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Show Sunday Afternoon Service at the Tabernacle. Taber-nacle. At the usual afternoon servlco In the Tabernaclo here Bishop T. R. Cutler presiding. Tnomeeting opened by the choir and congregation singing the hymn "Oh yo mountains high." Prayer Pray-er by Elder Wm. Southwlck. The choir sang "Behold tho great Redeemer die." Tho first epeaker was Elder Christophcrson of Arizona, who had been formerly a resident of Lehl, was requested to rclato somo of hln experiences experi-ences since leaving hero. Ho related Interesting incidents of his lifo w'hilo in prison where ho had been incarcerated for an infraction of the Edmund-Tucker law. Elder Jos. Wild, of American Fork was then called to address tho meeting. Ho made somo remarks about tho ignorance ignor-ance of the world as to the real motives and religion of tho Latter-day Saints nnd i-ven as to their appearance A great many people expecting to bo able to tell a "Mormon " from ony other person by his looks, dress, or some other distinct feature. Although thero aro so many different sects and parties of religionists religion-ists on the earth, there nro but two powers in connection with it viz., the power otuoil nnd the power oi the adversary. The Cflristlnns believe that Christ will come apaln, ho do we. They say the Gospel hailncver left tho earth ; but wo as Latler-do,y Saints know better. We aro getting 'nlxcd up a little just now, caused by the late political movement ; but wo need havo no fear, if wo will do right. Wo havo to bo tried in all things, and this political business is just ono more of tho ways the Lord has to try us as n people, nnd as individuals. indivi-duals. Tho Bishop then read a communication communica-tion from tho Bishop of Pleasant Grove ward recommending that Bro. Kendall and family bo received into any ward that ho may detiro to join. As ho wished to locate here, ho was unanimously unani-mously accepted by tho congregation as a member of thij ward. Singing by the choir "What was. witnessed in the heavens." Meeting dismissal by Elder W. H. Winn by benediction. |