Show OLDER PEOPLE must watch bowels constantly aa we grow older the bowels become more sluggish they dont got get rid of all tho the waste some days daya they do no not t move nt at all so older people need to watch their bowels constantly only by doing this can they hope to avoid at old the many forms of sickness caused by constipation when your bowels need help remember ineil iber a doctor should know what Is best tor for them and get a bottle of dr caldwelle Cal dwells syrup pepsin from your diug drugstore store syrup pepsin is a doctors prescription for lag jag ging towels bo toels good for nil all ngoa ages no restriction of habits or diet to Is necessary while taking tailing syrup pepsin made from fresh laxative herbs pure pepsin and other valuable ingredients it la Is absolutely safe aate it will not gripe sicken or weaken you take a spoonful next time your tongue Is coated or you have a bad taste in your mouth it clears cleara up a bilious headachy dull weak gassy condition every time when you see how good it tastes and how nice it acts know why dr caldwelle Cal cald dwells ells syrup pepsin Is tho the worlds most popular laxative for every member of tiro tire family |