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Show BUCKWHEAT AND BEES. The Japancto lias Uceii round Superior to All Cltlier Varieties. Ever slnco I havo been engaged In bec-kccplng I have been hearing of tho good reputation of buckwheat as a honey plant. Tho good qualities of tho common and ollvcr-hulled havo been ' tUeouaud nnd now wo lvavo n new can-dldato can-dldato for public fuvui lti tho Jnpaucso buckwheat This is tho fourth season that it has been beforo tho public It has been w oigned in tho tialanco nnd found superior to nil other know n varieties. vari-eties. Thegralnlslarjoin size.nndglvos a very much larger yield of grain The $&WitrVW$P' wv i -5Ss ri i JArANEBE llCCItWIIKAT. quality of tha flour is equal to that of tho well-known varieties, and ahead of them in quantity. 1 regard tho bowing of buckwheat a& a safe Investment, although in many localities it only yields honey occasionally. Years ngo I was accustomed to drivo by a faun whero thcro was alow placo near the road, w hero yearly grew the rankest of wecdi. Tho farm cl.jngcd tenants, and tho now ono put UiU plcco of ground Into buckwheat, und It changed tho a, , earanco of tlio wholo farm Tho following year I noticed this plcco of ground remarkably clear of weeds Low places In corn Colds nro occasionally occasion-ally drowucd out by heavy raius In June, and produco both honoy and cakes for their owner. Japaueso buck-w buck-w heat la advertised by seoJsmcn for ono dollar per bushol Pruirlo Purmer |