Show q baseball talent very difficult to determine 1 judging baseball I 1 talent alent la Is difficult no manager ahna ever shown perfect judgment managers lann gera tire lucky it if they ore are correct corri iut more mora than one balf tile the time me they ghessi john joseph mcaraw the in with record ever made in the major leagues te amies hns hits been wrong on numerous occasions ilia is akes have cost him a fortuno fortune for tie lie frequently lind had to buy boy back at a high figure a player whom tie lie had practically given away to ton a rival club winter before enst Is t mcaraw traded it rogers hornsby to boston and bur bui ielah orioles to pittsburgh hornsby in ia the uniform of the braves led tile the rational national league la in batting and grimes arl roes la in tho the uniform of the pirates won 25 games last season neason |