Show C an t PLAY C can an st f t RES RB P E fi n child needs castoria a child Is fretful and irritable seems distressed and uncomfortable cant play cant steep sleep it is a pretty sure sign that something meso is wrong right here is where castoria fits into a childs scheme the very purpose for which it was formulated years agol A few dr drops 8 and the condition which caused the trouble is righted comfort quickly brings restful sleep nothing can take the place of castoria for children its perfectly harmless yet always effective for foi the protection of your wee one for your own peace of mind keep this old reliable preparation always on hand but dont keep it just for emerge emergencies ocies let it be an everyday every day aid its gentle action wi will I 1 ease and soothe the infant who cannot cannot sleep in more liberal doses it will hm by PM ti M AWN rd help to regulate sluggish bowels in an older child all druggists have castoria its ies genuine ne if you see chas H fletcherr fletchers Flet chers genbi signature gria t ife r and this nameplate name plate true dyes ayes are car barvies P to oseg dresses drapes or lingerie look new when re dyed with diamond dyes not no spotting or streaking a r ace of that re dyed look ajust just rich even 1 bright colors that hold amazingly y through wear and washing diamond dyes are the highest quality dyes you can buy because so rich in pure anilines ani lines what makes them so easy casy to use what been famous for 60 50 years yeam 16 15 cent packages package S a all 11 drug stores if quality I 1 ty for SO Q years yea rz if troubled with backache kidney irregularities and disturbed sleep dont take chan chances help your kidneys at the first sign of disorder use doans pills praised for 50 years endorsed by thousands of grateful users get doans deans today in A vms NA d indisposed k 2 headaches come at the most inconvenient times but theres one tiling that will always save the day if you leave some bayer aspirin you can soon be on your way the sooner you take it the less time lose the less suffer shopping frequently brings on a lierl headache dache overexertion over exertion of any kind eyestrain eye strain or just nerves 1 often Ws its the time of month regardless of the cause you want relief and cant harm you because there you get relief when yo you take is nothing harmful in it bayer A aspirin T take k prompt lyl it will relieve the pain ain at any remember this when youre stage but why wait until you tempted to try some product are miserable bayer aspirin that costs a few cents lessl AYE R ar ASP I 1 arh I 1 ak |