Show intermountain mountain Inte news briefly told for busy readers CLAIM HOUSE MEAT SALIS SALE BOWLING TILT loome looma CATTLE P 11 POTATOES GO CO TO COAST ROAD kotc laithe ITEM alro ID IDAA t t local cit izen has been arrested arre charged with selling horse meat to restaurants and also possess possession on 0 of rum IDAHO VAILS FALLS IDA cities of 0 southern idaho and of utah will compete tit in a tournament tor for bowling honors salt luke lake ogden idaho pulls falls hos bose cwon falls salmon st anthony and pocatello 1 ciaio avo arranged to enter teams la in I 1 tho he meet UT lk A total ot of 1330 1350 cattle lit in this district hav have 0 been vaccinated vaccina ted against undulant fever and se biven v on fever cases treated tren ted d nil fill reco v er ing by tile lio extension service and conaty UT many mally potato growers of lit utah county have found A n lu in california for their crop of russett potatoes OGDEN UT the forest highways app approved royed from tile the regular forest highway appropriation und from tile the unemployment forest highway funds for this year are arc wyo wye ming illback canyon ITT T teton pass flass MOW 1 i wind llover logan garden city alpine scenic highway heher sevier covo cove F fort ort 10 bryce canyon Blau dlug natural bridges JUNCTION N UT rodent control work conducted in this section in twelve has resulted in 2420 2 countis of poisoned outs oata and wheat being distributed la in sparrow and other pest campaigns campaign recently VI UTA UT A total or oc individual permits havo have bee been approved for the grazing of head of cattle aud and sheep on the nebo division of the uintah national forest tor for the ensuing year lla IDA the roads of southern idaho have been kept open and maintained in better condition than front from any previous beu lit sons bons because of a light fall of snow tills this winter SALT CITY UT apportionment tion ment of to utah high schools has haa been announced fly by the state superintendent of public instruction st the tha amount 70 tier per cent ot of the raised by tho the two tenths of oc a mill tax lev icy led exclusively tor for high school purposes tile tho distribution this year is ls larger than for last year ear when tho the initial 70 per cent apportionment was made mada the per c capita allotti allott neut ment this ye benr ar was ivas compared w with ith last yeav year dituri ar V idar IDA yarm arm products to talling carloads were shipped from this city in february 29 21 more mora cars cara of tho the same class clasa than alian were forwarded lu in tho the saine bame month of 1030 1930 A list hat of ISO cars of potatoes were forwarded aud and this la is 28 23 cars cara in excess of the ilie shipments of ono one year ago WT MT PLEASANT UT sanpete county will have to borrow money this year to complete highway lilg liway projects now under construction according to plans of tie te county corn com A total lot f will be needed us as tho the tys share chare to completo complete the road vork V ork this ibis summer BLACKFOOT jul IDA mrs effie application to make maka tho the gold star mothers lit in 1031 has haa been approved by the quartermaster ter generals office falce mrs bible the fourth gold star 24 mother other elated to malic inake ille I 1 lie ugo from Bing gingham liam county this sea bea eon ogbon UT tt tile city health department roves revea ogden has baa peen been unusually tree free from contagious diseases disease this winter no cases of measles have abben reported and only ones ono case aase each of oc tover fever and clumps r CITY NEV the judiciary of the etala athle assembly has hall reported favorably on a bin bilk bat would permit granting of divorce to any person who has resided in the state slate tor for six weeks MANTI UT retrenchment ou on 3 of San sanpete pele county in a number of departments and public works Is proposed by representatives tives ot of the farm bureau bucaj of the county UT acreage in tile tho orein berry district will be greater in 1031 than 1030 1930 by over acres acrea growers in the district red report SIT BIT IDA A move ti Is being urged to enlist state aid to bogin begin work ou on the proposed highway cut ort from idalio idaho to san francisco TWIN iralu ALLig Ir IDA efforts to pool the bean crop of growers in in the district are aie being made with muc much prospects for success ST UT und under the direction of district agricultural inspector and the county agent two five spray rings have been organized one ona each tit lit toquerville end and II 11 und and the li fj havo have purchased haFed power spray outfits 8 SALMON IDA A fire which I 1 was accelerated by a high wind destroyed d 23 COO orth of buildings it in this alil i city heroic efforts were r required tosane many other buildings from tle flames |