Show SLATS DIARY 13 BY Y ROSS friday prid ay well blisters and me and jake ake and rug pus and slimy went to alsys party tonito and et kelto a lot of the ice cream and cake and oct witch she had for re fresh mints they was sum invited i guess there oil all so and a very good time was had bad by the let mentioned tot tet Sat erday mi ma she herd hera sum berg ulers in the lie house use last nito nite and got reel mad at pa lie woodena bark an make a noise like ia 11 fearce dog to skare share the berg ulers away but pa had 1 of his bis cont contrary rry spells all eining on him sunday when we cum home frum chirch this a in ma looked at me and sed to tome me young man maa do you no what you yoli done in chirch this morning I 1 dbent but I 1 apologized tor for it and then she me tor for a wile and sho she never did tell me what I 1 done I 1 men cheked it to pa and he sed sea well yure lucky sho she so I 1 woodena bring lit dt up no more munday well my rist Is tired I 1 gess its on alca of I 1 traded my to slimy tor for his rist watch and evry buddy wanted me to show it to them enny eany ways I 1 showed it to a a lots of peaple tuesday the was was log that in the made fools ot of lots of grate men like cleo petry an fiellin troy and etc she sed sea arat lessan doer does this beech us blisters sed it tot us that we ashud all try like the dickens to bo be grate men like nero and ceesar and act elsy told sum of 0 the girls that she cud take her chelse ot of enny of the fellas in and go with who ever she pleased then jane tuk a I 1 dirty dig at her she sed yes yea I 1 esleck she cud but the truth of the matter is that she never pleased enny ot of tho the fellas it was a elesure to hear jane dig sum 1 besides me one thursday day well I 1 gess rodney ellis wont try enny more high brow stuff on are gang we ben mareing life miserable mis erble for him since we found out lie he takes a bath and barshes his teeth evry day without being ordered to I 1 apeck the next thing he arys to spring on us will te be that he be trims his bis finger nales evry few days to |