Show automobile HINTS HINT S kentucky has one automobile for every nine persons persona motorists who wantonly roh rob nature of f its wild lowers flowers ought to be taken into custody along with the other bandits noise under the floor board when the car Is coasting with the clutch dla die engaged may be a clue to wear in the universal joints to the reckless speeder in the under world every pedestrian Is a jay ira walker iker who takes ills his cliance chance of hav ing placed himself accidentally on the spot dont it if you are n woman driver presume that every man will give alve way to you even if he be should want to in this age lie he cannot be ex pecked to inspect the driver of each car there la Is a clew to mint Is wrong with the car in the color of the smoke that Is issues from the exhaust pipe if it Is block the meaning ts Is took too much gasoline blue or white smoke indle e entes cates an excess of oil in the lie engine an efficacious means of keeping awake while motoring Is to keep one foot ott off the floor says rime the News newsmagazine magazine the probable ex plan atlon Is that the strained post position t ton forces constant attention and wakeful ness |