Show TWO carbuncles carbuncled CARB UNCLES ON NECK veterans home Na napa paCo co cal 1 I was afflicted with two carbuncle carbuncled carb uncles on the back of my neck the doctors said they were tho the largest carbuncles carbuncled carb uncles ho he ever saw I 1 suffered buffered the most intense agony so BO much that I 1 could not rest or sleep for about a month one was alced four times when the first began to get better another broke out ivd ind was equally as painful as the first one I 1 heard of cu cicura soap and ointment being good tor for such things so eo I 1 procured a box of Cuti cura ointment and a cake of Cuti cura soap I 1 washed both tho the carbuncles carbuncled carb uncles with cuti cura soap frequently whenever any pus began to gather and applied the Cuti cura ointment I 1 felt relief after the first alist use of Cuti cura soap and ointment and in a weeks time both carbuncles carbuncled carb uncles were gone and I 1 was completely cured I 1 have not been troubled since 1 f I also had bad eczema of tho the scalp my scalp itched ditched fearfully and pimples bogan began to break out which emitted pus and my head became sore and scaly thad I 1 had dandruff bandru ft also I 1 used Cutt Cuti cura soap for a shampoo with hot water and used the Cuti cura ointment on my my pandit afforded instant relief followed by absolute cure signed george 11 dee dec 11 1911 Cuti cura soap and ointment sold throughout gho 1 ut the world sample of each free with 32 p skin book address postcard post card Cuti cura dept L boston |