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Show NEWS FROM NEWCASTLE by Norma Christensen Mrs. Anne Meade and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McHenry, all of San Diego, California, have been in town for the past week, staying at the Meade summer home here. This is Mm. Meade's first trip here since her husband passed away. Mrs. Mary Tullis and family of St. George, were week end visitors vis-itors in town. They were getting their home ready to move into after school is out. Mrs. Arthella Taylor of Fillmore Fill-more was a weekend visitor at the home of her daughter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. George Beacham. Mr and Mrs. Sam Evans and family visited i;i Hatch Saturday with friends and relatives. Their son Gary has Joined the National Guard and was on duty with the Guard Sunday. Miss Elaine Forsyth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Forsyth of Cedar City, visited overnight as a guest of Janice Christensen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Christensen. Mrs. Harriet Jones has returned re-turned to her home but will be confined to her bed for about two more weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hulet have returned to their home for the summer months. They spent the winter in St. George wroking in the Temple. Mrs. Iva Harrison and Mrs. Viv. ian Knell attended the state convention con-vention for the Business and Professional Pro-fessional Women's Club in Moab, Utah, over the weekend. The Escalante Valley School held their spring festival Friday night in the Valley Recreation Hall. Each of the school classes presented a number under the direction of their teacher. The PTA presented a quilt to Mr. and Mrs. George Jolley as this is their last year at the Beryl school. The quilt blocks were made by the mothers of each of the children chil-dren attending the school and each block had the children's names embroidered on it. The chariman of the quilt committee was Mrs. Kathcrine Christensen, with Mrs. Eva Johnson, Mrs. Bea Piatt, and Mrs. Ramona Hulet as committee members. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Denney of Las Vegas, Nevada, have bought a lot in town across the street from the Albert Harrison home, and have moved their trailer onto it. Mr. Denny is still employed in Las Vegas and they will be here mostly on week ends. The Uvada Stake Aaronic Priesthood Awards banquet was held Saturday night In the Enter-prise Enter-prise ward hall. Every one of the boys of the New Castle ward received an award and a Duty To God Award was presented to Kirk Evans, me other boys receiving awards were Dan Tullis, Steve Evans, Billy Hart, Eddie Gardner, Greg Evans, Charles Woolsey. Mr. and Mrs. Roger (Lydla) Morton and family of Summit, and Roger's mother, Mrs. Ester Morton of Downey, California, were visitors last week at the Albert Al-bert Harrison home. Seminary graduation will be held Thursday night in Cedar City. Graduates from New Castle are Beverly Christensen, a 4th year student, and 3rd year students, stu-dents, Linda Christensen, Gloria Jolley, Connie Johnson, Kirk Evans, and Steve Evans. Congratulations!, Con-gratulations!, to you students. |