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Show BIHHDVAEE ROAD DISCUSSED Enthusiastic Meeting Upon This Subject Sub-ject By the Local Commercial Club Good Speeches nu Much Enthusiasm. Enthus-iasm. An enthusiastic tteting was held In the rooms of the Bingham Commercial Club last Friday evening for the purpose pur-pose of formulating plans for a campaign cam-paign calling for the construction of a concrete highway connecting this city with the present paved highway terminating ter-minating at Midvale. The meeting was not attended by as large a crowd as would otherwise have been present were It not for the fact of two or time other functions of a public nature wnicn were caunu ior the same evening. Those present, however, were extremely enthusiastic upon the subject at laBiie and unanimously unanim-ously pledged themselves to its support. sup-port. The meeting -was opened by Mayor Kelly, who stated the object of the gathering and introduced Mr. Wm. F. Long of Salt Lake City. Mr. I-ong gave a most logical and masterful address ad-dress upon the subject of permanent roads, stating facts and figuies 83 to both cost and maintenance. He also called attention to the rapid Increase of heavy traffic and the necessity of building roads of such a nature as wovld come up to both present and future requirement. He quoted many 'government statistics and calkd attention at-tention to the great factor that the modern rower truck was proving as a source of relief to the over-burdened railroads. (Mr. Long proved a thorough master of his subject and was listened to with marked attention by those present. At the close of his address he exhibited a number of stereoptlcan pictures of the latest and most approved ap-proved types of concrete roads in Utah and D.-actically every other state In the union. i Mr. Wm M. Wilson was then Introduced Intro-duced by Mayor Kelly. Mr. Wilson referred re-ferred to the wonderful mining interests inter-ests of Bingham and how essential they were prbving towards the win- ning of the war. lie showed the possibilities pos-sibilities of IBingham from the stand-1 point of the tourist and declared that a road such as was being discussed, I would be the means of bringing to the city thousands of automobilists who would be anxious to see the wonder of the greatest copper camp In the world. "I know it Is your Intention to some day have a road of this nature," said Mr. Wilson, "but hell is paved with good intentions, nnd good intentions alone do not accomplish much in the paving line on this mundane sphere. The only way to get what you want Is to get busy now and go out after It. If the people of Bintrham will Just put the 'pep,' push and the gli-ger into their efforts to secure this road as they do into other personal and civic matters, there Is' no doubt in my mind as to thtlr final success." Mr Wilson also gave some interesting fats and figures regarding the development de-velopment of t!:e motor truck and the relationship of that vehicle to modern business. A committee of three was appointed to draw up resolutions to be presented to the proper authorities, and the meeting adjourned with the feeling prevalent that a good start had been j made in a good ana most worthy 1 1 cause. |