Show r Iii Iii- Try our ACADEMY SHOE for Men Price 1 Try our WELLESLY SHOE for Ladies Ladles Price i e. e UNEQUALLED FOR VALUE SPENCER LYNCH CO Leaders in Footwear l. l oft MAIN STREET u GEORGE MULLETT CO l t lt C s C oz SC Ta- Ta H TS GAPS 7 ND FURNISHING BURNISHING GOODS AGENTS DUNLAP HATS FINE SHOES COMMERCIAL BLOCK SALT LA LAKE ICE CITY UTAH a THE ANY L- L iP FOR IE DANCING ETIQUETTE AND DEPORTMENT T e Special Classes will be formed The number of pupils in each class not to exceed sixteen This course consists of the following Waltz Polka Schottische Lancers Plain Quadrille Quadrilles s and General Ball Room Etiquette We guarantee any person taking this course to dance dance the 1 above dances well weli Twelve lessons constituting a course Our Teachers have taken a special course of instruction under Prof Mahler of St. St Louis and are aie prepared to teach all the Fancy Dances as well as a Thorough Ball Room Course Most l of the working members of the firm of BARTON BAETON CO CLOTHIERS having spent the greater part of their school life within the loved and honored walls of the University no wonder that the later pupils of that institution have ever made the BARTON BAETON CO house their headquarters for everything they need in inthe inthe the clothing and furnishing goods line We Ve shall ever feel in the future as we j have bave in the p pest past st a great pleasure in meeting and trying to please the present students students students stu stu- dents of this our mother institution Call and see us BART BARTON ON c CO Z 45 47 S. S I IN ST ST. M. M R. R EVANS 22 24 W. W Second South St. St Salt Lake hake City Utah w i E E. E M. M N l GO 60 Mens Men's Youths' Youths and Childrens Children's L CL C LOT H I N G j f Gents Gent's Furnishings Hats Etc 39 Main Street M Salt Lake hake City Utah i |