Show AT CHRISTMAS TIME at Christmas that our hearts are opened And all old feuds cast away And love and peace from earth and mid heaven Join hands this h on holy ly day now that we pause and remember once more The friends of long ago And perhaps a tear will glimmer glimmer and and fall fall Just because we loved them so 1 at Christmas time that our h hearts arts expand expand expand ex ex- And love like a shadow creeps in And we hear him saying his soft little way N Now ow everyone is your kin Dont Don't pass your friend with a cold little nod But pause pause with the seasons season's greeting him a hearty hand shake hand shake now Dont Don't wait til the next time you meet him A A. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To all who read this poem And take this advice it is kindly sent When you meet a friend please know him Billy f 1 i t 1 t W i-W i r i I r- r nna tJ n nl l y 1 J tt-iv tt f A jolly girlA girl y iJ f A pr pretty tty dress it t A A. A quiet little corner j l' l A smile 1 e a 1 kiss f H You T t think un its it's s bl bliss H rJ j Because you seem to own owner er Ii Out in the room j Of light and bloom The heavenly music playing You see another lead her out And in 1 your heart youre you're sighing You thought you knew knew knew- But its it's not true She was just only playing |