Show Notes of our Special Reporter t At 1030 a. a am a.m. m. m Saturday the County Teachers' Teachers Institute convened in Room m 15 of the University building The program was as follows A short talk on drawing as connected connected connected con con- with the representation of certain certain certain tain physical features in geography by Miss Caroline Smith a former student of the University j v. v Mr of Bingham then thep spoke on the subject of II Physiology and How to Teach it using drawings and sections as The subject though technically presented was remarkable for the depth and definiteness of the ideas and the clearness with which he pointed out existing relations Mr Quay a musical instructor employed in iii several of the county schools kindly volunteered to aid in in making the institute meetings more attractive by conducting a short exercise exercise exercise exer exer- cise in in singing Superintendent Allen then spoke at about teachers' teachers examina- examina 4 some length examina 4 The examining board has r adopted the rule of grading questions according to the certificate For a 3 third grade certificate the minimum per perT perI I- I T cent is is 60 with a required d average of 3 second grade minimum 75 per perI I cent with an average of 80 p per r cent first grade minimum 85 per cent average 90 per The teachers heartily endorsed the new department |