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Show Enoch and Midvalley Royce Chamberlain of Order-ville Order-ville visited with relatives and friends here Monday and Tuesday. Tues-day. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Anderson Ander-son and family, and Mrs. Farrell Murie and family of Bountiful visited with relatives here for three days during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jones visited visit-ed here last week, having come to attend the funeral services for their nephew, Bruce Jones, 15-month 15-month old son of Mr. and Mrs. LaVon Jones. The High Priests of the ward and their partners are planning a turkey supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armstrong on Dec. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Halter-man Halter-man are home after spending two weeks in Salt Lake City with their son Glen, who is receiving re-ceiving treatment at the veterans veter-ans hospital. He is reported to be slightly improved at the present pres-ent time. The Enoch ward Relief Society Socie-ty will hold a bake sale Friday, Dec. 21, in the Southern Utah Power company lobby in Cedar City. Featured in the sale will be homemade candy, and all types of pastry. |