo and a half and seveD, Two pairs each, nleaso " "Walk this way. Now, how do you liko thesol" "I always get that kind " "Hut this kind wears much better. Lovely Love-ly day, Isn't HI Qulton family, ohl Yoursl Why doesn't your wlfo do tho buylngi Ohl Cash I No, I won't forget tho discount. What department aro you In I Illanketi ought to bo soft. Oh, yes ; I lovo children What name, pleasol" 1 "You'ro n girl after Tny own heart," said tho widower, as ho walked away with tho stockings. ) "A girl after my own heart " These ' words rang In tho lonely snlcslady's cars, . I.iko tho parson who kissed tho fiddler's wife, "sho couldna sleep for thlnkln' o't " l The next day sho sent a boy with a noto to I tho blunket department in tho baBcmcnt. ' Tuo noto said t nun Mil 11.' rieaie tell iss what you meant by saying 1 was a girl after your own hoort. 1 halo a particular reason for aaklng. LILUE M, Mr. II. wrote back saying ho meant nothing noth-ing Next Miss M. visited the blanket department. de-partment. Hho wanted a "comforter " Of course Mr. II. waited on her. "Where shall I bond this, Miss M.I Yesl 's thatjour correct nddrossl" "You can easily find out If you call " "May I call I" "Certainly What did yon moan by what you said up in my departmentl" "Nothing." "You must have meant something." "Well, mnybq I did," "I think you are just tcrrlbto. Buoli short acquaintances, too." Tho first visit settled It. Cupid bagged them both. They combined their respco-tlo respco-tlo gentility and jyoro mado ono lant Hun-day. Hun-day. Tho widower's hair has bccouio a rich, glossy brown again, und his two-dollar-and a. halt smllo Is tho most bewitching bewitch-ing to bo found anywhero In his Hue ot business. busi-ness. Astotho"glrl after my own heart," Iho sacred curtains of homo now conceal hor, but tho sound of hor chirping can be beard for halt a uillo |