Show MOVE STARTS TO MARK historical SPOTS SPOT IN UTAH placing of suitable records at points ot of historical significance has haa been made the major objective ot of the utah pioneer trails and landmarks association so the marking of historical spots in utah after careful study la Is held by the association as a moans means ot of better perpetuating the pioneering triumphs which have resulted in the utah of today it the association project la Is success ful as aa tho the present indicate utah residents resident will receive tho the benefits ot of historical data concerning pioneering as well as tho the pleasure ot at viewing the exact places at nt at which events cratil fired which were ot at significance in the development of the state the thousands of tourists who flock to utah annually because of 0 the states history will enjoy the privilege ot of viewing the exact places where incidents occurred which ring down in western history loaders leaders in tho the movement comment on the educational possibilities for scholars acho lara in having accurate information nt at first hand band and point out that students will bo be enabled to visit the exact places so described in the western histories this la Is the place Drig harn young president ot of the li D 8 church viewed nn an arid expanse from the brow of a hill overlooking salt lake valley uttered those four our words and commanded drive tin on the church leader made history in those remarks in tact fact those words that caused the pioneers to enter salt lake laka val v alley in the latter part ot of july 1817 1847 marked an epochal occasion for the entire west they resulted undoubtedly in the establishment ot of salt lake to young and his bla band ot of pioneers plo neora utah owes a debt ot of gratitude the association holds which can bo be paid at least in part by Ault suitably ably marking the places where history was waa made hence it la is proposed to more corb suitably mark the place whore where brigham young said this la Is the place drive ou on prior to and after the arrival of 0 the pioneer band events transpired that tended toward state development major events all are to be recognized under tho the plan ot of the tha association the task la Is not an easy one tor for at many turns the members encounter ca contradictory n trad loory data A committee has been to ascertain it possible the exact place in salt bait lake valley where the tha initial irrigation project was put under underway derway way there la Is contradictory evidence concerning this pro probably babli one ot of the most important historical events in tho the entire west nn an event hat ahat marked tho the commencement of the reclamation ot at the west sonic somo say any that waters of city crook creek wore were spilled on tho the soil at south templo temple street others argue that the initial initia project was started at broadway a and lid state streets and others point gut that the first water was turned over the banks of at the creek at the c city ity and anci county build building ing site the places mentioned of course were not charted char tec at tho the time almo but old residents at 0 salt lake and historians submit the data which has bee been found so BO contra dic victory tory somo some matters concerning state history aluch the association hobos to settle dettla permanently by the placing of markers with inscribed tablets are hore here 1 discussed where was the old deseret store tho the store merchandising chern owned owned by the church was located a at the northeast corner ot of main and south temple streets a site now occupied by the hotel utah the store was used up to the late eighties parl of it was waa used until tho the early part at ol 01 the twentieth century as tho the presiding bishops office whilo while the store was in we use it also was used as a collection place tor for tithes most adults remember the tha old social hall opened in 1853 atthe at the state street entrance to what now la is motor mator avenue it was established by brigham young as a recreation center heras another the nearest pony express station to salt lako still standing Is located at mountain dell parleys canyon jhb then there was the old salt taice lake theatre thearo erected march 6 1862 and torn down in 1929 these are a few places of historical note that tho the association hopes to permanently mark then theres echo rock at the mouth of echo canyon which marks the place whore where the pioneers turned oft off into weber can caay onen route to salt lake rather father escalante and his party reached their most northerly point 11 in utah county september 24 and 25 1776 1770 encamping on the or provo river about where prave city now lit Is located A marker there Is considered james Wor workman liman and samuel spen lost trappers were probably tho the first english speaking men li in utah drifting down the present colorado Coloia ilo river irever in the early summer of 1809 they joined a spanish trading caravan en route from santa F fo 0 to loa as angeles at the moab crossing ot of the river alvor this la Is tho the earliest earl teat definite knowledge of 0 the old spanish trail A marker maiker will probably bo be erected either cither at moab or at the state highway bridge in recognition ot of this many other historical characters who featured in utah history undoubtedly will be similarly remain the salt desert trails south of great salt lake traveled in succession by fremont in 1815 hastings clyman bryant young harlan and the donner parties in 1846 and others in 1849 are considered fur for marking 4 markers are also contemplated at points along the old mormon formon If trail and overland stage ango and pony I 1 I 1 i autes outes here aro are just a few more ot at ilia hla value provo origin of soil soi hern utah dixie colonists rayson payson a campsite ani an I most souther ca settlement salt crook creek Nop hl ht campsite sevier bridge dam campsite and historical crossing scipio campsite and scene of in llan dian boitt les holden olden II diver divergence gance of 0 tho the escalante trail rail villmore encampment and first state capitol kanosh named after an indian chief who was friendly to settlers cove fort encampment beaver lead mines fort cameron an encampment Parag onali nab junction ot at old spanish trail parowan carowan Pa rowan first southern utah st at tIon icat cedar city old fort iron works st george settlement and brigham youngs winter home there are numerous other too mi numerous to mention nt at this time while the association does not intond intend to erect a marker at fort bridger the old fort holds considerably more importance in tho the utah pioneering history than Is generally understood der stood association members claim that the tha L D 8 church bought tho the bort fort from james bridger Dri deer picturesque w western ostern trapper and scout in 1853 for a price said to be they have a picture of a section of the th fort showing a rock wall which they say any was erected to th the mormon on pioneers when the fort was owned by the church tor for additional protection from the indians it Is cont contended that the tort fort was purchased for the use as aa a 0 supply baso base for or pioneers traveling to salt lake the church the story goes owned the tort fort tor for about five years it then was located in green river county utah now green river alver county wyoming it will be marked by the Wyon wyoming historical tAnd landmarks marks association the markers the association plan to erect will explain the reason tor for erection when tho the event event occurred and will curry carry the names of those con can corned with the happening george albert smith Is president of the association and john D giles executive secretary tary tho executive committee la is as aa follows mr smi smith t h julian it Bain bamberger borger amy lym lyman an drown brown albert P philips n D H chris tenson mrs afro fred davidson dr ak WL W AL mrs AV S U ff and dr george W middleton committee chairman are clifford K 1 young membership J cecil all ali tw ter history D 11 II christenson education n B H roberts robert a legislation mrs air s B M 0 howard monuments and markers and george Q morris fl 1 nance salt lake tribune |