Show OUR next issue wily will contain an announcement an announcement an- an t of prizes offered by the CHRONICLE for productions designed for its columns The prizes offered will probably be as follow For the best short story subject writers writer's choice first prize 1000 second prize For the best short poem first prize second prize For the best essay on philosophical subject first prize second prize For the Lest best scientific essay subject Industrial Possibilities of Great Salt Lake first prize 1000 second prize For the best essay on the subject Irrigation of Arid Lands first prize 1000 second prize In view of the great immediate importance importance im im- of the two mentioned last-mentioned topics it is the design of the CHRONICLE CHRONI CHRONI- I CLE if possible to have the essays illus illus- They will be n novel vel features for a college paper but why should students not interest themselves in these practical affairs especially when they are directly in line with their work The University of Utah is an institution which is supported by the peoples people's money and it is no more than reasonable to suppose that they will desire to see wherein they are repaid for their outlay We of course recognize recognize recognize nize that the greatest and most permanent permanent permanent perma perma- nent benefits derived from education are not those which admit of specification but there are also benefits which can be specified and there are also those who regard the latter class as the highest benefits And who can say that such opinions are arb not well grounded At any rate there is an opportunity for students to do their part towards showing showing showing show show- ing even more clearly that the University University University sity merits the su support of the people of Utah Let the students do their work well and do well all that they have the opportunity of doing and all else will follow in its turn In offering these prizes the CHRONICLE aims to furnish one means by which enterprising students may show what they are doing doing doing do do- ing and sincerely desires that they will take ad advantage van tage of it |