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Show NOTES ON CORN GROWING. Do nor put ttrawy stable or barnyard barn-yard manure on light soils for corn Tho manure will Incrcusa droughty ondlttons to such nn oxtont that It will do incio harm than good unless tho ;ason U unusually wet If your team crowds together In the cultivator, trampling tho coin, tlo the outsido rinu of ouch bit to tho end of a otlck fout foot Ions, "sing a ttrlnj of such lencrth that tho stick wdl hang just under tho jjws. This will draw tho hoi sob apart Ir tho ground nnd air nre dry, com press tho soil nbovo tho corn; but if tho ground Is wet and drying slowly, do not compress it If compression la unavoidable, un-avoidable, us it Is when tho two horso planter U used, loosen tho ground with tlio smoothing harrow. Tun frequency of cultivation should not bo measured by days, but by con-dition con-dition of soil and ntuiosphcrc Cultlva tlon should bo often enough to keep weeds liolow tho surface, to prevent tho formation of a crust on tlio surface, sur-face, aud to keep broken near tho sur-fuco sur-fuco the continuity of tho crevices be. tween tho soil particles. American Agriculturist |