Show SPRY HEADS TICKET republicans of utah endorse governor at state convention salt lake city governor william spry was at the republican state convention held in this city on thursday tho the governor being chosen by acclamation to head the ticket in his keynote speech as temporary chairman senator sutherland aroused tile the delegates to a high pitch of enthusiasm with his recounting of achievements of tile the party lils his declarant declara arat ln u alit there are re i il halt breed republicans in utah ills his upholding of the principles of republicanism and his denunciation of the third term terin party tho the platform adopted expresses pride in allegiance to the republican party which has wrought the progress and reforms in government and civilization which give the united states world leadership which pledges further ther progress pro giess and achievement the ticket follows for presidential electors sirs airs I 1 Ift margaret rgaret zane witcher Wl salt lake eph homer utah county john M davis uintah county and edwin D woolley kano county for V congress con gross in men e n at large josept joseph howell owell II logon and jacob johnson spring city vor for governor william spry salt lake for justice of the supreme court J E frick salt lake for secretary of State David mattson ogden F for or state slate treasurer jesse Jesso D 1 jew jewkes ices emory county for state auditor lincoln linco in G kolly billiard county for attorney general A it barnes salt lake for state superintendent of public instruction A C nelson salt lake |