Show A f noi northland ahland romance i i iw s n 31 hy by r low y robert W WS servilla S jiin t rr amica n I 1 MW I 1 NN wa CHAPTER X continued 13 crime in and sat down doo quietly the iho old man had been viry very silent of late back to in dawson there wills a alin man n whom fie do hated with tile tie hate that only death can en end but for or the pence of at his soul be strove to con call quer it ive been a 11 drinkin dr ilkIn out a u scheme said suddenly an im n coln to put ollof that lint twenty ovo rid nd ot at mine back into the ground I 1 cant can t quit this 1 1 naas you klinl 4 it t a just this ini im eoln to install a hydraulic plant on my creek claim jm m coln to a new era to la ahnin 11 what ore are you going to do well ive written out tor for piping on a monitor on an next cpr spring ing I 1 hope 1 ill have tho the plant in order the rite on the way now gullot i boino arit in I 1 the visitors were merven nod hew sou son on their way to pawson these two men had find been successful beyond their dreams they T tiey were veto prosperous they reeked of success As aa I 1 went nent on with my I 1 paid but little heed beed to their talk what muttered mattered it to tile me now this babble liati lile of dumps and dust duit of clavins and clenn clean ups I 1 was wa going to thrust lacall it ull behind roe me blot it clenn out of my iny memory begin my life anew w then all at at one once I 1 pricked up my ears they wire were talking of the town of the mon men find and women who ha were cinalt ing it famous or infamous wien when suddenly they the nam of locasto iles gone olt off mervin was saying gone coffon olt on a big bloc stampede stam tie lie got goi aretty thick with file ot of thu tio IL bcd VI indiana Ind luns nud and found they hiim z of a lorese of fl somewhere out lit there in tilt i land back tit nt Ile so hes on oil I 1 on an indian nud noil pue one full tint that huftle ente litte of Ms his aviter illi m mogan bo be away till nil 1 1 become of it tho hint girl of 11 liesl I 1 8 ainson the lie last HH DO hufi it hup living with you vou site she cai e la in on the lie bout with ith us as poor little hid I 1 alint won a good little girl lit hi fore coro lie ht kot got after ar clowson growled like n wrathful beur but melvita his 41 onalle anille ah you mean the bludon nn tie be aan why ashes sone gone on the dance bolls they continued to talk ot of other tt figa but I 1 did nut not heur hear them nui nin kiture I 1 was lit in a trance tri tine and I 1 only oah aroused when they ruse rosti to go better say bund by to thi ali sold the Iru illi gull ul lies fies going to the old country tomorrow no im I 1 ro not I 1 answered sullenly sut linly 1 im I in just rolna going ns as fur far as dawson ue stared and niu hut hilt m tit wind mind wits anade nj I 1 would feighl fight to tile iliac 0 0 0 berna on the lie dunce dance linlia worde cannot winey convey all that this athla simple labrose meant to 0 rot for two mouthe tn trinh inh I 1 lind hild been living to ID Q n dull ot 01 pain but this news new galvanized me mb into action for far although there were many irany de agrees kries ot at dance hall at the best it a brand of shame slid site hod lived with lAwa louisan louis stio tn had been us its his bis mistress that was us had bad enough but the other it to lile at thet the mercy nercy of all to he clas classed sett with the he harpies that preyed oo on the man with ath ilia he poke the ol nt the like gold flerna oh it woo uni the thought maddened me ills goodby good by jo to tile the big luban with aali uy two partners looking rue rull arter me ine 1 I struik ort off down flo lon anyn nanza 4 all I 1 thought of was cawson anti arna flerida rila I 1 wake berria marry mr mft 1 clircy arad not hIlls for what ft lint had happened r a tier I 1 might le be ill carlah slit nn out jairl tot an fn tile rest of my dayss dm a at leum least 11 save tier her ld tier her her the thought rite ie exult el il me file what dill adli it ainther it physically hf tind hall wrin pl d herl her ya was nt not tit in it ore virgin iraln anul of tier hey beyond theli ir uehl I 1 vans alii t just in time to tee see tah the e laal iasi mat bout go out nut 0 0 0 As I 1 strolled the streets I 1 saw bially fail lillar na I 1 went wen into anlo tile parisian and there wa wua bla blatheim thim hurda nod and m M vil vid h a cret iture of rapacity and sor SHIP ltd clid lust I 1 up to her and asked abruptly wheres 8 bernal hi run H she gove KV a violent sturt start there was n futility of 0 rear in tier her bold bid eyes ena llian she laughed a hard jarring jorr ln pangti f in the divoll 1 divoll she atie said now ow that the worst asad comuti puss pum and I 1 had all that ft my illy power to tn sulter suffer V ft strength ond In asler bad ume tume t tot we ca tsie the greatest evil had befallen me life could do no more to harm me I 1 had everything to anin and nothing to lose I 1 cared for no ninn I 1 despised them and to buik back me in my bitterness I 1 had awen ty tynce five thousand dollars in the bank I 1 was still weak from mm my illness and my long anush had wearied me so I 1 went into a saloon anil and called for drinks I 1 felt tile the whisky burn my luy throat I 1 tingled from head to foot with a strange pleasing warmth where wits that bluer feeling now As an I 1 drank it rill all seemed to pass away Alag musical ical change I 1 what a tool fool I 1 was what was there them to malce make such a fuss nhoun it was till all a furce force anyway what would it mailer a hundred years from now again I 1 drank how flow wonderfully strong I 1 feltl felti I 1 smashed my clenched fist against the hur my aly knuckles were bruised anil and bleeding but I 1 felt no pain I 1 ached to light some one then all at once value the thought of berna it came with suddenness with poignant force intensely it smote me as never before I 1 wits was drunk deplorably drunk and ilits I 1 hound bound for the tivoli to the right nn as I 1 entered the plan place was a titar set off with bur flirted brass beveled mirrors and jilt gilt cering varl colored pyramids of ci costly atly liquors up to tile lie bur bar men were bellying and the lie bartenders in white jaekels were mixing drinks with mas terly dexterity to tit tile the left I 1 had bod tal n view of tile gambling room a glimpse of nt green tn ables liles of spinning balls ot of mm men will shades over their eyes impassively dealing there were wheels of fortune keno tables crup out gil billits tits lits faro In layouts and above all lie dainty fascinating roulette kiery every tiling thing wits as in lull full swing in ot fit n double swing door palli ted lit in wv whito ond and gold and pushing tills for by first time I 1 found myself in a rawson 1111 iannie rive hall I 1 sitt down on a soul sent ut at I 1 ilia he very tit of tile lie ati audience olence before ISi tore rite mu weri row after row nw ot of lieada mostly rough rugged and unwashed their baves an fn were enger eager na as nt they were hero enjoying with tile the deep sut slit of men who for ninny a weary hit had been breathing the free unbranded air qt ot tile lie wild ill HIP sight might of a woman wile was thrillingly sweet kho lie sound of a sang look lna tit at ninny many of those toll grooved fieres oni one could see sea that flint there therb wits was ni airm in their hearts they opre lit inest uncouth simple they were lust like children lite children of 0 wild VIII A tittle kin girl wils singing a little winsome girl with a sweet chillon tit volve nod tin an innocent fare itow flow ter hilly out of pime she looked in that ot of sin alin site she sang a simple old suns sling full of comply pathea ann As sho she sans sang slip she looked awn tin on those furrowed hinves alid nd I 1 saw that ninny many eyes were llmann d with retire As the file lost echo died away the audi eflee rose its as one man and shower ot of ort on the ilia stage here flere wai vas that touched flient fearls stirred in them strange ment mem orles orlea ot of tenderness brought before them hall forgotten scenes of fireside tin tho curtain fell men blen were clen clearl rim ni tile floor for the dance to I 1 went downstairs pressed my way to III door doir anti and stood blood there stor staring lilic and wali iB hut but whether with wine or weakness I 1 knew not in the vociferous and flamboyant street I 1 could bear the raucous voices of the spillers spi elers the tunes ot of the orchestras orches the click of ivory balls the popping of 0 corks the hoarse animal laughter ol of men the shrill inane giggles of women and as I 1 stood there wretchedly a timid little hand band touched my arm CHAPTER XI she was changed desperately pitifully changed all the old sweetness was there that pathetic which bad made the miners call her the Mn druna but alas forever gone from her was the fragrant flower of girlhood sorrow had kindled in her gray eray eyes a spiritual luster a shining tearless brightness ali ah me sad sad oud indeed wits the change in hert her I 1 ter tips lips moved how you have chang changed edt I 1 yes berna I 1 have been ill III nut dut you you too have changed yes site sold said very slowly 1 I have been alend where there was wag no faltering in her voice never a throb of pathos it was like III the voice of one who hns has given up all a 11 hope the voice of one who has bus arisen front the grave come upstairs where we can talk bhe obey so sa we ent ant down in one 0 of the boxes while a great freezing freeli nal shallow shadow seemed to rail fall and wrap us It i round we were like two pale ghosts meeting in the misty gulfs beyond the grave crave and why did you not come she asked 1 I would have sold ray my soul to eno come I 1 was ill deszern desperately fely ill of nigh gh to death I 1 was in the hospital 1 for two weeks I 1 was delirious raving OI of you trying to get to you making myself a hundred times worse because of you hut but what rould could I 1 do I 1 was wag out nut of fit my mind weak as a child fighting for my life that was ans why I 1 did not no come when I 1 began to speak she started As I 1 went on she drew a quick choking breath then she listened ever eer so BO ill I 1 a 10 I 1 tingled from head to foot with a strange pleasing warmth intently nod and when I 1 had finished a great clintine chii clin liRo tige come over her she ithe spoke her voice was a whisper and they tied lied to tile me they told tile me you were too eager gold gettling yet r inn tn in think of aies 1110 that you were in love with some other out titre tit re I 1 that hut you cared vo red no more for me they I 1 tied lied to mo me well its tot too lute late now iuis she and the once voice wits was harsh find gritt gintling ilig SUII stil I 1 i ere tier her eyes blank with misery I 1 longer to comfort her to als thal ahn race love at so title und anti worn anti to bring fears to those hopeless hii ils yes eyes chere seemed to its grow in jiju in a irr vitter gistinger for tile the girl than ever befi tre ti hiti to bring jv JOY to tier again in make her forret forget What did it oil all mal terl she was still my love I 1 yearned for tier we both hrc suffered auff ered b bah th been through tile lie fu furnee ailace surely from it would come the love that poss etli understanding berna I 1 said euld ill 1 is a not too lore late we have until both been miserably duped never mind berna berlin we will forget nil all I 1 love you let us as target forget and go away and be happy floppy it seemed as it if my every word was tike 11 ke a stab to her the sweet face was tragically wretched ob inc iio she answered it can never bo be you think it can but it cant you could not forget I 1 could not forget we would both be thinking always always torturing each other our Ou home rhoma would be a haunted one a place of ghosts never again can there abera be joy between you and me its ita too late too total later site she was choking back the sobs now but still ft I 1 the tears fears did not come derna berna I 1 said eald gently 1 I 1 think I 1 could furget forget please give rue roe a chance to prove it I 1 know it wua was not cot your fault I 1 know that spiritually you are the same pure girl you were before no I 1 was wag not to blame when you failed to coma came I 1 grew desperate when I 1 wrote you and still you failed to come I 1 was almost distracted night and day helas he was persecuting me the others gave me no peace if ever a poor floor girl was hounded bounded to dishonor I 1 was yet I 1 had made up my mind to die rather than yield oh ch its ita too horrible never mind dear dont tell me about it when I 1 awoke to life sick sick tor for all many any da days ys I 1 wanted t to 0 die but I 1 could not I 1 was so weak so so indifferent to everything that it did not seem to matter that was where I 1 mure my mistake I 1 should have killed myself oh theres something in us all that makes us cling to life in spite of shame I 1 but I 1 would never let him come near roe me ngat and though when he went away vve ive gone into tills this lite life theres never been anyone else ive danced with them laughed with them but all you believe MO me yes yea dear thank god for chilt I 1 and now we must say goodby good by I 1 would not spoil split your life you know how proud I 1 apt am liow how sensitive I 1 would not give you ym such auch us its L I 1 once I 1 would have given myself to you gladly hut but now please go away leave me ine please leave you to what to death euln 1 dont donl know what if f im strong enough I 1 will ile die if I 1 am I 1 will sink in tin file mire herna illeana will you marry me nol no I 1 N nol nol narna 1111 erna I 1 will never leave you here I 1 tell you frankly plainly I 1 dont know whether or not you still love UK ine you suld a word to to show it but I 1 know I 1 love you oil and I 1 will love ione you ym as long ions ns life last inath S 1 I will never leave lease you kislen to inci inc leur lot let its iii go away fur fur far riwu you will forget I 1 will forget corne erne with me 0 my lovel love I 1 I 1 lit in ve pity on tile HIP beann have pity fifty marry tile me ile he my wife site she merely shook her head sitting there cold coid its as a then I 1 said if you jou vall call dishonored 1 too become we will C go down tn gether you anti anil I 1 0 oh it I 1 wo would uld rather sink with you yon fear dear than rise with wilh the angels you lia have ve chosen well L I 1 too have chosen you will see me steep myself in shame then whan I 1 am a hundred shades blacker thai you fan can ever hope to be my angel you will stoop tin ami 1 pity me well go down together dear hand in hand belleard holl bell ward well go down domm well go down she was looking at me in a frightened way A mildness madness seemed to anve bri velgot got ten into me Iler Iller nn nii youre youie on the dance hulls halls youre at the mercy of the vilest arf wretch tet got ot tin nn ounce of gold in ills his filthy poke they can buy you HS s they hey buy white while flesh everywhere on earth berlin I 1 can buy you fume clime dunce with me file drink with me ine well live live well ent drink and he be Il merry lerry on with the dunce I 1 oln fur fill the joy of life since not be my love be my light of love aonie time fler herna nit cornel comel I 1 paused with head bend lying on no the cushioned edge of the hoi box she wu wit crying will you corner I 1 asked again she klie did nut not move naive kimn said 1 1 there tire fre others wid I 1 have money lots of it I 1 can liny buy them hem I 1 am going down into the vortex look on tind and watch trie me I 1 left her crying blime filli it Is asinine I 1 write arlt the following dw would I 1 could not blot thein tout out or of my lily it life re to ro tills this day there ww he be ninny many who my lily met corle career in the 1 ot I fust life it did 1141 ajit lust long lint in less ieng than a I 1 managed run ringed to in dbr a small fortune 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