Show i v J y iii Three hundred students are enrolled at the Atlanta University Georgia No 5 of The Student Record University University University sity of Nevada shows an earnest poetical poetical cal effort on Thanksgiving Day A. A D. D 1863 1803 t It is the policy of our exchange editor editor editor edi edi- tor to scan closely the contents of our college papers in securing material for his column We recommend the method to our friends Some exchange columns are simply conglomerations of the exchange exchange ex ex- change notes in other publications hash and re i i The Students Student's Soliloquy in No I ii I of Silver arid and Gold University of of Colorado shows tact and a marked sense of humor The first few lines will show what it is like It begins as follows To play or not to play that is the question q question ques ques- estion es- es tion Shall dads dad's solicitations well backed up up With promises to up my monthly pile Induce me to foreswear the gory fray fray fray- X i The Red and Black of University of of bold head head- Georgia is is' noticeable for its lines |