Show VERMONT VOTERS FAIL TO ELECT GOVERNOR returns indicate there is no choice and it will be duty of legislature to select chief executive burlington vt it appears from tho latest returns that the people of vermont failed to elect a governor on tuesday returns received from more than half the state give the democratic and progressive candidates together about more votes than the republican cadI canidate date received with less than 1000 votes each for there is n reain onno noet et the prohibition and socialist can candidates di there is no that the remaining towns will change chang 0 tah ratio and as a majority is required to elect it will be tile the duty of the legislature to elect a governor there is no doubt about tho the complexion of the legislature and allen alien IAL fletcher of cavendish the he republican candidate will bo be chosen when the legislature meets the first wednesday in october the entrance into the field of tho the new party with a candidate for governor is responsible for the failure of the republican nominee to receive a majority as the progressive candidates vote was almost entirely drawn from the republican ranks |